Mental Capacity act 2005 Mental Capacity Act 2005 (
Mental Capacity Act 2005 - legal information - Mind
Mental Capacity Act - NHS (
Where to get help for self-harm - NHS (
Myths about suicide (
Self-harm - causes, warning signs and symptoms and when to seek help | healthdirect
CareDocs - Care Software - Care Planning & Management Systems
Learning Disability | MacIntyre (
Learning disability support - Mind
Suicide: Supporting someone after a suicide attempt | Mental Health Foundation
Support after someone may have died by suicide - GOV.UK (
People with Disabilities and Suicide Awareness | Disabled World (
Support groups for people bereaved by suicide | Samaritans
Grief Support for Suicide Loss Survivors – SAVE
Bereaved by suicide (
Coping After Suicide Loss | Psychology Today
Helping someone who self-harms - Mind
List of Types of Therapy for Mental Health - Mental Health General
A to Z of psychiatric drugs - Mind
Learning disability support - Mind
List of Types of Therapy for Mental Health - Mental Health General
What are talking therapies and counselling? - Mind
Types of therapy of the person's choice
Physical therapy exercise yoga, etc; creative therapy art, music, reading, writing, drawing, acting, etc.
Talking theory, is a group of people going through the same but similar things, one-to-one, etc. Types of talking therapy - NHS (
Types of counseling, emotional support, mentoring, coaching, Advocacy, etc. For emotional situations abuse, bullying, deaths, break ups/fallouts with people; careers, money, housing, support to cut down/ for those who want to stop drinking, smoking, drugs, etc. Counselling Directory - Find a Counsellor Near You (
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