Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 12 December 2017


Admins wanted on Dyspraxia, Disability, Problems, Friendship.

If you have a fair amount of time on your hands and would like to and can communicate with members with dyspraxia, other disabilities, and other problems who may want to make friends with one another or and have a partner as long as they respect how others feel as well.

However' if you have got any knowledge and experience in the field of dyspraxia, disabilities and other problems, any amount will be most helpful to us, thank you.

 You don't need to have disabilities and other problems yourself and you don't need to have experience in being the lives of disabilities, we can provide training for that if you wish to be working in that field.

It's not a job, business, company or and etc. When it comes to time, mainly the fact it is a facebook group there is no timescale when you are on and off the group feel free to choose your times for that as long as you are on at some point even if it's for a short time. Not necessary on this group but through my groups, I have had some people ask to be Admin then they don't take part in the role and some have even made themselves member or even left without telling us. All we expect is for you to let us know when you are going to be on and off the group. You don't to tell us why or how long just as long as you let us know when you are back, mainly if you are off the group a long amount of time and also if you decide to finish as Admin or and if you're leaving facebook please let us know, thank you.

You may have different members asking you to pm but members must ask you first, you are not forced to accept their pm or pm them so if you're not happy with members pming you or a member pming, please ask other Admins on the group who may be okay to do so, if no one is I will.

 We will not accept any abusive or and etc towards our Admins from members or from anyone to anyone so please feel free at any time to remove and block someone from groups you feel upset.

 For members, it's a friendship group for people with dyspraxia, disabilities and or other problems, where people with dyspraxia disabilities and others problems hopefully can make friends and or even have a partner if they wish to as long as those who they respect one another. For example; no member should force another to have a relationship with them if they don't want to. 

They are free to choose to whether to just chat with other members of the group, pm one another or and all make friends or have a partner they please. They don't need to be single to join the group, it's not a dating group, we don't force or match make people together.

This could be your Admin role. 

 We also safety guard meaning if anyone faces problems with anyone they can report it to us, we will block and remove the person from the group and even report them to Facebook, if the member wants that or if we feel there's a need to do so in which case we will tell them why as long as they give us proof, which could be in the group or their pm. If anyone on the team of this group doesn't know how to report to Facebook, I myself manage other groups and I have Admins on those who may be able to do so, if not we may be able to message admins of other groups to report the person for us as long as you can give us as much proof as possible of what has happened.

 They have no need to force someone to get involved with them, which we don't agree with anyway but we can look online if they ask for information or and websites say on friendship or and dating. 
We also can ofter to find websites for trips, days out, holidays, etc but we don't fill their details, if they need support they will have to ask for a face to face support, we cannot put ourselves at risk in case anything happens to their personal information as details and even their money. Also, we look for information and websites if they ask if they feel they need any counseling for such things as mental health issues, emotional support or and etc. Although we don't allow sexual post and etc on the group if they ask for any information or and websites such as sexual health, sexual protection as advice such as a condom for eg that will be okay. If you don't feel safe with any member at any time please feel free to take them from the group, off your profile, block their messages or and etc. 

It would be most helpful to us if you do have access and know how to post videos, pictures or and etc from your IT device, which is an everyday chat for eg; hobbies, interests, arts, crafts, careers ; music, film etc from youtube and all topic as long as it safe and there is nothing nasty about like abuse, swearing or and etc.

What we post is such things as Dyspraxia and Disability awareness video, reports on what people with disabilities and etc face in their lives.

When it comes to time, mainly the fact it is a facebook group there is no timescale when you are on and off the group feel free to choose your times for that as long as you are on at some point even if it's for a short time. Not necessary on this group but through my groups, I have had some people ask to be Admin then they don't take part in the role and some have even made themselves member or even left without telling us. All we expect is for you to let us know when you are going to be on and off the group. You don't to tell us why or how long just as long as you let us know when you are back, mainly if you are off the group a long amount of time and also if you decide to finish as Admin or and you're leaving facebook please let us know, thank you.

Also, we allow you to join the group and even be Admin on 2 profiles but no more because it can get very confusing.

We ofter all different topics on the group but Admins are not excepted to know everything so we work it as what 1 Admin doesn't know, the other 1 does but if no one knows then we search for help else were.
If you are interested in being Admin for us please pm myself Head Admin Sara Jane Gorman or and Head Admin and the creator of the group James Lakeman, we are sorry for if any slow replies as James works but he's mostly on and off in the evenings and I'm on pretty much all day and all evening but if I have to go out, I will reply to you as soon as I can, please be patience with us thank you. 

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