Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 22 May 2023

Dear world words from my mind.

I cannot think what to say, my mind is blank. Yet when I can think what to say, my mind doesn’t shut up, too much or not enough is said to one person, most people or everyone. I am fed up of hear my voice inside my head whether I say to anyone or not There is either too much or nothing at all, there is no in between but very rarely if ever. I should promise to write a poem everyday but I can’t, I never know what to say, but If and I do I fear I say too much or not enough. Maybe I don’t say What I should or say what I shouldn’t. Therefore, maybe I should research more what to write. Maybe I should write what interests you but I cannot read your mind what you may like or like.

Sunday, 14 May 2023

Difference between Autism, ADHD, and Anxiety.

Firstly, what is Autism? Autism is a delvopement condition that can affect speech, socializing, communication, sensory, and more. https://www.mind.org.uk/about-us/our-policy-work/equality-and-human-rights/autism-and-mental-health/#WhatIsAutism https://www.verywellhealth.com/autism-vs-adhd-521300 Anxiety in autistic people (autism.org.uk) Autism and ADHD: The Relationship, Complications, Support (verywellmind.com) ADHD affects concentration, they may struggle with coping with doing too many things at once, completing for example a project, task, study, job etc at the same time as everyone else on their own, they may need quite but off support. Learning can be slow but once learned never forgotten. It is easy to think with someone with ADHD that it mean someone with too much engry, that can be involved but not always the case with everyone and or it can be the in the mind, body or both that can be very active where even if someone is not talking a too much, which maybe ironing to most others and misunderstood even. they are thinking too much like their mind is talking to them or both in the case maybe. This vary in different people. However,’ from own experience through own life my mind can go from nothing at all lack of concentration to not stopping talking to me whether I am talking or not, which I guess surely, I am not alone on that one. Not about now as much but, as child and younger person, my mind really turned on much when someone was talking to me. Think You're Talking Too Much? Read This (healthline.com) Anxiety, Autism and ADHD can easily get confused because they are so similar in many ways, Lack of Concentration, communication, even understand and frustration the person feels to why they struggle to focus the same as other people. The Difference Between ADHD vs. Anxiety in Adults - ADDA - Attention Deficit Disorder Association Social Anxiety vs. Autism: Differences, Similarities, and Treatment (healthline.com) Autism and Anxiety: Similarities, Differences, and Finding Support (healthline.com) What is Anxiety? I guess most of us know that stress is a risk that it is the biggest killer of all, but it is possible to get through with the right support. Anxiety is a mental illness that is not only in risk affect mental health but physical health too within the mind and body. To what we have on our mind to how it can affect our body, if something goes on in say for example a money problem, which is a common concern in this cost-of-living crisis. For eg, you may be worrying how you are going to pay your rent and more etc, which causes too much on the mind. This is because Anxiety can cause someone to worry, fear what could happen, panic etc, which could either, one or and some of those. Cost of living support scheme - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) Citizens Advice We can all worry about things, feel nervus etc over an exam, driving test, lesson study etc for example. However,’ for someone who faces Anxiety a lot of things, it is a lot more for them than just the odd thing here and there, mainly you face other disabilities etc on top of Anxiety. Anxiety is a mental illness that causes panic, worry stress, fear, lack of self – confidence - esteem and more. What are anxiety disorders? - Mind How to Cope with Anxiety: 13 Simple Tips (healthline.com) ADHD, Anxiety and Autism: Symptoms and Interventions (additudemag.com) https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/counselling/england?category=autism&utm_content=-dc_pcrid_81638857037973_pkw_autistic%20therapist_pmt_bb_slid__pgrid_1306

Saturday, 13 May 2023

Difference between schizoaffective disorder and schizophrenia.

In many ways with some if not most of us, many mental illnesses can link together. By their words Schizoaffective and Schizophrenia not necessarily are, the reason I say not necessarily, without research I know myself really, but I think one may be hearing things not there or and other seeing things that are not there, let us find out because I am learning too. However,’ you may well know more than me. Types of personality disorder - Mind Schizoaffective disorder is a mood disorder where someone’s mood can change from one to another at any time, any place anywhere, no matter what life is around them, they may or not be aware of Bipolar Disorder: All You Need to Know | Psych Central Where their mood go positive to negative, negative to positive and so on. Types of personality disorder - Mind Whereas Schizophrenia is where a people hear and see things are not there or and what others can’t or may not see and or hear. Hallucinations and hearing voices - NHS (www.nhs.uk) https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/personality-disorders/types-of-personality-disorder/#SchizoidPersonalityDisorder Next, I am going to be looking one Mental illness with different type and the difference and even the same between three or more types, which is called Borderline personally. Emotional and impulsive: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/personality-disorders/types-of-personality-disorder/#BorderlinePersonalityDisorderBPD https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/personality-disorders/types-of-personality-disorder/#DependentPersonalityDisorder • Emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD) • Emotional intensity disorder (EID) • Borderline pattern personality disorder (borderline pattern PD) What is borderline personality disorder (BPD)? Is someone who is struggling to how they think and feel about themselves. What are personality disorders? - Mind Is there a mental illness where your own mind talks to you in the same sort or similar way another person may be with you in each and every way? Is it Anxiety? Your mind is chatting to you, you may thinking and feeling about how others may react to you and you may react to yourself in similar ways etc, what you do say, should, shouldn't etc. What are personality disorders? - Mind What is paranoia? No is perfect and no one can please anyone and everyone all the time as we are all aware of. However,’ most of us can worry about in a lot of things if not all of reactions of either one person we know or a lot of peoples’ reactions of others on what we do, what we don’t do, what we say, we don’t etc. It is always good to have some remorse how others, think, feel etc but for most of us, it can be easy for us to over think, worry etc, mainly if it is things, we may not be sure or and even be aware about. What is paranoia? - Mind This could cause a person a lot of Anxiety, even unneeded and unnecessary guilt because they not be responsible for anything or everything all the time.

Friday, 12 May 2023

Difference between

I understand that the title of this documents, post, report, etc whatever you want to call it may seem quite odd. Reason for this title is because in disability, difficulty, mental health, mental illness, and more can be very similar and yet very confusing to lot of us, all of us or even me. Let’s start with mental health and mental illness. Easy way for me anyway to think of mental health as the positive and mental illness as the negative, how it is for you is up to you. Now when you look at the word mental health and mental illness, the word mental sounds as if we are out of our minds where others may thing, we are crazy etc but it does not have to be like that and yet it would not make sense to see the words as mentally health and mentally illness. Therefore, we need to see it as what is on your mind. This could be in mental health positive and mental illness negative, not are you out of your mind? Asking someone if they are out of their mind right out is judging someone before have anything to judge them but no one should not be judged but on mental health and mental illness, it can be easy to think both are negative, which is not the case, one is positive and the other is negative. Why is that misunderstood? Because health and illness have the word mental beside them. Anyway, enough of that. A better way of looking at the difference is when something is going mostly well for us our mental health is good if, but things are going worst for us our mental health is not good, either way doesn’t prove whether we have good or bad mental health but some of us react to negative situations more so than others, which may make more sad anger, etc than others would. This may depend how sensitive we maybe even for most etc, or and how negative something is to our reaction, sad, angerly etc we maybe. Same with the good we may go through to happy we may be etc. Whichever’ case maybe it is how we react, interact even, think, how we feel, how we behave, even how whatever does and doesn’t even affect us. Next, I am going to be looking at is how we cope with how we think, feel, behave, react etc. I think all know if and when we are happy with something we don’t need to do anything. ‘ However,’ at times with some thing’s life can change it for us, least we don’t except or and when we don’t want it to. However,’ when something is not good news for us, we want to make it good, which times depending on what it is, who we are etc, it may or not take time. For example, from not having a job to having a job. Anxiety is a sense and feeling of panicking, worrying etc, one of many parts of Anxiety is a lack of self – confidence in ones ‘self, for example I will fail that exam to I will pass that exam, yet most of us don’t know till we do it. Sometimes we may over think, over worry, panic etc, where we may not know all our own strengths. Things may not be as bad as it seems. Without meaning we may make mountain out of a mole hill. What seem is very big, may be very small. Types of mental illness Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Borderline personally, and more Types of mental health issues and illnesses - Better Health Channel Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders. Dementia. Eating Disorders. Copying skills to get better is what we like what we enjoy, which at time, with some people etc, this can vary but when being in the negative moment, it is hard to see the positive moment, which either takes one’s own time or not at all. The counsellor, emotional support, therapist etc can not force anything on to the person, they can only make suggestions, they say is just for the person to bear in mind, which they may or may not want or and can’t talk board or and they may do so in their time. Copying skills be hobbies, interests, careers or more. Types of therapy. • Talking therapy • Crisis helplines • Advocacy • Employment and training schemes • Counselling • Befriending services • Creative and art therapy and more Difference between disability and difficulty. Learning disability and learning difficulty is not the same thing. Dis is my difficulty in other words, this is my difficulty. My ability is my strengths. The difficulty can slow the person down, which can affect the way a person may work, well not work physically, co-ordation, motor skills and more Learning difficulties | Mencap This can affect everyday skills in different people with different difficulties for eg; needing support, learning, reading, writing maths etc; support with cooking, cleaning, other household skills, shopping money, health education, employment and more but with the right support is not impossible but then is because it is hard to get or and very little because money etc. However,’ we have our own abilities strengths etc. For most of us, art, poetry, writing etc. What is a learning disability? | Mencap NICE impact people with a learning disability | Reviewing the impact of our guidance | Measuring the use of NICE guidance | Into practice | What we do | About | NISTRENGTHS OF STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES, A POSITIVE MINDSET. – Road to your post (oposicionesingles.com)CE List of Disabilities | A - Z of Disability and Diseases (ableize.com)

Purpose of my Disabilities and mental health Facebook groups, my blog Sara revealed.

Those of you who may have been reading my blog for some time or and long time, may be aware I have been writing it for sixteen years nearly off since 2007. Most if not some, even of you may be wonder why I have decided to interduce my blog now. Truth is I may well have done but realised have or and I am till now. This blog was created with help with my Mum and Sister after my Nan died, also the fact I started working for Mencap, where my awareness career started apart from my own experience of having disabilities and my own mental illness to hopefully others who face the same if not similar and those who support etc through their lives whether you a parent, family member carer, social worker, nurse, doctor, support work, teacher, tutor, you may support people disabilities, mental health and more with their education, careers etc, whether support them, teach them, train them or and more, what ever level you maybe on study, training, trained, qualifcated etc. Since I started my career with disability and mental awareness it has been very on and off, because of cuts, changes, credit crush, cost of living, covid lock down more where my work has either stopped found myself other fields. Where okay, my Autism, Anxiety and Depression etc, has had a huge affect to accept those changes, even more so when there has been nothing to replaced what has been lost but it hasn’t always been that way. The positives have been, there have been times I have achieved new skills such as Advocacy, Mentoring, Counselling as well as raising learning disability and mental health awareness, which even these basic skills I have learned have help me to try and help others and myself whether or not I have work going on, more so than me getting Advocacy, Counselling, Mentoring etc. However,’ it is hard to get on further course, training etc due to this cost-of-living crisis to build on what I achieved in Covid lockdown Interduction to counselling and Mental Health Awareness Level 1. At time I was doing those qualifications, I was doing them online because face to face support was very little or non all in lockdown. In some areas I am good at IT but in other areas, I am not, which made some of my support hard to get but I got through all the same. That is the reason why I finished the Befriending service but all the same I am looking for the same sort of thing but a better system that can help people when I can’t and also more training, qualifications etc so I help people more so because we are becoming more aware that a lot of things are affecting peoples’ mental health. I did not want to stop doing my Befriending for Beacon, but I am only qualified and trained for so much, the idea of my role was what I couldn’t help with it was my job to find help, but it was all very giving clients contact from other place when most my clients are not online, and services were only working online through lockdown mostly. On top of that my manager at the time was on answerphone, which okay they get busy, and it is understable they can not stay the same place, short staff, funding problems etc. Thankfully very few clients, or no one was at the point of turning point to put it politely but a fair many of them were in some emotional situations not far to crisis as such. Me and the clients, understood managers and staff were busy etc but most time we got the answerphone all the same, which weren’t no fault of the staff and managers but the government but all the same, it gave me feel more concerned for my client’s mental health more so. For me the good thing about writing this blog, even though there is no payment and that I don’t except that but I can still work even when I am not working by doing what I do when I am working but hopefully helping those who are working, studying and training in the learning disability and mental health field, also, for parents, families etc to find out what except out of people in their lives who have disabilities and or mental illnesses, also to help others facing disabilities, mental illness, even other problems, illnesses, conditions, diseases and more. Also, in case any of you are interested and if you’re on Facebook, I have two disability and mental health groups on Disability and Mental health support friendship, Animals, All Positive and or Access All Areas Now, Disability And Mental Health Talk.

Thursday, 11 May 2023

Interduction learning disability and mental health awareness

My name is Sara Jane Gorman I am a visiting Lecture of Learning Disability and Mental health Awareness trainer from first-hand experience for the Learning Disability team and Success group. Also, from September 2021 to November this year I was a Befriender for Beacon Befriending service, before then I achieved my Interduction to Couseloring and Mental Health awareness during lockdown. What is in today’s learning disability and mental health session? What is a learning disability and mental health? How and when it happens? What causes it? What type of disabilities and mental illnesses are there? How do they affect lives? How can we support them? Interduction to learning disability and mental health. Dis is a difficulty that affects every day lives, health, house skills, money, education, work, shopping, social lives, getting with people and more. Different people different ways depending on the disabilities and the person. This can be or should be supported by family, support workers, social workers, communication, accessible information, disability aids and more. the-hospital-communication-book.pdf (uhnm.nhs.uk) It happens, before, during and after birth caused by damage, injury, accident, illness to Mother, baby or both before, during birth. Abilities are the strengths we have but mostly different ways to most other people. Types of mental health. Anger Anxiety panic attacks Bipolar Boarder personally Stress Depression https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/ Causes of mental health Lack of sleep, too much sleep. Eating disorders, eating too much, less, weigh gain, loss etc. Lack of confidence and self – esstream. Either too much or little get up and go. Finding it hard to think positive about oneself. Easy believe others a lot for eg ; if they say they are useless, hopeless etc. They may take Drugs, or and a lot of alcohol etc. Emotional situations such as relationship break ups, deaths, of people they know etc including the Coronavirus lockdown, jobs, and business losses etc. https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/possible- causes/ End of this report https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/your-mental-health/getting-help#:~:text=Call%20the%20Mind%20infoline%20on,%40mind.org.uk. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/guides-to-support-and-services/crisis-services/useful-contacts/ Learning Disability - Down's Syndrome - Williams syndrome | Mencap https://www.ldw.org.uk/mental-health-resources-for-people-with-a-learning-disability/ Sararevealed.blogspot.com sarajgorman@gmail.com Please feel free to raise any feedback or questions about what is on this blog.

Wednesday, 10 May 2023

All levels of Autism that happen throughout peoples’ lives.

 Yesterday I started talking about all levels of Autism but did not finish. Those who may have read my website on Tuesday 9th May 2023, remember saying that level of Autism is the replacement of the form that was Asperous Syndrome. There are no forms of Autism, it is a long-life condition  but some if not most people overcome some difficulties as the years go on. Just to let you know that a person does not need to be facing all these signs to have any level of Autism. It may be that some people may have overcome so sign or never had some signs to start with as time etc goes on.

These is the three-level of Autism. However,’ it is not impossible for a lot of people where they discoverable to learn things, etc they couldn’t easily learn before, etc, where certain things they may overcome which could be different in different people.

 However,’ when knowing something, can go from no interest at all to too much interest but that may not be in everyone who faces Autism.

 Therefore, avoiding or making very little eye contact.

  •   Like all Autism we  struggle to communicate with others, this could mean fearing being misunderstood by others, not being on the same level as others for example talking about what they are not talking about unintentionally or sensationally where showing an interest in the topic we are talking about, but they may not be interested in, which maybe because the person may struggle to learn and know about anything else. Having a lasting and intense interest in certain topics, like numbers or facts.


 Having trouble with back-and-forth conversations.

  •  Not responding, or being slow to respond, to their name, which the person is not necessarily being rude to where they may not be aware or cannot hear their name being called. Having a sing-song or robotic tone of voice.

They may be upset by a change of route, which is more so Anxious about new things, ways, etc, no more different to others in positive things like achieving an exam, driving, test, studying, etc, which is more nervous really.

Repeating, behaviors, what others say, what they say themselves, etc.

  • They may be delayed learning or cognitive skills
  • Impulsive, inattentive, or hyperactive behaviors

ow in movement and language skills. Autism Spectrum Disorder: Symptoms, Definition, Tests (verywellhealth.com)


Level two is the minor level

No or very little speech by age 1 for example very little or no saying baba, Muma, Dada.

Very little no single words by 16 months to two years old.

Non or very, little responding to their name.

Little or no language or social skills. They may struggle to communicate and play with other children because they may struggle to understand the rules of games. However,’ they may be in their own world making up their own games, such as mums and dads, doctors, and nurses, etc. They may not learn at the same time as other people their age for eg, still watch programs at 10, 11, and 12 years as what they watched when they were 4, 5 years old, and still play mums, dads, doctors, and nurse for eg, until they are saying roughly, 13 years,

Poor eye contact.

Lining up toys. Autism: Signs, Symptoms, and Complications (verywellhealth.com)  Repetitive Behaviors in Autism (verywellhealth.com)

Level 3 is the major level of Autism, some people may struggle to express them verbally and nonverbally, they may struggle to function and socialize. Are Autistic People Introverts? (verywellhealth.com)  Understanding the Three Levels of Autism (verywellhealth.com) More on Autism. Autism in Adults: 10 Facts to Understand the Realities (verywellhealth.com)

 This may vary to ability, age etc, although most not at all.


How disability, Autism and more problems, conditions and more can affect mental health

 Firstly, let us think about what Autism is and how it can affect those of us who face Autism. Well Autism itself can be easily misunderstood as a mental illness, but is it? Neurodiverse is a pattern of thought or behaviour. Autism is a spectrum and a devolvement condition that affect people’s everyday life, in different people in different ways. This can cause such conditions as ADHD and Anxiety, meltdowns even Depression. ADHD is a condition, and Anxiety and Depression are mental illnesses. Anxiety is a feeling of worry, panic, stress, nervousness, anger, etc.

Whereas Depression is a feeling of sadness.

We all have to put up with negative situations, what we are not happy about one way or another but with mental illness and other conditions, disabilities etc, there is not always a reason other than the disabilities etc, they face, but if or and when there is a reason that just adds on top of them but then there is a reason, which is the disability, conditions they may be facing whether it is Autism or whatever it is, where they can affect a person’s life, where they may need more help from others than other people.

This can make the person feel negative because the condition or disabilities may not make the person feel equal to other people.

When they feel negative to a point, they may not feel independent, mainly if they are needing a lot of support, whereas they may feel the same if they get no support at all or the amount of support they need for example.  

How can Autism affect lives? Autism is a lifetime condition but with the right support, some difficulties can be over- combed. Autism can affect communication, friendships, relationships, and socializing. A person can be misunderstood, because of the way the person can or may seem to others which can cause misunderstanding between the person and others, because may seem odd to most people, they wouldn’t expect the person to behave in certain ways or see them at all if they don’t know them. For example, behaviours, the person may not be aware of the topic of people’s chat.

The person may either be or feel left out of the chat or and others may not bring them in, the person may interrupt or say something that is nothing to do with what the people around them are talking about without being aware of and understanding. If others do not know they may misunderstand the person to be someone they are not intentionally, where this may make the person feel left out, where is neither the person’s fault nor the people around them, mainly if whoever they are don’t know the person has Autism. Most may just say they have Autism, while others may fear embarrassment for themselves, worry how people may react to them etc. There many people will be thinking that there is no need to worry etc, yet there are some people with Autism, and disabilities who won’t be afraid etc to tell people, but others will, really either way is part of disabilities, mental illness and more.

 They may run up and down the room, rock backwards and forwards, spin etc, which may seem odd to most people.

What can increase mental health?

Struggling to interact with others. For eg, friendships, relationships, also how they may get on or not get on with people in school, college, University, family, home etc.  Emotional support

Home support, cooking, cleaning, shopping etc.

Health, education, and employment support etc.

Sensory needs such as sense, smell, sound, taste, feel and more.

Change of route, whether is positive or negative, also may take time to get used to the changes.

 You may wonder. Why would someone get Anxious about positive? We all like to create positives for ourselves and for others but a lot of things take time and work, not all if any happiness comes out of the sky, is good in one way and bad in another. If you create that happiness yourself, you have the right to be pleased with yourself but also some things are not necessary all the build-up can be stress and hard work, but it shouldn’t be and or doesn’t have to be, mainly if you have people to help who you get on with etc. This could be, for example, studying, exams, driving lesion, tests etc, which may be arts crafts and more. With exams for example there can be a build-up of Anxiety during studying time, for exams etc, which is natural for everyone because we are working hard to pass. Just to say that it is not just people with Autism who face mental illness but people with or without other disabilities etc too, where those who face Anxiety don’t only face it if they are facing an exam for example but a lot of times with many of us with or without a reason at any time.  

 Mental health (autism.org.uk)   When a mental health condition becomes a disability - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)  What's the difference between a learning disability and a mental health problem? | Mencap Mental health conditions - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Most mental illnesses are within most disabilities, the cause of mental illness is not only within disabilities, but in families, emotional situations such as deaths of people we know, animals we had or and animals of people we know, relationship, friendship, fall outs, break ups, housing, money problems and more.

Types of disabilities. Down syndrome, Williams syndrome, and more Learning disability and conditions | Mencap

Types of mental illness Anxiety, depression, eating problems, borderline personality, and more. A-Z of mental health - Mind

Learn how you can get disability and mental health support and how you can support people with disabilities or and mental illness. Managing mental health | Disability charity Scope UK For disabilities help and support home, health, education, work socializing etc; mental illnesses Anti – depressives, counselling, therapy etc.


Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Learn about Dyspraxia and other special needs

 Dyspraxia is a hidden learning difficulty that can affect people physically as well as mentally. It can affect skills such as reading, writing, understanding, maths, English; cooking cleaning, and more. Dyspraxia - SCIPS (work.ac.uk) This can happen to different people in different ways, where everyone's strengths and weaknesses are different. Home (dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk) I have just read many Dyspraxia sites, I was born with Dyspraxia, and I am 53 years old, I am not saying I know everything, no one does but I am not saying no one knows everything but there needs to be a lot of awareness that needs to be raised in Dyspraxia. What is Dyspraxia? | Mental Health | CPD Online College

From my experience, I have faced short-memory and comprehensive throughout my life, my long-term memory is not too bad. 

Motor skills difficulty for eg; opening, bottles, tins and more. 

Verbal difficulties, speech, this does not mean someone can't speak necessary, but they may struggle to pronounce certain words, etc, where speech may be hard for others to understand. 

Oral difficulties, cleaning teeth, eating without making a mess, movements with month, tourge, etc.

People can probably face a lot, some a few, a lot of these difficulties.

Most people over com some difficulties but not necessary others.

Strengths could be creative thinking, problem-solving,  drawing, painting IT, etc. We think outside the box and communicate verbally.

Weaknesses could be household tasks, cleaning teeth, and more.https://scips.worc.ac.uk/challenges/anxiety/  https://scips.worc.ac.uk/challenges/language/  https://scips.worc.ac.uk/challenges/memory/ https://scips.worc.ac.uk/challenges/motor/ https://scips.worc.ac.uk/challenges/organisation/  https://scips.worc.ac.uk/challenges/visual/Developmental co-ordination disorder (dyspraxia) in children - Symptoms - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Interduction to Autism and other special needs.


Autism was discovered by an American Psychiatric named Leo Kanner back in 1943. Years later a form of Autism was discovered called Autism Spectrum, then Asperger syndrome.  Impact | Volume 19, Number 3 | Autism Spectrum Disorders: Definitions and Implications | Institute on Community Integration Publications (umn.edu) In this study I am trying to look at what the difference and the same with Autism Spectrum.

In many ways, Autism Spectrum and Asperous Syndrome are pretty much the same in a lot of ways. An asperous syndrome is now considered as a very old name because the difference between the two are so small if at all, which is very confusing but understandable. Autism is considered to be a Spectrum under an umbrella. https://www.healthline.com/health/asperger-syndrome https://www.healthline.com/health/autism

To try and understand, we need to go through the levels of Autism, which replace the no longer Asperous syndrome form of Autism, which is now the Autism Spectrum level. How the person acts, reacts, and expresses ones ‘self.

1.1            Their strengths and weaknesses. Understanding the Three Levels of Autism (verywellhealth.com)  Strengths and abilities in autism - Altogether Autism Conditions that affect people with Autism, which in some cases may bring out strengths as well as weaknesses. Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Problems sleeping (insomnia), mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, ocdhttps://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd/overview/, learning disability, https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=ea64f68d57c9b853JmltdHM9MTY4MzU5MDQwMCZpZ3VpZD0zZmE1M2QxMS0zYzdhLTYyNzEtMTE4OC0zMGIzMzg3YTYxYmQmaW5zaWQ9NTI2NQ&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=3fa53d11-3c7a-6271-1188-30b3387a61bd&psq=Epilepsy&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9lcGlsZXBzeXNvY2lldHkub3JnLnVrL2Fib3V0LWVwaWxlcHN5L3doYXQtZXBpbGVwc3k&ntb=1

 , and more. Other conditions that affect autistic people - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Dyslexia for eg, before going on, even so people with the same conditions, etc, may not face the same strengths and weaknesses.

Most people with Dyslexia can be good thinkers, and have good ideas to put in place of things, that they may suggest whether people consider them or not. Most people are mostly good at verbal, creative things, IT, etc, even those who are, are likely to be in different ways such as drawing, painting, taking pictures, IT, some in maths, some may be in sport but not necessarily in the same sport, English or both, etc.

Weakness could be planning their work in school, colleges, work, etc such as an essay, or a job at the same time as everyone else, where they may need support.

They may face poor concentration where with some things they may struggle to focus on a lot at once, Multi–tasking, poor Stamina, coordination, self-esteem, etc but they could complete as well as everyone with the right support in place.

 Dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADD and other learning needs/neurodiversities ...





  • Both forms one way or the other struggle with taking information, comprehension,      etc. differences in processing sensory experiences, like touch or sound, from those who are considered “neurotypical Asperger's vs. Autism: What's the Difference? (healthline.com) Both Asperous may have strengths in learning styles and problem-solving but struggle with physical tasks.
  • Both forms may have their own special topics that they may interested in or good at.
  • Behaviors in some could be



First of all, why I am writing this document? I am writing this because every April is Autism awareness, every May is Mental health month, and disability month is June next month but to me, there should be awareness of disabilities, mental health, Autism, and more. Reason for this everyday someone somewhere is likely to discover something new whether it is them, someone else, etc who is facing ever. To start with in some things a name is not discovered right aware. It is really unknown to most names of things why they are named what they are.

What is the difference between Autism, disability, and mental health? Autism is more a devolvement condition, never a disability or not mental illness. However,’ Autism can be misunderstood as a mental illness as many people, such as myself face very high Anxiety levels, even in some if not most face other mental illnesses with or without Anxiety on the whole Anxiety can link a lot with Autism. Another condition that is similar to the mental illness Anxiety that can link to Autism is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD.

Autism, Anxiety, Epilepsy, depression, ADHD Part 2

 More than half of people on the  Autism Spectrum have four or more conditions. What they are can vary from person to person. Everyone who is on the Autism Spectrum faces Anxiety and Depression in one way or another, which isn't only in people with Autism but other problems too, and maybe those who face mental health who just face Anxiety and Depression or and Mental - ill health. That will be honest to say I have no knowledge about it, but you may get knowledge on other sites as my field is disability, and mental health all problems together awareness. 

The common problems people on the Autism Spectrum face. Before going on some people may get some, two which for all people on the Spectrum, Anxiety, and Depression.  As for the others is likely to be some, all, etc. There may or may not be many more not listed. 

Anxiety https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anxiety-and-panic-attacks/about-anxiety/

Depression https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/depression/about-depression/

Epilepsy https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/epilepsy/

Dyspraxia https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/developmental-coordination-disorder-dyspraxia-in-adults/

Dyslexia HTTPs://www.nhs.uk/conditions/dyslexia/






I have just found a site not only you will be learning from but me as well, in fact, you may or may not know more than me about this. In fact, this was unexcepted but could come useless for those who may or even may not have come across it.

You may wonder what this is Flat affect? 

It's very understandable you may wonder what I am on about, it is such an odd name but as crazy as it sounds it is a condition. Even I was puzzled when I first saw the site. It is a condition that people may struggle to express their emotions. 

They are not able to express whether they are happy, sad, etc and they show no facial expression.

 They have no reaction to verbal communication. 


No or low emotional expressions on their face.

No or low emotional reaction to verbal or nonverbal ways.

· Appearance of apathy

  • a monotone speaking voice
  • avoidance of eye contact with others
  • little to no change in facial expressions

More information is on this site https://www.healthline.com/health/flat-affect#associated-conditions

Asperous syndrome, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Epilepsy, Anxiety and Depression

( ADHD) is Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which affects construction getting distracted or and disbursed easily, acting without thinking which may be saying, not saying and not doing, doing things without thinking about it, without knowing they are right or wrong. 

Finding it hard to sit still, getting anxious, etc. When most people think of ( ADHD) they think they are always on the go, which is right but not always the case, this may vary some may calm down and others may go the complete opposite, which both admit is a huge concern because they never are what should be in-between, meaning too much angry or no angry at all.

 For me, I went from one to the other, had too much energy as a child and none now but in careers, such as education and work I always need some support. This can be because I lack concentration, and have Dyspraxia and Dyslexia as well, which are all part of Asperous Syndrome Disorder ( ASD). https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/

Dyslexia is a reading, writing, and spelling problem the person can read, write, and spell but they have problems along the way. Like getting letters, words, etc the wrong way round. On forms, they may have the right information but for them in the wrong places. When it comes to words, letters, sentences, etc in exams and it can lose them as many mark example as much as said someone who cannot read, write, or spell at all, even though we all know they cannot be supported in exams other than say someone reading the questions out. However, in some cases, clearer layouts may help some people, like an easy read, different colors of writing, paper, etc to their choice what makes it easy for them. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/dyslexia/

Dyspraxia is when a person struggles with movement, which I have already written many posts on this blog, it can affect energy, actives, etc.  

·                     clumsy movements and problems with organization and following instructions (dyspraxia)

Extra support at school, college, and universities can often help.

2        Problems sleeping (insomnia)

Symptoms of insomnia include:

·                     finding it hard to go to sleep

·                     waking up several times during the night

·                     waking up early and not being able to go back to sleep

Changing your bedtime routine can often help.

Find out more about sleep problems from the National Autistic Society.

3        Mental health problems

Many autistic people have problems like:

·                     feeling very worried a lot of the time (anxiety)

·                     feeling unhappy, irritable, or hopeless (depression)

·                     feeling a need to keep doing certain actions (obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD)

These conditions can often be treated with talking therapies or medicines.







Monday, 8 May 2023

Poetry awareness, I will tell it how it is.

 Update of an old poem.

Find my work when I am dead and gone or not.
My work is here to read but it is nothing special, it is just writing.
What you think of my work is up to you.
If money comes it will go to my family, lovers, and friends, if it happens at all or and when I am not here.
I write because I like writing not to impress the world so the world can see and think what they, you like, I build no hopes anymore.
When I am dead and gone, have what you want of mine.
If anyone is interested in my work, you are more than welcome to say what you think, you are welcome to say if you think nothing.
I just enjoy putting pen to paper, I just help for it to be understood and to make sense.
The words I write on paper come to my mind.
Please pretend, I am not here, sorry I did not mean to chase my dreams but does not stop me from writing my words, no matter how good and bad they may be.
I may have written the words for the world to see but think what you like, what will be, will be, what won’t be won’t be.
It is no good building my hopes up, I must accept what is or and not to be.
I know I am not anyone special but like everyone I have lived a life but I may not know how to tell it how others understand.
Yes, I understand some may be interested others may not, or no one will but that does not mean I can’t keep on writing until I leave the world so think me or not how you like or and you can read, I have gone or not.
5.12.2001 to 8.5.2023

Autism, Anxiety, ADHD, disability, and mental health awareness.
You don’t need to be as high as a kite to have ADHD.
The mind struggles to think and focus on too many things at once.
This may slow not only the mind down but the body down too.
However,’ the mind can overthink or and the body can overdo,
no matter what is on the mind, past, present or and future.
Post–traumatic stress Disorder, where your mind could talk to you non – stop, ( PTSD).
Most of us have everything to say or and nothing at all, whereas when we say or and think a lot, the mind can work overtime or and the body can work over time.

Thursday, 4 May 2023

Autism, disability, and mental health awareness doc 2.

 First of all why I am writing this document? I am writing this because every April is Autism awareness, every May is Mental health month, disability month is June next month but to me there should be awareness of disabilities, mental health, Autism and more. Reason for this everyday someone somewhere is likely to discover something new whether it is them, someone else etc who is facing ever. To start with in some things a name is not discovered right aware. It is really unknown to most names of things why they are named what they are.

What is the different between Autism, disability, and mental health. Autism is more a devolvement condition, never a disability or not mental illness. However,’ Autism can be misunderstood as a mental illness as many people, such as myself face very high Anxiety levels, even in some people if not most face other mental illnesses with or without Anxiety but on the whole Anxiety can link a lot with Autism. Another condition that that is similar to the mental illness Anxiety can link to Autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD, which be easily confused with one another or misunderstood. Now what is an easy way to understand? Autism is a devolvement condition; Anxiety is a mental illness and ADHD is a condition. How are they similar? Anxiety and ADHD mainly can cause people in different ways to panic, get stressed, worry, etc for example; more so compared to most other people. Autism can bring on meltdowns in some people through Anxiety, which may be something that can change, for them, route, etc, even more so if that change or route is unexcepted to them or if and if they did not know that change and or route etc is going to happen.  Autism and ADHD: What are the autism vs. ADHD: Difference, Symptoms, Causes, Treatments (verywellhealth.com)y differences? (medicalnewstoday.com)  ADHD, Anxiety, and Autism: Symptoms and Interventions (additudemag.com)

Autism, some people with Autism face speech and language problems, this may vary from type of Autism or the people themselves. Some may have difficulty with socializing and communication, sensory problems but can be liking or and disliking smell, touch, taste, etc, more all, which causes them to react in certain ways compared to other people, which can be positive or and negative, etc. They could be rocking backward and forwards, spinning, running up and down, etc, which others may find strange, mainly if the person is an older child, teenager, or adult for example, things like that through no fault of the person’s own, it can affect their friendship, relationships, etc with people.  Where people need to learn to understand why they are as they are, although, with the right training and support from others, not everyone shows those behaviors, which although in a big way is good but then can hide the condition, not that these problems can be an excuse but awareness needs to be raised.  

 Some things can bring on anxiety, making them more sensitive, nervous, etc compared to other people such as a change of route, learning school to study, work, build up to exam, exam itself, driving lesson test, etc because they are trying so hard to achieve and pass. Once that is done, they are fine if they passed but if they fail they struggle to accept that or and struggle to accept if they can try again, etc.

 This could be an example of anything like moving house, making friends, dealing with death, and more which could be positive, negative, or the other or both. When it comes to positives it is the build-up of working on something happening or in some situations  while they are going on like exams for example.

ADHD, finding it hard to focus on everything going on at once, this can affect a person’s career, etc where they may only be able to focus on one thing at a time.

They can react etc without thinking, they may miss things out, put too much into something, etc without meaning to, even maybe in case do things, say things, etc too slowly or quickly, they may struggle to cope with busy groups of people, etc. For example, a busy classroom, struggle to wait their turn to speak, etc. They may not complete their work whether it is a school, college, or work at the same time as everyone else, which is where support needs to be put in place if it is so important, they complete a task, etc the same time as everyone else does. This can make them misunderstood for someone they are not. These examples; could be misunderstanding the task, even writing too little or too many words, etc to an essay or both in the case may be.  If not supported can be hard on the person, where they could be in fear of being left behind. More ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - NHS (www.nhs.uk)