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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Useful websites for learning disability and mental health

 Mental Capacity act 2005 Mental Capacity Act 2005 (legislation.gov.uk)

Mental Capacity Act 2005 - legal information - Mind

Mental Capacity Act - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Where to get help for self-harm - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Myths about suicide (samaritans.org)

Self-harm - causes, warning signs and symptoms and when to seek help | healthdirect

What is self-harm? - Mind

CareDocs - Care Software - Care Planning & Management Systems

Learning Disability | MacIntyre (macintyrecharity.org)

Learning disability support - Mind

Suicide: Supporting someone after a suicide attempt | Mental Health Foundation

Support after someone may have died by suicide - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

People with Disabilities and Suicide Awareness | Disabled World (disabled-world.com)


Understanding suicide and disability through three major disabling conditions: Intellectual disability, spinal cord injury, and multiple sclerosis - PubMed (nih.gov)

Support groups for people bereaved by suicide | Samaritans

Grief Support for Suicide Loss Survivors – SAVE

Bereaved by suicide (lifeline.org.au)

Coping After Suicide Loss | Psychology Today

Helping someone who self-harms - Mind

List of Types of Therapy for Mental Health - Mental Health General

A-Z of mental health - Mind

A to Z of psychiatric drugs - Mind

Learning disability support - Mind

Antidepressants A-Z - Mind

About antidepressants - Mind

Antipsychotics A-Z - Mind

List of Types of Therapy for Mental Health - Mental Health General

What are talking therapies and counselling? - Mind



First aid - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Types of therapy of the person's choice

Physical therapy exercise yoga, etc; creative therapy art, music, reading, writing, drawing, acting, etc. 

Talking theory, is a group of people going through the same but similar things, one-to-one, etc. Types of talking therapy - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Types of counseling, emotional support, mentoring, coaching, Advocacy, etc. For emotional situations abuse, bullying, deaths, break ups/fallouts with people; careers, money, housing, support to cut down/ for those who want to stop drinking, smoking, drugs, etc. Counselling Directory - Find a Counsellor Near You (counselling-directory.org.uk)

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