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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Accessible information.

Why is accessible information easy read is important?
·       Accessible information easy read is helping to make information easy to read and understand.
·       Nine times out of ten when we read things, it very not easy to read and understand.
·, For example, print can be too small, too many long words and may others things that make information hard for people to read and take in.
·       It can be more so frustrating for a person if what they are reading is important for example a bill to paid or benefit form needing to be posted off to a certain date, even worse someone people may not understand at all what the information is.
·       This is can get the person very much misunderstood if they have people around to look at information.
·       The person may not do anything because they may not understand the information they have been given or sent, which can be very concerning.
·       Not everyone gets’s support and not everyone gets enough support.
·       Things like bullet points could be put in an instructive accessible way, step by step, bullet point, 123, ABC, mainly for those with memory problems and those who have problems taking in information.
·       This could be how to do things or even directions how to get places.
·       Some people find it hard if too much is said to them at once.

Learning how to teach.
·       How can we make teaching and learning put in an accessible way?
·       Teaching needs to be put in an accessible way, easy words, sentences, and pictures.

·       Everyone knows that learning is never meant to be easy, things we don’t isn’t easy simply because we there are things we don’t know.
·        We know that learning isn’t meant to be easy but life is even more challenging for people with disabilities, health problems or and etc.
·       However’ how information is laid would make some different to a way a person learns.
·       Take a look at how people’s disabilities, health problems or and or etc affects their abilities to learn compared to other people.
·       For example: slowing the person down one way or another.
·       This can affect things like the ability to learn, memory one way or another or and understanding.

How can you make

 information more accessible?
Here are a couple examples: easy and clear words, easy and clear picture. I can’t always possible but as many short words and short sentences as possible. 
 Here some links that may help you learn how to make information easy and accessible to read. http://sararevealed.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/up-date-of-accessible-information.html
Please at other refences that could help you to how to make information easy for people to read and understand such as online.  

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