Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 29 April 2017

Disabilities, health problems, mental health problems, Disorders, Long – Term conditions and Stress.

Disabilities, health problems, mental health problems, Disorders, Long – Term conditions and Stress. Introducing studying, learning package handouts 2016 to 2017. 1. What is a learning disability? 2. What is mental health? 3. What are health problems? 4. What are long – term conditions? 5. What is stress? Defining Learning Disability. How do you know whether someone has a disability? (Diagnose). Research Types of disabilities. Try to find out before the person is 18 if they have an IQ below 70. What is brain damage? (Permant condition.) Look to long – term conditions. Valuing People Now should explain people’s rights. PCP Person Centred Planning, balancing the rights of independence and support. ( Supported Living.) Balancing the rights of the person and their carers. This could also mean for example; parents, family, social workers, support workers or and etc. Access to Health. • Health Action Planning • Invidual needs • Information for health • Health professions • Codes for LD • Increase time with GP What causes stress? Life is stressful for everyone one way or another coping with everyday ups and downs such as health, education, employment, housing, social lives or and etc, which could mean anything and everything. If have disabilities, health problems, mental health problems, disorders, long – term conditions or etc, you may be more sensitive, emotional and plus most things could take longer to pass compared what it would do with other people. Not only those, in some cases stress is also a risk of making people unwell anyway and even more of a risk if you have certain things with you every day of your life such as health problems for example. Here are some disabilities and health problems that are most likely to be at risk. • Anxiety • Depression • ADHA • Epilepsy • Diabetes There other references such as online and even books where you could learn more. Even people who face general, physical and mental disabilities are at risk depending on the disabilities they have. What are the risks but could be unlikely, all the same, their health should be checked more than other people? Here are just a few risks. It’s down to you to look for more like looking online and in books. • Heart attack • Strokes • Cartatarests. Challenging behavior. • With health problems • Mental health problems that can make people more sensitive those who don’t face mental problems. • Frequency • Intensity • Duration • Emerson 1991 PMLD. • Profound • Multiple • Learning • Disability • Complexes needs • And IQ below 20 What is stress? Think about what get's you down in your life but you don't have to tell us unless you want to. All we need to know is how you cope with it and how it affects you. How would you help and or treat someone who is going through stress for whatever reason who has disabilities, health problems, mental health problems, long - conditions or and etc? As odd as it may sound the fact that those of us who more sensitive than those people without disabilities and that, we tend to feel sad, angrily, furstraighted or and etc with or without a reason, which can be embarrassing when we feel negative for no reason. People with disabilities and health problems, for example, they may feel stressed they have been treated by others when it comes to a lack of communication and understanding. Too many people taking them different things on one thing, which can be confusing to a point it is a health risk on how it can affect whatever illness, condition or and etc they have got. Just remember the most common ones such as Epilepsy, Anxiety, Depression, Diabetes or and etc. On top of that there could be risks of such things as strokes and heart attacks if the person is really stressed. We tend to be misunderstood when feeling negative for no reason because it's something people don't understand unless they go through the same. As the years have gone on, society has been trying to understand. It's not fully understood even by those of us who go through it ourselves, which is why it can make those of who are going through it feel embarrassed how we feel, which can be part of the person's condition or whatever else they may be suffering from. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying so much in the last ten to twenty years or so but roughly 30 odd years back or more, people who suffered from conditions that made them negative either without a reason or with or without a reason were from my experience seen as an attention seeker just turning up to see a Health profession to waste their time, which is not the case for those who suffer from conditions and other things that affect their lives more so than others, which made the person suffering feel twice as bad and unwell than before they walked through the room. What we shouldn't do is make the person feel as if they are doing something wrong all the while. We shouldn't make them feel as if they are hard work. We should try to think about how we would feel if we were in their positive; put yourself in that person's shoes. Move on from the past, don't make them feel as if they wasting your time. What I have said you may not need to know all but it's good to have the understanding so you tell other Health professions if you need to. http://www.itv.com/news/2017-01-11/defendant-slashes-his-own-throat-in-court/ It's true what they say when dealing with someone who or who can't help themselves is no use helping. However' these things should be worth checking out mainly when it comes to proof of their conditions and or whatever they may be suffering from. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't take and step back and be too soft on them. I do agree there are a lot out there who are milking the system and even attention seeking just to waste worker's time. However' without asking for proof and checking with some people you could be turning the wrong ones away. Bearing in mind a lot of people have been sent from place to place and pillow to post and not getting anywhere to a point where they feel it's not worth trying again. Feeling as if they are hard work to society to a point they have had enough and are at risk of taking their own lives, which no one wants to hear of or see. This is where the benefits system has been a fine example of that for the past coming up to seven years this year. However' don't get me wrong please do watch your health and safety, at the same time I do understand that Health professions so have their share stress too from all kinds of patients. As a paramedic, it is your job to prepare your patients for hospital and have some understanding why the person is unwell. Stress, Worry, Panic, Anxiety, Sadness, and Depression. Stress is a form of worry in life's situation which we all suffer from time but most of us most so than others, meaning some of us are more sensitive, which then becomes Anxiety. It's always on our minds until whatever we are worried is sorted one way or the other. If it can't be sorted, then it sets into fear, then it does sets into a panic. However' more often than not we worry about things that are less of a problem to you, something small to you but huge to us, it feels like the end of the world. When it comes to Depression things can seem more negative than what they really or and people who don't Mental Health problems. Depression is a feeling of sadness, Anxiety is a feeling of worry, fear and panic whether there's a reason or not, which can vary from person to person. Examples of worries people with disabilities and health problems face. Everyone's life and emotions are different so we all have different problems and worries, naturally. Some of us are more sensitive than others. Mostly people with disabilities and health problems worry about the benefits cuts, changes, not able to work, being put into the wrong work, not able to get the support they need for what they need or and etc. Even Hate Crime is one of them, which is a huge concern but also a major concern. The government is mostly to blame for making valuable people victims mainly when it comes to the benefits cuts. http://sararevealed.blogspot.co.uk/2016/02/plan-for-disability-hate- crime.html http://sararevealed.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/learning-disability-hate-crime.html this affect people physically and mentally depending kind of crime it is. This is where there can be communication barriers. A lot of people excepting more of people, which is not surprising when there are so many disabilities and health problems that are hidden but even then it's not always the case. These are a list of links that can worry people with disabilities and health problems to a point their health and even lives are at risk. https://www.facebook.com/Accessibleforall/videos/372115979831530/?hc_ref=SEARCH http://www.disabilitynewsservice.com/atos-nurse-lied-about-pip-claimant-attending-assessment-alone/ http://bit.ly/2iE52Be http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/wetherspoons-doormen-eject-wheelchair-bound-9584838 https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/jan/08/the-crisis-of-disabled-millennials-it-feels-hopeless?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other http://strokeassociation.online-news.org.uk/quiz.html?_tel=6046847135383552&_teurl=4970178962259968&_tesa=ecapP2 http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Dyspraxia-in-adults/Pages/Introduction.aspx

People with different forms of disabilities and health problems with talent.

No one knows everything whoever and whatever they are. Never think you're better than anyone else because no one is better than anyone at the end of the day.
From my own experience, many people with disabilities and health problems have been misunderstood and disbelieved one way or the other. Most people like me with disabilities and health problems have been class as thick because we are slow learners; I believed this was the reason why I suffered bullying in school. Never try to compare yourself with someone else because they may be slower than you, they will catch with themselves one day, never bully someone for that reason, in fact never bully at all for any reason!
 I like many left school with nothing wondering why I was ever and what my future was going to be. Life seemed completely negative when I left school in March 1986, then come April I achieved my first certificate, which was Grace 1 Riding for the Disabled. The rest my education and experience carry on from there.

Just because someone becomes talented doesn’t mean they become famous but some do. Most people disabilities and health problems are talented but one person isn’t better than the other whether they have disabilities and health problems or not, in fact, people without disabilities and health problems can be just as equal to those with http://www.vmi.edu/uploadedfiles/academics/academic_support/disabilities_services/famous%20people%20with%20learning%20disabilities%20-%20updated.pdf

Thursday, 27 April 2017

What is Anxiety and Depression?

What is Anxiety and Depression? Anxiety and Depression can be a very easily misunderstood Mental Health problem. Depression is when you don’t really care much about anything or anybody but that’s not the case, which why it can be misunderstood. Anxiety is where you worry about everything and everybody but that’s not the case, which is why it can misunderstand. However’ if you have both, sadly life is hell which is mostly the case because mostly they link together. I think it’s very few and in-between people get one or other, to be honest no one knows for sure. Anxiety and Depression can link to other disabilities, health problems or and etc, it’s also possible to just get two of them or one or the other. Anxiety and Depression is a Mental Health problem, it’s feeling that can come on with or without a reason it can vary for different people. It can be so much understood because Depression is a feeling sadness and Anxiety is a feeling of anger, which people who don’t suffer from these Mental Health problems it’s easy for them to think everything about us is negative about the people who do, which is not true. The truth is that they are hidden and nine out of ten people who face Anxiety and Depression appears to be happier than those without so, therefore society can misunderstand them for always feeling happy with their lives. No one should be judged either way. However’ most people with Depression can feel we are to blame, failures, let down to ourselves, others, everything, everybody because so many people think more of the negative us than the positive to a point then encourages a person to think mostly negative of ourselves. We can feel alone but we are not alone. While is going us feel it’s never going end and its feel as if you feel life is not worth life. The worse things you can do is say everything negative to a person anyway, mainly those who face Anxiety and Depression as it is. Even if you feel someone has very low self – stream it’s your job to bring them back up again. As I said in the teaching session Thursday 27th April 2017, introducing Learning Disability Nursing, a theory can help some people like suggesting hobbies, interests, arts, crafts, careers, education or and etc, which is trying to give people something to look forward to and something positive to focus. However’ it does work for everyone. Don’t feel you have failed if something hasn’t worked for someone Anxiety and Depression is a very challenging to deal with, even a lot of people themselves feel just as fur straight ed as what you might do, bearing in mind we live with the condition we don’t enjoy what have to face. Someone who is suffering to a point it’s the opposite way where they have lost interest and everything, it can be very tricky where they may spend a lot a time off work or whatever else they were doing when they were okay. However’ some people have what you call a turnaround, I strangely did when I was losing my work with Mencap where there was less work coming in, then as time went on more problems they were facing then was starting to lose interest in the very little what was there. When I lost I had nothing happening from May 2011 to December 2011, I had spells I was climbing the walls begging to get out do something to spells I had no interest in anything. Due to the fact that lots of funding were been cut in different places there’s wasn’t a lot of help and support so the more I heard funding was cut and finding work so for was harder the more was losing interest and fail that things would improve, However’ somehow I managed to push myself to move forward again but not everyone can, some people more than others and others it just does happen at all. Yes, it is true that you can’t help people unless they help themselves, don’t get me wrong it’s not the case for everyone because there are many out who don’t help themselves but then they are many out there who try hard even too hard to a point, it’s harder for some than it is for others. We can feel a sense of guilt, blame or and even if we have no reason to feel that way. We can go through spells we feel down then better again but then we feel as though we never will. It’s easy for others to say things, don’t worry, don’t panic, it will pass; move on that part your life has gone now. As true as it maybe what they say, it is the frame we are at the time. We don’t see or feel it when we are going through whatever at the time. It only when we go back into good spells we realize but there are risks sadly that most people don’t pull through at all. Some people pull through others don’t. It’s a case of will you or won’t and if you don’t its case of when is enough is enough? Anxiety and Depression don't beat everyone. What makes Anxiety and Depression hard to understand? We can’t and don’t show sadness and anger 24 .7. It’s either misunderstood one way or the other, even both in the case may be always happy or and always sad. Just because you always see a smile doesn’t mean the person is happy underneath and the even the opposite way as strange as it sounds. There’s no proof to say either way or both. The person themselves are fighting with their own feelings and emotions all the time, it’s a big effect for us to get through each hour, minute, second, day, night or and etc. Each and every one of us handles it different ways. Most of us sleep too much most of us sleep too less and others it’s a bit of both. It’s too easy to lose confidence and self – stream, interest in things, work, education or and etc. Some people find having these things in their lives is more helpful in their lives than having nothing. Others it can be a bit of both. Disabilities, health problems, mental health problems, Disorders, Long – Term conditions and Stress. Life is stressful for everyone one way or another coping with everyday ups and downs such as health, education, employment, housing, social lives or and etc, which could mean anything and everything. If have disabilities, health problems, mental health problems, disorders, long – term conditions or etc, you may be more sensitive, emotional and plus most things could take longer to pass compared what it would do with other people. Not only those, in some cases stress is also a risk of making people unwell anyway and even more of a risk if you have certain things with you every day of your life such as health problems for example. Here are some disabilities and health problems that are most likely to be at risk. • Anxiety • Depression • ADHA • Epilepsy • Diabetes There other references such as online and even books where you could learn more. Even people who face general, physical and mental disabilities are at risk depending on the disabilities they have. What are the risks but could be unlikely, all the same, their health should be checked more than other people? Here are just a few risks. It’s down to you to look for more like looking online and in books. • Heart attack • Strokes • Cartatarests.

Accessible information.

Why is accessible information easy read is important?
·       Accessible information easy read is helping to make information easy to read and understand.
·       Nine times out of ten when we read things, it very not easy to read and understand.
·, For example, print can be too small, too many long words and may others things that make information hard for people to read and take in.
·       It can be more so frustrating for a person if what they are reading is important for example a bill to paid or benefit form needing to be posted off to a certain date, even worse someone people may not understand at all what the information is.
·       This is can get the person very much misunderstood if they have people around to look at information.
·       The person may not do anything because they may not understand the information they have been given or sent, which can be very concerning.
·       Not everyone gets’s support and not everyone gets enough support.
·       Things like bullet points could be put in an instructive accessible way, step by step, bullet point, 123, ABC, mainly for those with memory problems and those who have problems taking in information.
·       This could be how to do things or even directions how to get places.
·       Some people find it hard if too much is said to them at once.

Learning how to teach.
·       How can we make teaching and learning put in an accessible way?
·       Teaching needs to be put in an accessible way, easy words, sentences, and pictures.

·       Everyone knows that learning is never meant to be easy, things we don’t isn’t easy simply because we there are things we don’t know.
·        We know that learning isn’t meant to be easy but life is even more challenging for people with disabilities, health problems or and etc.
·       However’ how information is laid would make some different to a way a person learns.
·       Take a look at how people’s disabilities, health problems or and or etc affects their abilities to learn compared to other people.
·       For example: slowing the person down one way or another.
·       This can affect things like the ability to learn, memory one way or another or and understanding.

How can you make

 information more accessible?
Here are a couple examples: easy and clear words, easy and clear picture. I can’t always possible but as many short words and short sentences as possible. 
 Here some links that may help you learn how to make information easy and accessible to read. http://sararevealed.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/up-date-of-accessible-information.html
Please at other refences that could help you to how to make information easy for people to read and understand such as online.  

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Introducing the learning program for students at the University of Wolverhampton Walsall Campus 2016/17.

12.10.2017 to 27.4.2017.

What is a learning disability?  
A learning disability can either affect the brain or and the body before, during and after birth.
Here are some types of disabilities Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, and Autism, what others are there?
Mental health problems Anxiety and Depression, what others are there?
Health problems Epilepsy, Diabetes, and ADHD, what others are there?
How do disabilities and health problems affect people in everyday life at home, school, college in the workplace and etc?
How can you make life easy for people who face disabilities and health problems?  Here are my examples what are yours.
Accessible information (Easy read).
Communication, how can someone with disabilities and health problems make themselves understood? Here are my examples what are yours?
Sign language, Easy read symbols, speech, and language.
PCP Person Centred Planning, learning how to balance support with independence.
References you could use websites, books and etc. Here’s one www.mencap.org.uk

 Next step following from October 2016.
I will give some information about some disabilities, health problems and or etc that may or may not be all listed on the first page of this handout. Every person can vary excepted anything off anyone. Not every person necessary will face all the problems in these disabilities and health problems or and etc. This is just a rough guide what to except from people. However’ people facing these things can be rather common. Bear mind that a lot these disabilities, health problems or and etc can be so easliy misunderstood.

Some information about disabilities and health problems.

ADD/ ADHD (Attention Deflect Hyperactive.
Slow learners, find it hard to concentrate, forgetting a lot, finding it hard complete tasks, finding it hard to follow instructions and lack of comprehension.
Asperser Syndrome.
Find it hard to have an interest in anything, behavior problems, Problems with speech and launage, Very logical and technical thinking, find it hard to socialize and communicate, Problems with facial expressions, clumsily and uncoordationated, problems with understanding others can experience ( Sensory Integration Dysfunctions.

Low mood and sadness at any time with or without a reason but each person can vary so excepted anything off anyone. Feeling hopeless and helpless where a person can feel negative about them but don’t think the person is negative all the time, also with some people, it can vary. Feeling irritate and intolerant towards others and may do towards just them or others as well.  Lack of motivation or too much interest in things, suicidal thoughts, feeling anxious and worried and it can affect friendships and relationships. Every person can vary it’s not all black and white, some people can be different to others.
Confused with numbers, How to tell which two numbers are larger, use fingers to count, find it hard to read clocks, find it hard to work out timetables and mental arithmetic, Find it hard to gage time, find it hard to understand left to right, Poor sense of direction, find it hard to measure distance, Find it hard to score games and take part in actives.  
Problems with reading, writing, and spelling, may learn better visual, find it hard to concentrate, stutter in speech, Poor and slow handwriting, Poor concentration, and clumsiness, even simple things can be challenging.
Clumsiness and balance problems, find it hard to tell left to right, prone to panic attacks, find it hard to sleep and can be over tried, daydream, fur straughted and low self – stream.
Absence seizures are when the person loses consciousness and may stare into space. Myoclonic seizures are movements of the muscles. The muscles contract and relax rapidly causing jumping movements. Tonic – clonic seizures the person loses full consciousness. After a seizure, the person is confused, disoriented tired.

Monday, 24 April 2017

The 50s,60S, 70S AND 80S GROUP.

The 50s,60S, 70S AND 80S GROUP.
Head Admins
(Part-time to full-time Head Admin) Sara Jane Gorman and creator of the group,
Head Admin James Lakeman
Part-time to full-time Admins,
Jennifer Gilbert Harvey under part - time Admin,
Jan Rhodes Under Part to full - time Admin
Relief Admin.
Vic Browning

If you are a new member of this group please read the purpose and safety rules on http://sararevealed.blogspot.co.uk/…/01/facebook-groups.html
For Head Admin and Admin, just remembers that Head Admin is a bit harder work than being just Admin so think about it carefully. If this isn't for you maybe you know someone who will. If anyone is interested, please either tell us on the group you are on or message me in the comments boxes of the group or groups you want to be Admin or Head Admin for.

Sara Revealed
It,s not easy being understood when you have a learning disability, or even making yourself heard. I am writing this blog to show how my disability affects my day to day life and what help & support I need.

Safety Warning.
Over the past month before Christmas and onwards we have faced a lot of unsafe post such as spam, flagged post or and etc. We would be most grateful if you see any unsafe post, please report it to us. If you feel it's necessary to report it to Facebook as well as us please, let if you don't how to report it to Facebook.
 If you see a name of a person adding unsafe post, please let us know the name you see, this will help us a lot to remove and block the person who has truly added the unsafe post, last thing we want is to blame the wrong person so we need as much proof you can give. We understand with most things there's handy any proof or none,  if can do your best, thank you.

 If we don't feel it's necessary to report to Facebook we will tell you the reason why but don't worry when it comes to safe guarding the chances of us disagreeing on what you think is very rare.

When setting the groups we can't think everything at once but more problems we face the more safety rules we will be adding on our groups, we will get stricter. Our aims of our groups are for us to our best to make our groups as safe as possible. Anyone who does add unsafe post faces been blocked and removed if they are reported by a member or Admin, even reported to facebook if whoever has reported you feels it's necessary.


Safety Rules.

1. Respect each other’s opinion even if you disagree.

2. Please say why you disagree and leave at that.

3. Please report to us if a person is upsetting you then I will remove them.

4. If the person is giving you a hard time over whatever, please me know and I will remove the person from the group whether they like it or not and whether others like it or not. Same the other way round.
5. I don't want anyone on here to feel bullied, threaded, abused and I accept no discrimination either.
6. Don’t add someone to the group unless they agree to join and you make the Admin team aware. (Please let us know.)
7. No bullying or hate crime, if you face any of this of anyone in this group please report us, then they will be removed.
8. Nothing sexual in post, videos or writing, you can raise awareness of learning disabilities, health problems and sexual health through.
9. No advertising product unless it's to do with the 60s, 70s and 80s group.
10. We can fully understand if you decide to leave the group after a possible break but if not we promise to be the best support we can and hope you meet someone else on here if not here somewhere else.
11. This is a Closed to a pubic group between us all on the group so think of yourself as if you are in a pub or club chatting to the people.
12. We don’t want anyone suffering silently in this group to a point they feel threatened, bullied, abused and etc.
16.Don't suffer in silent but then you are not forced to tell us anything you don’t want to either, this is just to let you have no need to be scared of us if you do decide to tell us.
13. Please be patience and things could go your way with someone else or just leave the group.
You can add links as long as they are links to groups not much different to ours.

no swearing
You can add pictures and video as long as they are to do with Anti - bullying, we do not accept any rude or dirty pictures, please keep it clean thank you.
Please do not hack anyone, please feel free to report if you think you have been hacked or bullied by on anyone on this group.
With proof, we do something about it otherwise we will be keeping a very close eye.
Hopefully, not this could mean reporting to Facebook or even involving the police if the situation you may be facing is really dangerous.
Do not block, delete or report Admin's post, if you feel a post an Admin has added should be added then tell another Admin and give reasons why then will deside between the team whether it should be accected or deleted.
If you report, block or delete the post you will be blocked and removed without anything being said.
Please report to us if you see anyone reporting, blocking or deleting Admin's post.
Do not block any Admins ether cause whichever Admins are on there will remove and block you.

If there’s anyone you don’t get along with please don’t speak to them, we do not accept falling out!

Report anyone who upsets you, we will remove them if you ask us to!

No hate crime, please report if you face it, whoever is responsible for hate crime will be removed!
No sexual post but you can raise awareness of sexual health!


Saturday, 22 April 2017

All our facebook groups part 2

Website links of our groups. 


Safety rules for all groups.

Please do not sell anything even if it's to do with what the group is about. Our reasons for this is that we are concerned it could cause all kinds of safety risks to peoples' IT devices and maybe even all kinds of rows.

Do not advertise it's topic is the same or not much different topic what or groups is are about and it's put on to the right group and topic. please check the post is safe to post before adding it, if not sure please pm one of us meaning our admin to talk about it, then they will take about with us and we decide and you know we feel the post is safe to add or not. If we see any reasons why not we will tell you why not. Please accept what we say even if you disagree with us. If we feel it's necessary to allow you to add the post, we will let you know. However' if we do still disagree please do not row with us, do not abuse in any way, do not block us or anything else negative cause you won't just be removed and blocked but reported facebook as well.

Please feel free to report anyone who you feel is doing anything wrong on in things we may not have thought to put in the rules. It would be most helpful to us if you have proof but if not we will keep very close eye on the person as long as most important at all you caught a name, we can keep a note of that and if we catch them we will remove and block, even report them to facebook depending what wrong they have done, thank you.
Please report it if see anyone breaking our rules, again proof is more helpful if can get it. if not we will keep an eye, removed and block and even reported facebook if we feel and feel it's unnecessary that they be on the FB as long as you can catch a name of who it is and even what they have done, thank you.

Sorry to say we will need to update the groups again, we didn't to so soon but yesterday we had a number of bullying issues reported to us by members who have faced bullying outside the groups possibly from ex-members. Please feel free to report anything or anyone you may face negative in or outside the group as long as its someone who is either a member on our group or an ex-members. Negative issues you may face from anyone, the person will be removed and blocked off our the groups will be removed and blocked off our groups for sure and even reported to Facebook if you and we think it and even reported to facebook if you and we think it is necessary. However' if you face negative issues with someone you know who used to be a member on our groups outside our groups, please feel free to report it and an admin on our team who knows how to report to facebook will do that for you. bear in mind all of us have different skills on our team so if you happen to speak someone who doesn't know how to report facebook, they will find an Admin who can. 

Safety guarding to all our facebook groups.

Safety Warning for all groups.

Over the past month before Christmas and onwards we have faced a lot of unsafe post such as spam, flagged post or and etc. We would be most grateful if you see any unsafe post, please report it to us. If you feel it's necessary to report it to Facebook as well as us please, let if you don't how to report it to facebook.
 If you see a name of a person adding unsafe post, please let us know the name you see, this will help us a lot to remove and block the person who has truly added the unsafe post, last thing we want is to blame the wrong person so we need as much proof you can give. We understand with most things there's handy any proof or none,  if can do your best, thank you.

 If we don't feel it's necessary to report to facebook we will tell you the reason why but don't worry when it comes to safety guarding the chances of us disagreeing on what you think is very rare.

When setting the groups we can't think everything at once but more problems we face the more safety rules we will be adding on our groups, we will get stricter. Our aims of our groups are for us to our best to make our groups as safe as possible. Anyone who does add unsafe post faces been blocked and removed if they are reported by a member or Admin, even reported to facebook if whoever has reported you feels it's necessary.

Hi guys this may sound harsh but it's only for everyone's safety  we are having to be more scricter cause of safety risks. Having a chat is more than fine, talking about hobbies, interests and work, what you had for breakfast is fine for example. We understa, d that you may think are a bit ott but it's your safety we are concerned about. Please do not ask where one another where they live on the group or for any other contact details onn the group.
If people want to friends of the groups as well as on by always feel free to pm one another if you want and give your contacts to one another if you chose to.
We not saying everyone would put their personal details on the group some may not realizing the risk cause no one wants everyone to get in contact with them plus there could be risk of people being hacked and that.

Just to let you know that we have had a member report another one for swearing but they haven't give us a name or any proof of what he saw, which therefore as it is we can't do our job.
If you see something that concerns you that someone is doing something wrong please copy the person's profile on to our pm or keep a note of the person's name.

We like to do our job right and we don't want to want to blame the wrong people. 
Please pm one of us, our names are on the pinned post.
As soon as we receive it we will remove and block the person.
If you see a reason for reporting the person to facebook please do if you can, if not let us know and if one of us doesn't know how to then, we will find an Admin on our team who knows how to, thank you.
Proof of what happened would be most helpful as well thank you. 

Purpose and Safety concern.

We are sorry there's a lot of information as we want to make it as safe and enjoyable for you as possible. Plus I have Dyslexic and find it hard to write things in a short so sorry if I have repeated anything. 

Welcome to all groups the idea of this group is so members can chat and be treated equally and friendly as possible. Hopefully, it will bring different kinds of people together to enjoy our group as much as possible and feel as safe as possible. To balance is, which is why the rules are strict. Here is a report about some things that happened to a disabled person, we do not want to see this happen to anyone on this group. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-38691135


Please also feel free to ask us for counseling websites if needs be, if you face any emotional issues, for example, Mental Health, relationship problems or and etc; which you don't have tell us about unless you want to, whether it's on our group or outside our group. 

Anyone who is reported for taking advantage of a vulnerable people or and anyone on this group will be removed and blocked from the group. Please free to report it if you are concerned someone on the group is facing anything bad from anyone. There some people who don't report people because they may think they don't think they can, they may feel scared that the person whose bothering them may give them more grief all or many reasons. Before reporting to us, please make the possible victim aware so they have a say and let them know they are more than welcome to talk to either one, however many of us if it's been. However' we are an Admin team with different skills what one of us can't do the other can and if none of us can't we will search for help elsewhere. 

Please feel free to report someone if you face any bullying or and hate crime this group, this applies whether you vulnerable or not, we will even support you to report the person to facebook if you ask us to, as long as you have as much proof as possible.

If anyone wants to invite anyone they know to this group, please ask them first, only try to add them if they want to join but please ask us first, this can be whether it's people with disabilities or without as long as there's someone with a disability whose knows. We are sorry for anyone with the purposes and names. Everyone is really welcome as long you follow and respect the rules and rights we give everyone which includes, our safety and rights as well as yours. 

 When we had changed the name to this name we were asked by a member on without disabilities if it's alright for her to be still on here? those of you who have been on here from when we first set up the group you are than welcome to stay if you wish. All it is for future members is where we have made slight changes, which is what I have written the paragraph before this.