Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 27 April 2017

What is Anxiety and Depression?

What is Anxiety and Depression? Anxiety and Depression can be a very easily misunderstood Mental Health problem. Depression is when you don’t really care much about anything or anybody but that’s not the case, which why it can be misunderstood. Anxiety is where you worry about everything and everybody but that’s not the case, which is why it can misunderstand. However’ if you have both, sadly life is hell which is mostly the case because mostly they link together. I think it’s very few and in-between people get one or other, to be honest no one knows for sure. Anxiety and Depression can link to other disabilities, health problems or and etc, it’s also possible to just get two of them or one or the other. Anxiety and Depression is a Mental Health problem, it’s feeling that can come on with or without a reason it can vary for different people. It can be so much understood because Depression is a feeling sadness and Anxiety is a feeling of anger, which people who don’t suffer from these Mental Health problems it’s easy for them to think everything about us is negative about the people who do, which is not true. The truth is that they are hidden and nine out of ten people who face Anxiety and Depression appears to be happier than those without so, therefore society can misunderstand them for always feeling happy with their lives. No one should be judged either way. However’ most people with Depression can feel we are to blame, failures, let down to ourselves, others, everything, everybody because so many people think more of the negative us than the positive to a point then encourages a person to think mostly negative of ourselves. We can feel alone but we are not alone. While is going us feel it’s never going end and its feel as if you feel life is not worth life. The worse things you can do is say everything negative to a person anyway, mainly those who face Anxiety and Depression as it is. Even if you feel someone has very low self – stream it’s your job to bring them back up again. As I said in the teaching session Thursday 27th April 2017, introducing Learning Disability Nursing, a theory can help some people like suggesting hobbies, interests, arts, crafts, careers, education or and etc, which is trying to give people something to look forward to and something positive to focus. However’ it does work for everyone. Don’t feel you have failed if something hasn’t worked for someone Anxiety and Depression is a very challenging to deal with, even a lot of people themselves feel just as fur straight ed as what you might do, bearing in mind we live with the condition we don’t enjoy what have to face. Someone who is suffering to a point it’s the opposite way where they have lost interest and everything, it can be very tricky where they may spend a lot a time off work or whatever else they were doing when they were okay. However’ some people have what you call a turnaround, I strangely did when I was losing my work with Mencap where there was less work coming in, then as time went on more problems they were facing then was starting to lose interest in the very little what was there. When I lost I had nothing happening from May 2011 to December 2011, I had spells I was climbing the walls begging to get out do something to spells I had no interest in anything. Due to the fact that lots of funding were been cut in different places there’s wasn’t a lot of help and support so the more I heard funding was cut and finding work so for was harder the more was losing interest and fail that things would improve, However’ somehow I managed to push myself to move forward again but not everyone can, some people more than others and others it just does happen at all. Yes, it is true that you can’t help people unless they help themselves, don’t get me wrong it’s not the case for everyone because there are many out who don’t help themselves but then they are many out there who try hard even too hard to a point, it’s harder for some than it is for others. We can feel a sense of guilt, blame or and even if we have no reason to feel that way. We can go through spells we feel down then better again but then we feel as though we never will. It’s easy for others to say things, don’t worry, don’t panic, it will pass; move on that part your life has gone now. As true as it maybe what they say, it is the frame we are at the time. We don’t see or feel it when we are going through whatever at the time. It only when we go back into good spells we realize but there are risks sadly that most people don’t pull through at all. Some people pull through others don’t. It’s a case of will you or won’t and if you don’t its case of when is enough is enough? Anxiety and Depression don't beat everyone. What makes Anxiety and Depression hard to understand? We can’t and don’t show sadness and anger 24 .7. It’s either misunderstood one way or the other, even both in the case may be always happy or and always sad. Just because you always see a smile doesn’t mean the person is happy underneath and the even the opposite way as strange as it sounds. There’s no proof to say either way or both. The person themselves are fighting with their own feelings and emotions all the time, it’s a big effect for us to get through each hour, minute, second, day, night or and etc. Each and every one of us handles it different ways. Most of us sleep too much most of us sleep too less and others it’s a bit of both. It’s too easy to lose confidence and self – stream, interest in things, work, education or and etc. Some people find having these things in their lives is more helpful in their lives than having nothing. Others it can be a bit of both. Disabilities, health problems, mental health problems, Disorders, Long – Term conditions and Stress. Life is stressful for everyone one way or another coping with everyday ups and downs such as health, education, employment, housing, social lives or and etc, which could mean anything and everything. If have disabilities, health problems, mental health problems, disorders, long – term conditions or etc, you may be more sensitive, emotional and plus most things could take longer to pass compared what it would do with other people. Not only those, in some cases stress is also a risk of making people unwell anyway and even more of a risk if you have certain things with you every day of your life such as health problems for example. Here are some disabilities and health problems that are most likely to be at risk. • Anxiety • Depression • ADHA • Epilepsy • Diabetes There other references such as online and even books where you could learn more. Even people who face general, physical and mental disabilities are at risk depending on the disabilities they have. What are the risks but could be unlikely, all the same, their health should be checked more than other people? Here are just a few risks. It’s down to you to look for more like looking online and in books. • Heart attack • Strokes • Cartatarests.

1 comment:

Maheen Fatima said...

Yup, definitely agree it is the old brain that causes anxiety... the science behind it fascinates me. Anxiety is horrible to live with, good tips to help someone who is having high anxiety though. I've recently started a blog and have been writing about my anxiety. We should know the methods to control anxiety without medication . Anyways I enjoyed your post and thanks for sharing this post.