Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 29 August 2022

Creative therapy.


We are all human, there are times we run into problems feel sad, angry, stressed etc for whatever reason and in some, some cases no reason at all.

Everything is different, it would be a boring world if we were all the same. How we may feel may stay the same or change, which can vary from person to person. Except for anything off anybody. Some may talk, others may not but to force someone to talk who doesn’t wish to or can’t is likely to make that person worse in their selves, although those who can and choose to talk are like to make a start to their problem trying to get solved or and on the possible way of trying to feel at ease in themselves as time goes on.  

Every person you try to support is likely to be different, not necessary being down to them as a person but maybe their mental illness, how major, mild etc it may be for example. Some may need to be empowered/encouraged, which means not forcing things but making the person aware of what they could or even couldn’t do if they wish to try to help improve. This may vary where some even may find their own ways to try and improve themselves, which is good a good way because they will know what makes them feel comfortable and how, while others may need some suggestion, empowerment, encouragement etc to if they are going to go for it or not, if so when, even if not, they may or not change their minds in the future.

In most cases, most people who support people with mental health, and emotional problems you may have faced the same if not similar themselves, which makes life a little easier for you to have empathy for the person you are trying to help.  Whereas for some they only do what they are trained and qualifcated to do, which isn’t always able to support the person with everything they need and want. For even for those who have faced mental health, emotional problems etc themselves are not trained and qulifcated in everything such as professional health but give the person basic support if the person has been put on waiting lists by professionals etc. In most cases those who have faced mental health and emotional problems help themselves by helping others who face them, those such as myself finds it helps as much as it did, when I was facing counselling or and emotional support myself, doing the same I would have thought are likely to agree.

You may well be thinking now, I thought this piece of writing was about creative therapy, which is understandable to think that as I titled it that way, which I will get to the point to. Sorry to go on a bit but I thought I would start talking about the difference between those who face mental illness, emotional problems etc and professionals. Getting to the point, those who face mental illness, emotional problems etc will know how Anxiety, Depression and probably all mental illnesses really, mainly depression, how really there’s only so much one can take to a point in life, only so much one can take, which may or may not be a reason, therefore reason only a feeling of sadness, angry without a reason or and an emotional reason.

 How people do and don’t decide to go about copying and in many cases not, or even feel like not, can vary to what the person is facing. Is there a situation, and if so, what? How are they feeling? They could be for example, sad, angry or and stressed. All this depends on, what, how why etc.

Mental illness and emotional problems, stress is a hard subject, some may not open up because reactions of others, not wanting to tell strangers whatever it may be bothering them etc. It is not our right to force information out but all the same even though it’s not our right to know, for those of us in this field cannot help but wonder and hope the person has spoken to someone they do know on whatever may be bothering them, how they are feeling and why, if a reason. Whatever it may be and even many cases may not be, surely no one can feel negative forever to the point something is coming to a crunch.

For example when I had my mental breakdown in 1997, with it being over a broken down relationship, although he was making my life very negative, despite of how I felt, yes I admit he was making my life hell, even then I was angry, upset etc, with the way he had treated me but, crazy as it sounds and hard for even me to believe now my feelings have long changed to no feelings at all now and never will be to how I was so in love with him. At the time of the break, it seems to make sense to why people were seeing and saying to how he was with me and that he is no good for me, but this made even me not understand to why I was still in love with him. People understandably said move on, get on with your life, these things happen, it made sense but to my feelings, it was said than done. The next stage was me thinking why can’t deal with this, why do I feel this way? I am not the only one who goes through this, why can’t move on?

This made blame myself, feel guilty etc for feeling in love with someone who was treating me bad, which was there for a good many years to a point, which was a wrong, bad choice for me to take him back to find seven years later he hurt me again, then I made I didn’t give in again, I made sure I didn’t take back again, those yet again he begged, made he was sorry, he wouldn’t cheat again etc, at that point I did lose trust. During those years I had loads of counselling. I walked out of his life altogether the year after his Mum died but the problem was, I was still talking and thinking about him a lot to the point I asked my counsellor why. She said for what you say you have gone through with him; it sounds to me as if you have faced mental abuse.

  During in that journey of my life, even in the early stages of the breakdown, I realized years later I was going through what I didn’t realise what I was going through. It is strange to say, I never realized for years that I was coping but not in ways, I wasn’t aware I was such as I was feeling and thinking suicidal a lot, drinking too much etc, out every night of the week as time went on not talking to anyone but watching the world go by, writing poetry about all to what I was feeling etc, which very slowly moved me forward as much as counselling  and emotional support did but what helps one person doesn’t necessarily help another. It wasn’t an easy journey because it was a time in my life, at the start of the day I never thought I was going to make it the rest of the day. I accept no credit, it was nothing but to this day, I have an idea how I got through it.https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mind.org.uk%2Finformation-support%2Fdrugs-and-treatments%2Ftalking-therapy-and-counselling%2Farts-and-creative-therapies%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1pkKW5onOVp-CX7iORWvYtT7nOWvH-RCuedQ1ZTwqcUEJtCIvIMAO23M4&h=AT2HF2wsv0kkUUYIQne8A2BoBbjEscKZoxNKROPAqMyRqJP0uasrrrrnomR3v1S2GJR7iV0Dl4EREKRFcNki63O_ZOC3xhYqz0HA8FqEFjgyIBrOZCxe85_Mgk_0GE3cBg&__tn__=%2CmH-R&c[0]=AT0zL5C0ZZA8RMNrFOb6gN6FfxgTUW0J2FfkBMFNa4rhscpzU4frDrkjopUCcv54jUTTZvHEmKRe89Cxd9O2ukNtS9prUUFuBa-XHVopR8bjhWmhyElsoq-V5impxzj4GiCUwn8oWcuULlg2_P9p7yjjF1HIG0UynTgTESZYhVU55NYWIkQdapQMoFNg39MskaqghWh5cm6-MrQw81I





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