Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 8 May 2023

Poetry awareness, I will tell it how it is.

 Update of an old poem.

Find my work when I am dead and gone or not.
My work is here to read but it is nothing special, it is just writing.
What you think of my work is up to you.
If money comes it will go to my family, lovers, and friends, if it happens at all or and when I am not here.
I write because I like writing not to impress the world so the world can see and think what they, you like, I build no hopes anymore.
When I am dead and gone, have what you want of mine.
If anyone is interested in my work, you are more than welcome to say what you think, you are welcome to say if you think nothing.
I just enjoy putting pen to paper, I just help for it to be understood and to make sense.
The words I write on paper come to my mind.
Please pretend, I am not here, sorry I did not mean to chase my dreams but does not stop me from writing my words, no matter how good and bad they may be.
I may have written the words for the world to see but think what you like, what will be, will be, what won’t be won’t be.
It is no good building my hopes up, I must accept what is or and not to be.
I know I am not anyone special but like everyone I have lived a life but I may not know how to tell it how others understand.
Yes, I understand some may be interested others may not, or no one will but that does not mean I can’t keep on writing until I leave the world so think me or not how you like or and you can read, I have gone or not.
5.12.2001 to 8.5.2023

Autism, Anxiety, ADHD, disability, and mental health awareness.
You don’t need to be as high as a kite to have ADHD.
The mind struggles to think and focus on too many things at once.
This may slow not only the mind down but the body down too.
However,’ the mind can overthink or and the body can overdo,
no matter what is on the mind, past, present or and future.
Post–traumatic stress Disorder, where your mind could talk to you non – stop, ( PTSD).
Most of us have everything to say or and nothing at all, whereas when we say or and think a lot, the mind can work overtime or and the body can work over time.

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