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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Most common mental illnesses.

 Anxiety is a feeling of worry, fear, panic tension,  stress, and nervousness which all feel from time to time but for those of us who face it a lot it can be a huge concern. As I said before stress is the biggest risk killer of all but don’t get me wrong that does not mean everyone who lives with Anxiety dies too soon but there are risks. Anxiety causes people to be more sensitive to situations than other people, even things that seem brief to other people such as exams, diving lessons, driving tests, money bills, friendships, family, a relationship falling–out, break ups, and even deaths, etc. Even the built-up of possible situations, achieving a course, working towards an exam, job interview, waiting for results of something, have I got the job, have I passed my exam, blood test at the doctor, etc? We may overthink or overreact without meaning to, read too much into things, etc. Anxiety and panic attacks - The mind's most common type of Anxiety is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd-and-complex-ptsd/ where the mind struggles to live with a negative event that has happened in a person’s life not just necessary they have faced themselves but what they have seen or and heard even others go through. 

Types of Anxiety  Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is when the person worries a lothttps://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anxiety-and-panic-attacks/symptoms/

Social anxiety is more fear of struggling with social situations and being around a lot of people.https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/phobias/types-of-phobia/#WhatIsSocialPhobia

Panic attacks are a sense of fear, which can happen without a warning.https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anxiety-and-panic-attacks/panic-attacks/

Phobias – fear of snakes, spiders, etc for example. Even fears of unexcepted sounds like a dog barking etc. Even heights afraid of falling etc. Phobias –What are anxiety disorders? - Mind

Trauma can cause a person harm physically or and mentally, for example, a fall, accident, damage abuse, rape, bullying, hate crime, or even bad news, etc. What is trauma? - Mind

Really stress links to all mental illnesses and it is a mental illness on its own as I said before it is the biggest killer risk of all but not everyone doesn't survive it, even though we are struggling. Stress is the building up of everyday life, things to think about a lot. Even the build-up of positive things can be just as stressful for example studying for an exam probley so owing a lot of money for a big bill but we would rather the exam even than the big bill. What is stress? - Mind

Depression is a low mood disorder, that comes and goes when it is going to, and it lasts as long and as short as it goes with and without a reason. It can vary from person to person, some face it mildly, others minor and others major. At the most major it can take its toll, and risks subdual feelings or thoughts attempts even deaths. Depression - Mind here is one common type of depression. What is bipolar disorder? - Mind 

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that mostly happens during the winter months but like with all mental illnesses, feeling negative a lot can happen any time and length of time. The person's mood may change like the weather on and off for any length of time but it varies from person to person. What is seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? - Mind It is common for people who spend a lot of time at home such as those who have little happening in their careers or not at all such as people with disabilities, other problems, the elderly, those who can get out very little or none at all for health reasons, other reasons, etc but again it can vary from person to person. 

 Boarder line personality disorder is a type of personality disorder, which can affect how you think and feel about yourself and people. It can make it hard to get through every day. It is different for different people. Where they can feel emotional, intense, overwhelming lemming, or struggle with change. There are three types. In fact sorry, there are four types, here’s another site that should tell you more.  Types of BPD and How They Define Borderline Personality (verywellhealth.com)    

 The Four Types of BPD (choosingtherapy.com)



  1. Emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD)
  2. Emotional intensity disorder (EID)
  3. Borderline pattern personality disorder (borderline pattern PD)


How do these types affect people, their lives, and other people?

Loneliness is neither and isn't a mental illness but it has a huge impact on one's life feeling left out of society. On the whole, most of us don't mind a certain amount of loneliness where we don't anything, go anywhere, etc. To be truth loneliness is not an easy subject to talk about there is a choice for some and not for others. ' However, it doesn't necessarily mean one spends all day staring at the walls, one may read, watch tv, etc but even that takes its toll if it gets to be a lot. It is mainly vulnerable who face loneliness, those retired, those who only have a limit of work such as myself, and those who cannot work it all. It is a sad fact that due to cuts, lockdowns, etc, vulnerable people may have lost activities such as day centers, social clubs, and working men's clubs plus the cost of the living crisis on top of that. This can vary where some of us can get about more than others, too many who can only be able to travel so far due to cost, health, safety and some may not know their way around, etc. 

We say that we cannot focus on things when feeling depressed, which is true don't be wrong. Also, it can vary from person to person where some can't cope without having things to do 24.7 and others cannot focus on anything. As I said For some people it is possible to change one to the other, whichever way round it starts, then may change back again, and so on, there is never a balance between the two too much or too little. About loneliness - Mind    Autism and mental health - Mind

National Autistic Society (autism.org.uk) Reason for putting on these links is because people with Autism struggle to gain friendships, relationships, socialize, etc. A-Z of mental health - Mind


 Schizoaffective disorder similar to Bipolar is a condition where you can go from one mood to another. You may be okay one minute but not the next. From https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/schizoaffective-disorder/symptoms/#PsychoticSymptoms  to mood symptoms  https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/schizoaffective-disorder/symptoms/#MoodSymptoms

It may cause someone to struggle to look after themselves. The way the person behaves is how they feel. They may have periods of time they don’t feel well and periods of time they do, were both last as long or as short as they are going to. What is schizoaffective disorder? - Mind

Schizophrenia is linked to https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/psychosis/ it is not a mental illness that is easy to understand, not even the health progressions understand it. Experiences and behaviors come on suddenly or they may come on slowly a bit at a time. Not everyone who faces it has the same experience. They may experience a lack of interest in things and what and who is going on around them. When not well they may talk about the same subject when maybe or and trying to talk about another. They may find it hard to focus on anything. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/psychosis/types-of-psychosis/#Hallucinations they may hear voices, see things we don’t see, they may find it hard to connect with your feelings, where your thinking, feeling, etc one thing and them another. What is schizophrenia? - Mind





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