Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Negative to positive

 No one knows no one other than us.

No one knows us other than ourselves, and no one knows how we feel and think, etc, other than ourselves, unless we say, if we do, doesn’t mean we are lying, we may not always let how we feel and think really in fear of reaction from the world but some things what we say is really going on.

Our minds are not a lie, no one enjoys being a burden to others, even though we would be grateful for others’ help and the many ways we all think, feel, etc about one another as a world and society.

Not everything is said by everyone, don’t amuse secrets are kept just most things are hard to be said.

However,’ we are all different human beings, there is no perfect world, nothing would be going on if we were all the same and if we could all read one another’s minds.

            No one knows you other than you: no one knows me other than me. 6.12. 2022

Monday, 5 December 2022

Support Mental health, mental illness and sundial prevention part 2

 A lot of negative thinking, feelings, etc are caused by emotional situations, mental illness, or just feeling, or thinking very negatively a lot. Either or all which it shouldn't be judged. Life can't be either all positive or negative all the while, it is a bit of both but if life goes through stages it is mostly negative, it can be concerning. 

The help and support offered is a theory, counseling, emotional support, etc, which is up to the person they go for one, two, or all, or neither for example. Whicher way, you have given something to bear in mind they may go for in the future, not at all if not now. Even though is common sense that tries to encourage as much positivity as possible anyway, mainly as the person has had mostly a very negative time but it may work for some, not for others. It can be hard for us to understand why people don't go for it when you say it when your intentions are trying to help them improve their lives not make them worse. It is their choice and just because they may not consider it now, doesn't mean they won't in the future.

 They just may not be ready yet, there are other situations I guess but the most common one is relationship fallouts, break ups for example. Where they may be with a partner is lying, cheating, etc but all the same, they are crazy about the person, why is hard to understand why, but you never will because you are not in their situation. Mind you, it may not be always the case but in some situations, at least for me when I was with my ex no one could tell me anything, now because I am not in the mind anymore, I wonder why I was there in the first place. At the time I felt everything now I feel nothing like him now. It is not your right to them leave the person, that is something for them to decide to do, when if they do. Anyone that is in a similar situation, I understand it would be hard for them to think otherwise I was there myself once. 

This doesn't work for everything but it may have worked for other people and it has for me. Being a counselor, emotional, etc you suggest things to help the person to move forward, don't do all the work for them, help them get help from elsewhere, helping themselves, they may find their own help, etc. The first time counseling was suggested to me I didn't go for it because then counseling was pretty much a new thing. No way was I going to tell a stranger my problems, no way was having someone think I was crazy and I felt scared to go for it at first. I think say six months into my mental health break down I decided to give it a go and am glad I did. Not sure how I managed because in a lot of ways I was very emotional, and couldn't stand being lonely but I wasn't up to being social either, my mind very restless at that point. 

Some I struggled through though in the workplace but got through college, which I say not sure how. I think to be honest it got to the point I needed to do something from not feeling up to anything. As each day started I never thought I was going to get through to the end, which is why I say never say to someone if you were going to end your life, you would have without saying anything. Okay yes, I am still here I live to tell the tale as they say but no it is not a tale it is completely true. Never make people wish that they didn't say anything either cause I had a number of people saying when I faced my breakdown saying if you were going to end your life you have done it quietly if I am honest that didn't make things easy but for one for me, not leaving my family, friends,, etc with unanswered questions.  I knew I had friends, family, etc even though the way I was with people, my state of mind, etc, it's hard to think so, not that I am saying that suicide is selfish either, of course, it is a complete heart for family, friends, etc, I have lost a half brother and sister with it, who I have never seen but most things in life handy surprising how I people feel and think as they do. I am not going to lie I have attempted suicide twice when I was 20 I took an overdose of medication I was taking at the time for Epilepsy. The second time two old friends stopped me when I was facing my mental breakdown from stabbing myself with a fork in a cafe in town when I was 27.

Anyway, the first time I faced counseling was in college, back then it really was basic listening, Paul was a great counselor all the same. I can't remember any CBT at that point but it doesn't mean there wasn't, my state of mind at that stage was elsewhere but I discovered poetry in college by mistake really. Just browsing through the books in the college library, I was never much of a reader before, still not really but I picked a John Keats' poetry book not excepting to understand but it completely inspired me, one of his words inspired me to write a million of mine, he had faced emotional stress in his time as I did in a mine in naturally different ways and not looked back since with my poetry, even though I have had no real luck with publishing least not yet part from those of  1 published in each of 11 books but I have loads on this website which most is based on what caused my break down to a point a counselor I saw a number of years later had said to what I said about my ex, I faced mental abuse. Don't me wrong not all my poems are about that relationship, I have written about other topics too but you will see when I started where feelings were very strong towards him to not feeling anything at all, which shows mental abuse can cause a person to take longer than others to come to terms with a situation. Mental abuse is not just caused by bad relationships other people know which is not necessary for everyone they know. 


Sunday, 27 November 2022

Most common mental illnesses.

 Anxiety is a feeling of worry, fear, panic tension,  stress, and nervousness which all feel from time to time but for those of us who face it a lot it can be a huge concern. As I said before stress is the biggest risk killer of all but don’t get me wrong that does not mean everyone who lives with Anxiety dies too soon but there are risks. Anxiety causes people to be more sensitive to situations than other people, even things that seem brief to other people such as exams, diving lessons, driving tests, money bills, friendships, family, a relationship falling–out, break ups, and even deaths, etc. Even the built-up of possible situations, achieving a course, working towards an exam, job interview, waiting for results of something, have I got the job, have I passed my exam, blood test at the doctor, etc? We may overthink or overreact without meaning to, read too much into things, etc. Anxiety and panic attacks - The mind's most common type of Anxiety is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd-and-complex-ptsd/ where the mind struggles to live with a negative event that has happened in a person’s life not just necessary they have faced themselves but what they have seen or and heard even others go through. 

Types of Anxiety  Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is when the person worries a lothttps://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anxiety-and-panic-attacks/symptoms/

Social anxiety is more fear of struggling with social situations and being around a lot of people.https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/phobias/types-of-phobia/#WhatIsSocialPhobia

Panic attacks are a sense of fear, which can happen without a warning.https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anxiety-and-panic-attacks/panic-attacks/

Phobias – fear of snakes, spiders, etc for example. Even fears of unexcepted sounds like a dog barking etc. Even heights afraid of falling etc. Phobias –What are anxiety disorders? - Mind

Trauma can cause a person harm physically or and mentally, for example, a fall, accident, damage abuse, rape, bullying, hate crime, or even bad news, etc. What is trauma? - Mind

Really stress links to all mental illnesses and it is a mental illness on its own as I said before it is the biggest killer risk of all but not everyone doesn't survive it, even though we are struggling. Stress is the building up of everyday life, things to think about a lot. Even the build-up of positive things can be just as stressful for example studying for an exam probley so owing a lot of money for a big bill but we would rather the exam even than the big bill. What is stress? - Mind

Depression is a low mood disorder, that comes and goes when it is going to, and it lasts as long and as short as it goes with and without a reason. It can vary from person to person, some face it mildly, others minor and others major. At the most major it can take its toll, and risks subdual feelings or thoughts attempts even deaths. Depression - Mind here is one common type of depression. What is bipolar disorder? - Mind 

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that mostly happens during the winter months but like with all mental illnesses, feeling negative a lot can happen any time and length of time. The person's mood may change like the weather on and off for any length of time but it varies from person to person. What is seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? - Mind It is common for people who spend a lot of time at home such as those who have little happening in their careers or not at all such as people with disabilities, other problems, the elderly, those who can get out very little or none at all for health reasons, other reasons, etc but again it can vary from person to person. 

 Boarder line personality disorder is a type of personality disorder, which can affect how you think and feel about yourself and people. It can make it hard to get through every day. It is different for different people. Where they can feel emotional, intense, overwhelming lemming, or struggle with change. There are three types. In fact sorry, there are four types, here’s another site that should tell you more.  Types of BPD and How They Define Borderline Personality (verywellhealth.com)    

 The Four Types of BPD (choosingtherapy.com)



  1. Emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD)
  2. Emotional intensity disorder (EID)
  3. Borderline pattern personality disorder (borderline pattern PD)


How do these types affect people, their lives, and other people?

Loneliness is neither and isn't a mental illness but it has a huge impact on one's life feeling left out of society. On the whole, most of us don't mind a certain amount of loneliness where we don't anything, go anywhere, etc. To be truth loneliness is not an easy subject to talk about there is a choice for some and not for others. ' However, it doesn't necessarily mean one spends all day staring at the walls, one may read, watch tv, etc but even that takes its toll if it gets to be a lot. It is mainly vulnerable who face loneliness, those retired, those who only have a limit of work such as myself, and those who cannot work it all. It is a sad fact that due to cuts, lockdowns, etc, vulnerable people may have lost activities such as day centers, social clubs, and working men's clubs plus the cost of the living crisis on top of that. This can vary where some of us can get about more than others, too many who can only be able to travel so far due to cost, health, safety and some may not know their way around, etc. 

We say that we cannot focus on things when feeling depressed, which is true don't be wrong. Also, it can vary from person to person where some can't cope without having things to do 24.7 and others cannot focus on anything. As I said For some people it is possible to change one to the other, whichever way round it starts, then may change back again, and so on, there is never a balance between the two too much or too little. About loneliness - Mind    Autism and mental health - Mind

National Autistic Society (autism.org.uk) Reason for putting on these links is because people with Autism struggle to gain friendships, relationships, socialize, etc. A-Z of mental health - Mind


 Schizoaffective disorder similar to Bipolar is a condition where you can go from one mood to another. You may be okay one minute but not the next. From https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/schizoaffective-disorder/symptoms/#PsychoticSymptoms  to mood symptoms  https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/schizoaffective-disorder/symptoms/#MoodSymptoms

It may cause someone to struggle to look after themselves. The way the person behaves is how they feel. They may have periods of time they don’t feel well and periods of time they do, were both last as long or as short as they are going to. What is schizoaffective disorder? - Mind

Schizophrenia is linked to https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/psychosis/ it is not a mental illness that is easy to understand, not even the health progressions understand it. Experiences and behaviors come on suddenly or they may come on slowly a bit at a time. Not everyone who faces it has the same experience. They may experience a lack of interest in things and what and who is going on around them. When not well they may talk about the same subject when maybe or and trying to talk about another. They may find it hard to focus on anything. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/psychosis/types-of-psychosis/#Hallucinations they may hear voices, see things we don’t see, they may find it hard to connect with your feelings, where your thinking, feeling, etc one thing and them another. What is schizophrenia? - Mind





Useful websites for learning disability and mental health

 Mental Capacity act 2005 Mental Capacity Act 2005 (legislation.gov.uk)

Mental Capacity Act 2005 - legal information - Mind

Mental Capacity Act - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Where to get help for self-harm - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Myths about suicide (samaritans.org)

Self-harm - causes, warning signs and symptoms and when to seek help | healthdirect

What is self-harm? - Mind

CareDocs - Care Software - Care Planning & Management Systems

Learning Disability | MacIntyre (macintyrecharity.org)

Learning disability support - Mind

Suicide: Supporting someone after a suicide attempt | Mental Health Foundation

Support after someone may have died by suicide - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

People with Disabilities and Suicide Awareness | Disabled World (disabled-world.com)


Understanding suicide and disability through three major disabling conditions: Intellectual disability, spinal cord injury, and multiple sclerosis - PubMed (nih.gov)

Support groups for people bereaved by suicide | Samaritans

Grief Support for Suicide Loss Survivors – SAVE

Bereaved by suicide (lifeline.org.au)

Coping After Suicide Loss | Psychology Today

Helping someone who self-harms - Mind

List of Types of Therapy for Mental Health - Mental Health General

A-Z of mental health - Mind

A to Z of psychiatric drugs - Mind

Learning disability support - Mind

Antidepressants A-Z - Mind

About antidepressants - Mind

Antipsychotics A-Z - Mind

List of Types of Therapy for Mental Health - Mental Health General

What are talking therapies and counselling? - Mind



First aid - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Types of therapy of the person's choice

Physical therapy exercise yoga, etc; creative therapy art, music, reading, writing, drawing, acting, etc. 

Talking theory, is a group of people going through the same but similar things, one-to-one, etc. Types of talking therapy - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Types of counseling, emotional support, mentoring, coaching, Advocacy, etc. For emotional situations abuse, bullying, deaths, break ups/fallouts with people; careers, money, housing, support to cut down/ for those who want to stop drinking, smoking, drugs, etc. Counselling Directory - Find a Counsellor Near You (counselling-directory.org.uk)

Saturday, 26 November 2022

What is a learning disability?


Dis is the difficulty,  which affects everyday lives such as health, home skills, careers, getting along with people, social lives, and more. This affects different people in different ways depending on the disabilities and the person. The support people can or should get is family, support workers, social workers, communication, accessible information, disability aids, and more. 
Disabilities happen before, during, or after the birth, caused by damage, accident, or illness to Mother, baby, or both if before or during birth. the-hospital-communication-book.pdf (theuhnm.NHS.uk)
Main Document. 1 1 - Mobility and Physical Impairments. This category of disability includes people with varying types of physical disabilities including 2 2 - Spinal Cord Disability. 3 3 - Head Injuries - Brain Disability. 4 4 - Vision Disability. 5 5 - Hearing Disability. More items
Ability is the strength, which is mostly in different ways to other people and each other.Other types of disability – Student Services (lincoln.ac.uk)

Ability is a strength that we have on the whole different from other people and even one another. 

The difference between a learning disability and learning difficulty, a learning disability is the ability to learn, and learning difficulty is difficulty learning. ttps://www.mencap.org.uk/about-ld?gclid=CjwKEAjw1Iq6BRDY_tK-9OjdmBESJABlzoY7qA1zUG7gdV00JMBxMWmecoqorTcDHEyhjOix1uA4ehoCAkvw_wcB
The difference between a learning disability and mental health, anyone can face mental health with and without a learning disability. Learning disability and mental health don't link together but most people with and without learning disabilities and difficulties. However' people with learning disabilities and difficulties face mental health due to the stress of having disabilities, difficulties, etc, mostly because of having to depend on and try to access support apart from other reasons.
Difference between mental health and mental illness, Mental illness affects one's mental health just as feelings, thinking, behavior, reaction, interaction, mood, etc.Mental health positive without the negative, which can be face by people with or with out learning disabilities and difficulties.  What Is Mental Health? | MentalHealth.gov

Supporting to prevent suicide part 1


     It is possible it may give counselors untrue hope of reassurance, and threats to end their own life.

      Substance abuse, too much, increasing,  Anxiety state Anxiety and mind.

     Struggling to sleep, thinking all the time, Feeling trapped in their feelings and thoughts as if there is no way out.

      Anger feeling out of control, easily irritated, recklessness, safety in risk, they may be in danger or a crisis.

     Mood changes, mood swings. 

     The person may need to talk to try and get things off their mind so give them a chance to do so.

     If the problem has lasted a long time, they may not know how long they will be strong enough to cope.

     If you are concerned the person may be in danger such as self–harm, overdose etc options could be to call the police, signpost them to the Samaritans, local mental health crisis lines such as Black country line 0345 – 6460827 wherever is near or see that they get to A&E. Think of your personal safety.

      Avoid putting yourself at physical risk, mainly if people feel in distress and are threatened.

Ask them how they are feeling and coping etc.

Do they feel like giving up?

Are they thinking of dying?

Are they thinking of hurting themselves or have they, if so you need to call for medication help, 911, etc? This could mean suicide attempts eg; they have to take pills, self-harm, stab themselves, etc. Don't force them to say but if you sense a lot of upset in their voices call for help but if they are not with you ask where they are and get help as quickly as possible to them. If they are with they may show you a proof. 

Thinking about doing something and doing things are two different things but both are serious and must not be judged either way. 

They will feel negative without anyone making them more negative.

Never say why are you thinking of doing that or why did you do that, try to look into why the person is thinking and or feeling what they are, which may or not be anything other than thinking and or feeling very low in themselves to in some peoples' cases it might be something brief to just get a few things off her chest, whether it's small or big take it serious.

Are they thinking about suicide?

Have they tried it before or self-harmed before?

Have they thought about how and when?

If they are just having suicidal thoughts ask them if they have access to weapons, pills, etc, it doesn't necessarily mean they will even if they may be thinking about it but the question needs to be asked for their safety.

Never if you were going to do it you would have done it by now or and never say if you going to do it, you would have done it without saying anything to anybody. Suicide: What to do when someone is suicidal - Mayo Clinic

Warning signs, are if someone is saying, I wish I was dead, I wish I hadn't been born, the world is a better place without me,  I am a burden to everyone, etc. These sayings are very concerning, they can be said by anyone at any time but are more commonly said by people who have no choice but to depend on others a lot, which can make them feel not good about themselves, even though they shouldn't have felt that way but should not be judge either way. Such as people with disabilities, the elderly, etc. 

Some may be stocking up on pills, buying a gun, etc but even if they are not that doesn't necessarily mean there isn't anything to be concerned about, they still need to be taken seriously unless the person says they feeling fine themselves at some point, even then they still not be judged or made to feel ashamed in any way, as these things may come and go. It may be a situation that person may have thought wouldn't get sorted but then suddenly does get sorted somehow.

 They may try to avoid people, they know may not have seen for a certain  length of time

 time whether it is friends, family, people they work with, go to college with, some, one person, or everyone, this can vary, some people may see people not tell anyone or let on what are thinking, feeling, etc, don't judge it either way. Never bring on the chat about their social circle etc but listen if they say anything about it. 

They may be facing mood swings, where some people may shut themselves off from others so they don't want to take it out on them. Just to say just because someone may not be facing all the signs does not mean they not struggling so keep offering to help the person until the person is ready to stop. 

If there is a situation they may feel trapped in the situation they are in.

They may feel, think, etc hopeless, and helpless, ashamed, etc, it is your job to try and make them feel, think, etc the opposite but can only do so much. Never do what you can't. Never do what the person doesn't want. Mental health support could be therapy, medication, counseling, emotional support, etc. A-Z of mental health - Mind, if the person is at risk of dose make sure there is someone the person knows to look out for them, if not for any reason raise the concern to your manager, and let the person who and why.

There may be an increase if drugs and alcohol etc.

Change mood, diet, eating more or less, sleep, more, less, etc. 

They may be taking risks. 

Giving away belongings, making a will, putting affairs in order, etc. 

Listen out to what they are saying, don't force anything out of them, any concerns about what they are saying make a note of it, what is done depends on the concern and the person themselves. This could be raising the concern to your managers, referring the person somewhere, etc. 

If they are saying things like this will be the last time I will be seeing people I know etc, that calls for concern even if it may not be the case.

They may overthink, they may overreact, and something may seem worse than what is to them, don't judge that but raise the concern if they don't talk about it, something maybe worries them and make them feel stressed. If they don't say may be worried about the reactions of others, being a burden to others, etc. 

Don't leave alone,  Get help as soon as possible, if you have to go anywhere make sure someone is with them if they are with you. If this is a phone call, online ask where they are, and tell them to stay where call for help where is near them if we any reason they can't themselves where they may be very distressed for whatever reason, this could mean calling 911, 999, or their local hospital, mental health services near them, etc. Always go with the exscream of the problem whether it is mild, minor, or major. If it is a mild problem for eg; never call the hospital or 911, 999, etc unless you can't get in touch with anywhere else, try the hospital, even the police if needs be, if the person is in a situation they can't get help any other way.Talk To Someone Now : Lifeline (988lifeline.org) Lifeline Chat and Text : Lifeline (988lifeline.org) Home (veteranscrisisline.net) Chat (veteranscrisisline.net)







Supporting to prevent suicide.


     I need to take action to keep yourself and them safe.

     It is not easy to know how serious the risk is.

     Is the person if they are having suicidal thoughts/ ideas?

      Do they have a plan?

      Do they have access to weapons, pills in house etc?

     Do they plan to hurt themselves at any time?

     Finding brief information from the person on how they feel may not stop them feeling as they do but it may help you to help them.

     No matter how mild or major they may be facing this take it seriously. There is no proof, no suicide “contract” “stop suicide.


 Most common reasons why people with a learning disability may feel or and think life is worth living.


Feeling, thinking, etc that we are a burden to society as if we shouldn’t live as we have disabilities or and other problems.

Everyone needs help and support at times but when having disabilities or any other problem we are needing more than other people but some of us more than others. Feeling guilty about depending on others. Feeling or and thinking we cost too much for society, having to depend on benefits, being limited, struggling, not able to get a career, etc and the same with having own families and other things too. Also struggling for the help, we need with cutbacks, also, like everyone else the NHS in a message where appointments are on the whole slow, people are being put on waiting lists, etc.

As you know stress is the biggest killer of all but if you are a vulnerable person, you can't cope with it as much as other people.

What professionals need to be aware of is that 10’600 fewer or more people with disabilities and health problems died when David Camera was Prime Mister and maybe before or after

 I was only aware of the figures on Sunday 29th March 2015.

Waiting for the appeals.

     The lives of disability, mental health or any other problems were affected by the last Tory government from 2010 to 2016, David Carmon, Ian Duncan Smith, then by Covid 19 lockdown,  todays cost of living affects everyone way or another. ATOS KILLERS 



Normal worries like everyone else, Money, housing, relationships, friends, family full outs, break ups, deaths of people we know, bullying, abuse, rape, and more.



How long does a crisis or a negative feeling last?
There is no time limit at all, time is a good healer. 
 Every life matters and suicide affects the lives of people we know, which matters too but most things in our lives affect us more so than people without, including mental health, disability, and other problems included.
How long can people cope?
Some of us may feel unwell or get better sooner if longer than others.
Where is the way forward, people cannot see the way forward, we just help to see a way forward.
People find it hard to see if there’s an end to their problem or not, when, how, etc will it end?
How will they cope with life if it does not end? 


Friday, 25 November 2022

Types of mental illnesses

Depression, Anxiety, Borderline personality disorder, and Schizophrenia are the most common ones. Types of mental illness | healthdirect those emotional situations that people have in their lives that can drive people to suicidal feelings, thoughts, and even taking their own lives.
 However it is not always the case this can vary were for me I, have had many different sorts of situations, which all have varied to some worse than others, relationship break-up, Job loss, etc, this can make one very sensitive to the situations. However for me, the relationship was well seemed the worst for me, hard to believe now, I am well that but it took a lot of years to get over well, live it accept it, to find out from one counselor, going by what I said to her about my ex's behavior I was facing mental abuse but it can vary so much with different so excepts anything off anybody but also your health and safety matters as well as theirs.
  Like everything really quick to help not everything is always possible, mainly as the NHS is these days slow appointments, waiting lists, etc, which tend to likely drive people to try and cope alone somehow but quicker help is needed mainly when it comes to mental health, is hugely concerning can even the smallest of help, helps a little towards preventing people in thinking life is not living, even though it doesn't make necessary feel think, etc 100 percent. However what is also concerning the longer the health system is slow the more like people are not likely to contact for other things as well as mental health, which increases, even more, a mental health crisis, which hugely concerning. 
Mental illness has a huge part in how it affects people and awareness is so important and so well needed to how people are struggling in different ways don't get me wrong but not everything is down to it. As I said your safety matters as well as theirs and concerns for you, them, or both report to your manager whatever it may be. If it involves their safety let them know you're going to report to their manager and why. It is just yours to report it to the manager, if it involves the person then the manager should contact them. If it involves both the person needs to be aware you need to report it and why. 

Supporting Mental health


First of all, let us try to understand the difference between mental health and mental illness.

Mental health and mental illness are not the same thing but are how we think, feel, behave, react, even interact, etc. Either positive or negative feelings etc mostly can be for a reason or no reason at all and no one should judge it.  Mental health is the positive side when one is feeling mostly happy and positive in their selves etc, whereas mental illness is when a person thinks, feels, etc mostly negatively. We all feel under the weather at times, some of us more than others, which is a huge concern but it is a lot we need help and support because mental illness can be as bad as physical health and we need to look after it. The difference between mental health and mental illness - We Are Wellbeing

Second all, we need to think about what caused it, which is how is thinking, feel, behave, react, or even interact with life. However,’ as I said someone can feel negative with or without a reason, but it doesn’t mean all the time they feel as if life not living, etc, which way can depend on the person themselves and a lot of things. People who think, feel, etc this way are not crazy, insane, etc, they are stressed, distressed, and in emotional pain.  Either way, the person needs to be taken seriously, even if something is very brief. Having these thoughts, feelings, etc is not the center of attention. In some cases, some people may not let on or only let on too much, never judge, etc if they no matter how mild, major-minor, etc. However,’ Your health and safety matters so do there’s not all is necessary to mental illness, but all the same mental illness needs to be taken very seriously. Report to your manager etc, any health and safety concerns you may have for yourself or the person.  Suicide Prevention - HelpGuide.org

Most people tend to think of people who talk about sundial but don’t really do. This sort of saying is likely to drive people to feel, think, etc likely to not open up to anyone and take their life, whereas letting them know we are here to talk to if they want to is likely to make them feel or think the opposite.  Feeling, thinking, etc this way is just as serious as someone who takes their own life.

 Either way, don’t judge that, the person and you have not don’t anything wrong, don’t make them feel ashamed guilty, etc. Not everyone opens tries to anybody even those who don’t they shouldn’t be made bad about it either, more so a huge concern for those who struggle to open up, they are not shamed they just may be afraid of other reactions and or others reasons. This is why it is important to raise as much awareness as possible in hopes of more people opening up but neither judge if they don’t, some may in their own time.

What is Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)? Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is trying to help the person to think, feel, etc from negative to positive. It doesn’t work for everyone but having said it can vary. Mental illnesses can last any length of time when someone is feeling, and thinking mostly negatively. They could be feeling well for a however long or short length of time, then it may come back. This can vary from person to person for some people may stay, the same others it may change. For eg, someone may have stage may be unwell for say six-twelve to months if not longer or shorter but then it changes where they could be feeling sad, or happy though the day. Yet someone else's feelings etc may not change whichever one it is.

What is the therapy? For eg, I am going to fail this exam. To. I am going to pass this exam.  This may take longer than others but if it doesn’t work never think you have done your job wrong, you have made a start of trying to help that person move forward. Well have given that person something to bear in mind, it is up to them whether they take it on board or not, if don’t take it on board they are with you they may do it in the future. This is no fault etc of yours or theirs, there may be many reasons for it, for example, mental illness has a way of taking its toll and it will control that person for any length of time. Your support is to help them beat it, but mental illness has a mind of its own, it controls that person any time it wants to, in which case the person may or may not be ready to take the positive step just yet even.

There are all sorts of therapy, but also positives are for what the person enjoys, never force them to do what they don’t enjoy, they have been through a lot of negatively as it is. On the positive side this could be hobbies, interests, studies, work, etc they may want to force or pick up where they left off on something before, they were unwell for example.

 The purpose of CBT is to treat mental illnesses such as Anxiety and Depression which again vary from person to person, where things stay the same for some people but may change for others. Depression also can cause people to do, not do too much, or too little of something, whether it is eating, sleeping, etc. Also’ some people cannot focus, even on the things they normally enjoy. Others don’t feel at ease unless they are doing something all the while but for others, this may change from one to the other. These things can vary for eg, when I had my nervous breakdown, in late 1996 to early 1997 over a mental abuse relationship I went from not focusing on anything at all to not be at ease unless I was doing something, this lasted from October 1996 to August 1997. Types of Therapy (goodtherapy.org)




Thursday, 24 November 2022

suicide awareness

 What are suicidal feelings and thoughts?  Feeling and or thinking hopeless, useless, helpless, guilty, ashamed, etc. Feeling or thinking life is not worth living. Thinking or feeling negative a lot. Not feeling liked by others etc, even though it’s mostly not the case but that is normally in my case being afraid of the reactions of others. Feeling desperate, as if you have no other choice. 

 Basic counseling is important to read this link. 

·         active listening

·         being aware of nonverbal communication

·         building rapport Basic Counselling Skills explained [PDF Download] • Counselling Tutor


Most Common reasons for feeling and or thinking suicide a lot of mental health issues, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder type of Anxiety, where the mind thinks of the same thing none stop very often caused by negative events however long or short ago, for example; abuse, rape, even relationship, friendship, family break ups fall outs, things they may have seen like murders, etc; family history job, business, loss, money, bullying, etc Suicide (autism.org.uk)    Overview - Post-traumatic stress disorder - NHS (www.nhs.uk), abuse physically or mentally, emotional situations. Suicidal thoughts - How to support someone (rethink.org)


Try to encourage them to talk if you can, do not force them, it may be a lot of things, they just may just be feeling very low. For example, even loneliness. However,’ depending on the situation whether there is one or not, how the person seems, etc, meaning how negative the person seems to be feeling, on the person themselves, it is okay to ask if they are having suicidal thoughts, etc. Let them know they are not a burden and  try to encourage them to talk, by saying, it is okay to talk. Active listening try to let them do most of the talking, but until they have finished if you need to say something that could be important, ask them if you can speak now or when they finished, if needs be keep a note of what you wish to say. Plan to speak again if needs are depending on the situation and they tell you etc.  Suicidal thoughts | Mental Health Foundation Recognizing Suicide Behavior: Risk Factors, Warning Signs, What to Do (clevelandclinic.org)

Always take them seriously even if what they tell you, even if it seems very brief, it is very concerning if someone feels as if life is not living. 

1)   . Remember it is not easy for most people to open up, it is not necessary you whether you are trained, experienced, etc; some may purfure to talk to those they know, and others may prefer to talk to those they don’t know. Never try to do what you can’t do yourself find someone or somewhere to give the help you can’t give. 

2)  . Never debate with the person's feels and thinking as they do, they are going through a lot as it is, never tell them to stop or start doing something thinking, feeling etc as they do but don’t tell them to do it so either, just listen, suggest things, try to guide them through the positive, look into the situation if there is one, say what is likely to happen whatever they decide to do and or don’t.

3)  . Never say they are right or wrong, never make them feel ashamed, guilty, never judge, no sigma etc; we know it is upsetting for friends, family etc but we need to try to find why the person feels, thinks etc as they do. They may be making plans, getting organised, making a will etc. Never say if you were going to do it, you would have done by now, you wouldn’t have talked about. Never say, I take it, you think life is not living, why is that? etc. Do say for example, open questions like. How can I help you? What is the situation? Even someone get’s through doesn’t mean they are not struggling, no matter what is happening and what is not. Mostly people don’t want to be a burden on others no matter how much help is out and however much help they are offered or and get. Do offer support family, friends etc as well as the person themselves. It is easy for families, friend etc to misunderstand the person because it is a shock for them to know they feel and or think as they do. 

4)  . It may or may not be a reason why they feel, think as do, etc. Suicide Prevention Awareness Training - Better Mental Health (bettermentalhealthwolves.co.uk)

5)  . Possible reasons maybe if any, due to past suicide attempts and reasons behind that, mainly those who face Post Turmeric Stress Disorder, which is a type of Anxiety where negative situations can be in their thoughts like a none stop record.  

6)  . Try to make sense of how the person is feeling or thinking if they say.

7)  Try to encourage professional support, this could be signposting to mental health services, charities, etc. 

Possible signs. 

1. Those who feel sundial, different people different ways some may say, others won’t for whatever reason no reason all. Those who may talk about may talk about dying and killing themselves etc. Those who don’t may be afraid of people’s reactions and even many other reasons.  They may feel empty and alone, a burden to others, trapped as if there is no way of the way they are thinking and feeling, even why. They may be feeling down physically and emotionally. Doing anything to avoid people, mainly those they may know such as family, friends, etc. Maybe not looking after themselves as much as they would normally. They may not be relaxed, seem anxious  as though they don’t want to be at the place, are, etc, upset, have mood swings, etc, mainly if they are struggling to talk about what is really going on in their minds. They may be doing, or not doing things more than normal, too much or too little, etc. 

2. If they don’t say or take however long or short to do so, they may not be themselves. 

3.  ups and downs in their mood not wanting to mix socially anymore.

4. changes to their routine, like sleeping or eating

5.   seeming flat or low on energy

6.   neglecting themselves, showering less, or caring less about their personal appearance

7.   making reckless or rash decisions

8.   increased alcohol or drug abuse 

9.   being more angry or irritable than usual 

10.               talking about suicide or wanting to die in a vague or joking way 

11.giving away their possessions

12.         saying goodbye to people as if they won’t see them again  Free online suicide awareness and prevention training for all students and staff | Students - UCL – University College London  NIMH » Suicide Prevention (nih.gov)

Types of Therapy.

CBT Cognitive behavioural therapy See the source image

2. Art and creative therapy

3. Talk therapy  Types of talking therapy - NHS (www.nhs.uk)