Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 24 April 2017

The 50s,60S, 70S AND 80S GROUP.

The 50s,60S, 70S AND 80S GROUP.
Head Admins
(Part-time to full-time Head Admin) Sara Jane Gorman and creator of the group,
Head Admin James Lakeman
Part-time to full-time Admins,
Jennifer Gilbert Harvey under part - time Admin,
Jan Rhodes Under Part to full - time Admin
Relief Admin.
Vic Browning

If you are a new member of this group please read the purpose and safety rules on http://sararevealed.blogspot.co.uk/…/01/facebook-groups.html
For Head Admin and Admin, just remembers that Head Admin is a bit harder work than being just Admin so think about it carefully. If this isn't for you maybe you know someone who will. If anyone is interested, please either tell us on the group you are on or message me in the comments boxes of the group or groups you want to be Admin or Head Admin for.

Sara Revealed
It,s not easy being understood when you have a learning disability, or even making yourself heard. I am writing this blog to show how my disability affects my day to day life and what help & support I need.

Safety Warning.
Over the past month before Christmas and onwards we have faced a lot of unsafe post such as spam, flagged post or and etc. We would be most grateful if you see any unsafe post, please report it to us. If you feel it's necessary to report it to Facebook as well as us please, let if you don't how to report it to Facebook.
 If you see a name of a person adding unsafe post, please let us know the name you see, this will help us a lot to remove and block the person who has truly added the unsafe post, last thing we want is to blame the wrong person so we need as much proof you can give. We understand with most things there's handy any proof or none,  if can do your best, thank you.

 If we don't feel it's necessary to report to Facebook we will tell you the reason why but don't worry when it comes to safe guarding the chances of us disagreeing on what you think is very rare.

When setting the groups we can't think everything at once but more problems we face the more safety rules we will be adding on our groups, we will get stricter. Our aims of our groups are for us to our best to make our groups as safe as possible. Anyone who does add unsafe post faces been blocked and removed if they are reported by a member or Admin, even reported to facebook if whoever has reported you feels it's necessary.


Safety Rules.

1. Respect each other’s opinion even if you disagree.

2. Please say why you disagree and leave at that.

3. Please report to us if a person is upsetting you then I will remove them.

4. If the person is giving you a hard time over whatever, please me know and I will remove the person from the group whether they like it or not and whether others like it or not. Same the other way round.
5. I don't want anyone on here to feel bullied, threaded, abused and I accept no discrimination either.
6. Don’t add someone to the group unless they agree to join and you make the Admin team aware. (Please let us know.)
7. No bullying or hate crime, if you face any of this of anyone in this group please report us, then they will be removed.
8. Nothing sexual in post, videos or writing, you can raise awareness of learning disabilities, health problems and sexual health through.
9. No advertising product unless it's to do with the 60s, 70s and 80s group.
10. We can fully understand if you decide to leave the group after a possible break but if not we promise to be the best support we can and hope you meet someone else on here if not here somewhere else.
11. This is a Closed to a pubic group between us all on the group so think of yourself as if you are in a pub or club chatting to the people.
12. We don’t want anyone suffering silently in this group to a point they feel threatened, bullied, abused and etc.
16.Don't suffer in silent but then you are not forced to tell us anything you don’t want to either, this is just to let you have no need to be scared of us if you do decide to tell us.
13. Please be patience and things could go your way with someone else or just leave the group.
You can add links as long as they are links to groups not much different to ours.

no swearing
You can add pictures and video as long as they are to do with Anti - bullying, we do not accept any rude or dirty pictures, please keep it clean thank you.
Please do not hack anyone, please feel free to report if you think you have been hacked or bullied by on anyone on this group.
With proof, we do something about it otherwise we will be keeping a very close eye.
Hopefully, not this could mean reporting to Facebook or even involving the police if the situation you may be facing is really dangerous.
Do not block, delete or report Admin's post, if you feel a post an Admin has added should be added then tell another Admin and give reasons why then will deside between the team whether it should be accected or deleted.
If you report, block or delete the post you will be blocked and removed without anything being said.
Please report to us if you see anyone reporting, blocking or deleting Admin's post.
Do not block any Admins ether cause whichever Admins are on there will remove and block you.

If there’s anyone you don’t get along with please don’t speak to them, we do not accept falling out!

Report anyone who upsets you, we will remove them if you ask us to!

No hate crime, please report if you face it, whoever is responsible for hate crime will be removed!
No sexual post but you can raise awareness of sexual health!


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