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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Learn about Dyspraxia and other special needs

 Dyspraxia is a hidden learning difficulty that can affect people physically as well as mentally. It can affect skills such as reading, writing, understanding, maths, English; cooking cleaning, and more. Dyspraxia - SCIPS (work.ac.uk) This can happen to different people in different ways, where everyone's strengths and weaknesses are different. Home (dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk) I have just read many Dyspraxia sites, I was born with Dyspraxia, and I am 53 years old, I am not saying I know everything, no one does but I am not saying no one knows everything but there needs to be a lot of awareness that needs to be raised in Dyspraxia. What is Dyspraxia? | Mental Health | CPD Online College

From my experience, I have faced short-memory and comprehensive throughout my life, my long-term memory is not too bad. 

Motor skills difficulty for eg; opening, bottles, tins and more. 

Verbal difficulties, speech, this does not mean someone can't speak necessary, but they may struggle to pronounce certain words, etc, where speech may be hard for others to understand. 

Oral difficulties, cleaning teeth, eating without making a mess, movements with month, tourge, etc.

People can probably face a lot, some a few, a lot of these difficulties.

Most people over com some difficulties but not necessary others.

Strengths could be creative thinking, problem-solving,  drawing, painting IT, etc. We think outside the box and communicate verbally.

Weaknesses could be household tasks, cleaning teeth, and more.https://scips.worc.ac.uk/challenges/anxiety/  https://scips.worc.ac.uk/challenges/language/  https://scips.worc.ac.uk/challenges/memory/ https://scips.worc.ac.uk/challenges/motor/ https://scips.worc.ac.uk/challenges/organisation/  https://scips.worc.ac.uk/challenges/visual/Developmental co-ordination disorder (dyspraxia) in children - Symptoms - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

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