Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 28 September 2019


Information on CD and DVD.
        Make information available on DVD or CD
        Make information easier for people to find.
        Use a buddy system where people have somewhere to go through information with them or ask questions.
        Some may need plenty of notice before their appointment is due mainly if they have a lot of other things to think about disabilities and health problems on top of that.
        Sent information at least 4 weeks before appointment or meeting people may need or and want to go to.
        This will give people time to get help if they want or and need it.
        This also may help most people understand the information.
         Contact WWW.officefordisability.gov.uk accessibity@mencap.org.uk 0209 696 5551 check if those contact details are still in use if not find out if anything is in place of them and what!
        If you want to produce all or part of this guide please talk to us.

Effects of Dyslexia.
        Too much to think about all at once can cause either.
        To think too much.
        Not able to think at all.
        Information is missed out or too much done.
        Things can be the wrong way round but the right information.
        A lot to be done in such little time can be too much.
        Is there anyone who has Dyslexia who would like to talk about it?

Dyslexic Aids.
        Coloured layouts
        Highlight pens
        Fober castell grip 2011 propelling pencils.
        WWW.thedyslexiashop.co.uk stationary for Dyslexic people.
·                     https://disability.unt.edu/
        Easy read information.
Has anyone got any questions?


One subject on-page.
        If you have to use more than each page with more whenever the subject is.
        Use page numbers.
        Avoid columns.
        Using photographs by asking permission off different places first.
        Photographs should be nouns people.
        Places and objects.
        Writing on the right-hand side.
        It could be different if you are writing in another language.
        Do not float text on top or across the page.
Useful tips.
        Show pictures of a clock with the right time you may want to see a person on whatever for eg; if you can.
        Some people find cartoon pictures childish.
          Explain how to find a place in words as well as pictures.
        Some people find a pretty poster on a leaf it easy to understand.
         Some may like shiny paper others may not. 
        Some people make it hard to see words and pictures.
        Some people find an A5 notepad or book easier to hold rather than following lots of sheets.


Codes and colours.
        If you are writing a lot of pages use colour codes.
         Use clear coloured paper.
        Green is not a good colour to use.
        Words in white (reversed out text) on the coloured background can be harder to the read.
        Some people might need things to be printed onto coloured paper.
        Remember not everyone manages with colour so ask them first.
        Use full stops.
         Try not to use other punctuation.
         Use bullet points.
          Do not use abbreviations for eg; don't.
        One subject on-page.
         If you have to use more than each page with more about then whenever the subject is.
         Use page numbers.
          Avoid columns.
         It's easier to read across the page.
        Make sure there is plenty of space on the forms for people to fill in.


        Ask the person how they would like the information?
        What font would they like?
        What size fond would they like?
        Bold, underline, italics and or etc.
        Some may want their information written in Comic San, Ariel, or by FS Mencap.
        Use bold for highlighting words.
        Use size 14 text.
        Titles and headings size 16 for bold.
        Comic San, Ariel or by FS Mencap.
        Italics and block capitals change the shape of words and make them hard to read.
        Instructions and directions in bullet points or for eg; ABC 123.
        No jargon and no words jumping off the page, which means large print for it to be clear enough for people to read and understand.
        Jumping from one topic to the other makes it harder for you to write and us to read.
        Something clear and well planned with all key point information.
        Easy read works for everyone but different people see easy read differently in different ways.
         This could mean different coloured writing on different coloured paper.
        Different coloured writing on different coloured paper.
        Would they like colours would like for eg; some people may like pink purple writing on pink paper.
        Ask people kind of colours they would like!


Accessible information you may use for someone who is Dyslexic.
The accessible information guidelines are not only there to support people with Dyslexia but other disabilities and health problems too. The guidelines will help people in different ways, but they won’t always help everyone. I will underline the guidelines of what could be likely to support most people with Dyslexia.
        People with disabilities understand it’s not always easy for people to make information accessible for us due to cuts in funding and materials different places have got. 
        All the same, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be asked what is accessible to us so you are aware of how you can make information accessible if or, and, when what you can.

        Ask people what is easy to read to them!
        Ask people with learning disabilities how we would like our information done!
         Does the person need larger print?
        Do some people like most of their information in bold?
        Would people like their information in a different way?
        Use words that we use all the time.
        Write in short word and clear short sentences.
         Just have one idea in each sentence.
        This means shorting words or a few letters.
        Using fewer words
         You may need to look in a thesaurus to find short words for long we word.
        People with disabilities understand there are some short words can't always be found for longswords, they may need to understand what the information is about if you can’t make it an easy to read for them.
         Most people may not be able to read or and understand long words that you can't find for short words.
        Use one active verb for eg; John loves Mary, not Mary is loved by John.
        Think about key points that can be made easier for the person!
        Don't use words that the only specialist would understand or acronyms.
        Write words that we use all the time.

Friday, 27 September 2019



What a learning disability and or other problems?
What types of disabilities or and other problems are there?
How do disabilities or and other problems affect lives?
The positives of disabilities or and all problems.
About communication.
About accessibly/ accessible information, easy read, etc.

Studying advice, you may look at loads of hands etc and think, oh no I have I got to do all this one go? I haven't got time for this I have to do etc, etc so.  No, you do not have to do it all in one day. I can't speak for the other lectures and the work they may give but I'm only at the university less than part-time so there's no time limit with me but just because you won't see very often doesn't mean I won't interested in what learn you off me. Feel free to drop an email even if it's very small amount of information to tell me what you have learned and anything you may want to ask me etc, even if it's not everything I say and as long you are learning something off and that I have achieved teaching you as much as you may learn off me, my email is sarajgorman@gmail.com. I hope this website helps as well as my teaching session when I'm in Unversity. Those who may be on facebook please feel free to join my disability facebook group which covers mostly what will be learning off this course in the 3 yrs your in the university, it's called Always Learn About Disability And Or All Problems + Never Judge Them, thank you.

 I understand you won't have time to do a lot at a time with placements etc. I would advise you to do at least up half-hour study either a task at the time starting from, for eg; what is a learning disability or even just a paragraph, however much you have time for. 


 When can learning disabilities happen? Learning disabilities can happen, before, during or any age after birth.

How can learning disabilities happen?

Learning disabilities are caused by something affecting the development of the brain. This may occur before birth (prenatally), during birth, or in early childhood. Learning disabilities can be caused by any one of a variety of factors, or by a combination. Sometimes the specific cause is not known.

What are learning disabilities and other problems? Epilepsy, Debates, Anxiety, Depression, Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia. More disabilities and other problems can be found on the Mencap website and more if you look online.  https://www.mencap.org.uk/learning-disability-explained/learning-disability-and-conditions This site won't just tell you what they are but how they affect people's lives. What type of disabilities and other problems are there, how do they affect lives? https://www.nrshealthcare.co.uk/articles/condition/learning-disability
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_disability https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/learning-disabilities/a-to-z/l/learning-disabilities

Chose anyone disability or and one of all problems, research it either online or any other references such as books from the library or bought, learn as much you can about disability or and other problems, how does it start? How does it affect people's lives?https://www.disabled-world.com/disability/accessibility/

Name some forms of communication such as sign language, easy read symbols, speech-language etc,



As well as how disabilities or and all problems affect people we need to look at the positives too.
It's too easy for society to turn a blind eye when the world is going so far and it takes most people more time to think about things etc and that very often causes society not to see everything about people with disabilities or and other problems. We do have our strengths as well as our weaknesses just like everyone, like you nothing is onesided. 3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/c4-cp-assets/corporate-assets/documents/2018-02/TV%20Sector%20Guide%20to%20Employing%20Disabled%20Talent_Version1.pdf

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

2019 poems.


There was once a time without the internet when we relied on books, newspapers, tv etc now all that is put on the internet but still libraries, bookshops etc.
Back in the day, there were no pcs, ipads, ipods, iPhones, mobile phones, tablets etc.
It was just landlines, call boxes etc, call boxes could either be a long or short walk.
IT has been a big change in society, it is when the young could never be without IT.
 The middle age has forgotten what it was like to be with IT.
 Most of the old could do with being with IT. 20.9.2019


I kept my thoughts to myself, most people thought I was wrong to feel for him as I did, which they were right to think that, my mind and feelings were so blind so was love.
I should have walked away sooner, and I shouldn’t have had him back, but he cheated on me twice so his loss my gain.
Now he’s well out my life I feel nothing for him at all now I love someone new.
Now I’m well over him.
I saw the light at the end of the tunnel in the end and now at last everything has come to light.
Loneliness has passed my cloud when I felt sad when seeing couples’ hand in hand.
Now love has found me again with someone new, he’s twice the man he’ll ever be, even though I spent years having lost faith and trust. 22.9.2019


If you ask me what I think I will tell you, I will never tell you if you don’t ask me.
We all have our own minds when it comes to feeling whether we are right or wrong.
Therefore, I won’t judge you, which I won’t anyway.
I know what it feels like, I’ve been there myself.
I used to think I would live my life in sin in fear of getting hurt again.
Love can be so blind to loving someone who’s not right for you, I went through that fear long after my last relationship ended now a new one begins.
I had faith and trust in no one.
I’ve so happy now that I have forgotten how unhappy I was but then not therefore I understand what it’s like to those who are facing like what I faced.
Without poetry and counseling I believe I wouldn’t have got through what I did.
Now I’ve moved forward and loving someone so much better than who I had before. 22. 9. 2019

So far away or not at all.

Never judge what you don’t know.
Things aren’t the same for everyone.
I went from seeing darkness, lightness then brightness.
Now the future is moving forward into the light and the bright.
I’m amazed I’ve moved forward at all, I saw the light from the dark and now it’s bright.
We both feel the same way for one another, he’s so much better than the other was. 22.9.2019

Behind the mask.

We are not completely round the behind, we are not all black and white, and we are not completely sad.
Depression is a feeling inside of us, with the sound of the word it’s too easy to think we are someone we are not so don’t judge a book by its cover.
Depression is up as well as down feelings, we are not all negative, we are who and what we are in order to manage our Depression.
We laugh and smile as well as the opposite.
How we feel inside doesn’t always show but we are not living lies, we just don’t want to be the centre of attention or a burndown to others.
This can vary from person to person though, which can be very concerning.
Little can be shown, and more can be hidden, which can be very concerning.
You can have the greatest life in the world but not the happiest life in the world but doesn’t make you ungrateful, it’s just a feeling that’s apart of you in most people with or without a reason, others with a reason and others without.

You can be the happiest person but also have the hardest and saddest life, what’s shown outside isn’t always necessary behind closed doors or and behind the mask. 26. 12. 16 to 26. 9. 2019 

Monday, 23 September 2019



It's all my head they say when I fell over the deck, therefore not a lot can be said when I'm well fed.
I slept to rest my head in bed, I woke up at 12pm as my face went red.
She asked me if I wanted a coffee but I asked for tea instead.
Today is a grey day drawing as the rain is pouring.
Too late to hear the sound of the cuckoo.
Morning almost dark of the night as it fights the light, which is no great site to get bright. 22.9.2019


To be with you over the hills and dales and far away for the rest of our days.
Our love will be fire, not even water will wash us away.
Now I'm over the hill, wake from nightmares, yet into dreams that are real but so hard to believe.
Therefore I know you will be worth the wait, I've been waiting for you all my life, which is now so real. 22. 9 2019


I must have been feeling the pain that wasn't there, he was just in my head so he can't, it was all in the head.
Can't believe I almost drank myself to death to a point I was almost num but the pain was still there.
Now I feel nothing for him to a point I think he's real or ever was.
I'm still alive to write the tale and what a tale it was, therefore, he hasn't killed me or hurt me because he never was, it was all in my mind.
I forgot it, I just had a long nightmare and woke up to a lot better world.
I've spent years writing a line like been naughty in school, to tell myself time and time again I only dreamt what I was going on in order to move on even though it was real but I needed to believe it's real to move forward. 22. 9 2019


Don't tell anyone it goes away.
Don't tell anyone to get over it.
Don't tell anyone to move on.
It either stays with them or it doesn't.
If the feeling goes it goes in its own time.
Anyone whose goes though it wishes it goes away, they try in every way.
Some of us are lucky than others but even those who are lucky won't forget what it felt like.
It's not an easy road to go through to find in the end it's just in our head but then it's not because it's so real we've been there.
There is not a nice place to be, there is an unhappy feeling inside of me, which makes me feel silly if I'm lucky to come out of it and yet those who have and are facing it only know.
Don't us you know if you haven't face it.
He wasn't anyone to be, it and he was my imagination. 22. 9. 2019


I couldn't bring myself to say how I felt about you, it felt so wrong of me to feel this way with shame and guilt knowing that I'm a number year older than you.
I should have been older and wiser but I feel nothing for you now.
I didn't show how I felt cause I knew you didn't feel the same way, which would have made me feel foolish, it was just all in my head.
Therefore I was more than willing to get over it.
It was just a silly feeling inside of me, which I knew would pass one day.
You didn't have to be easy going about this, it wasn't easy for me to bring myself to say, which made me feel foolish. 9.12.17

So far away or not at all.

Never judge what you don’t know.
Things aren’t the same for everyone.
I went from seeing darkness, lightness then brightness.
Now the future is moving forward into the light and the bright.
I’m amazed I’ve moved forward at all, I saw the light from the dark and now it’s bright.
We both feel the same way for one another, he’s so much better than the other was. 22.9.2019


Flighting with my mind is all I seem to do; seem to think things I do and don't really mean.
Taking a risky road without even realizing it at times.
I wrongly once let people get in my way and listened to the wrong people.
I didn't always take the right advice.
Therefore, I took the risk of loving someone I now hate but still, we all make mistakes.
If only I was braver, I would have saved myself from so much pain.
I took the risk knowing he was going to break me again, then realized that I fell, but I got back up again. 
It was a big mistake I thought he'd change.
In the ended up, I finally walked away from him, which I never thought I would 31. 12 2012 


It wasn't a cry for help or seeking attention. 
Just that you don't need a reason to feel depressed it can happen for one or even many reasons or no reason at all, it's just a feeling inside you.
No one chooses to feel the way they feel.
Putting the past behind us can be hard to, Depression isn't all sadness.
Depression isn't all about black, white, taking pills and one's own life, we just fight with our minds and appear to be happy and sad just like everyone.
We only hide our feelings at times in order to manage our lives the best way we can do. 31. 12. 2012 to 26. 9. 2016

 27 1997.

At the age of 27 1997, it was a bad year.
You broke my heart, you have torn me apart.
At the age of 27 in 1997 I just wanted to go to heaven.
Life did not seem worth living, it all seemed like a dark tunnel.
The winter was dull and cold without you.
I discovered Shelly and Keats in the summer.
Without planning to I wrote poetry but when I did I knew life was worth living after all.
Once I started writing poetry it helped me clear my mixed up mind which helped me to get stronger in my mind.
That's when I learned to understand that life goes on, without writing poetry I would have broken down or and even ended my own life.
Jim Hendricks, Kurt Cobain, and Jim Morrison all suffered depression one way or the other over difference very bad times in life; they were all 27 when they died.
They were very creative people in their music but I pulled through my breakdown when I was nearly twenty - eight by discovering poetry. 13.2.2009

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Disability, Mental health other problems, emotional stress and creativelty.

Throughout life, things happen that we can't do anything about but most of us at the time don't want to let go of things which is harder for some people than others., which are most of us face disabilities, other problems, etc. Now a lot of people who don't disabilities and other problems, illnesses etc say Mental health, for example, don't understand why we can't accept even the most basic negative things happening to us like a relationship break up but then even for people who have got disabilities etc, the reasons behind relationship breakups can be more major than others as for those who do face disabilities, etc.

Back in 1997, I had a mental break down over a guy I had been seeing for 2 and a yrs, not only had gone off with someone else but what I wasn't realizing at the time he was mental abusive where he wasn't sure whether he wanted to leave me for her or not, I was aware that he wasn't sure what to do but I had no idea till a counselor told me yrs later he was been mental abusive.  At the time I was madly in love him and didn't want him to leave me but he kept on for so long he was sure what he wanted I just then told him to go with her. At the time it seemed like the hardest thing I had to do but think about it now it shouldn't have been because I feel nothing for him now. Like did realize that there was Couseloring in the college till a friend told me, I understand what that meant at the time and I thought everyone thought I was going mad at the time if I went for it then I went for it about six months later. I could see no light at the end of the tunnel at the time and I felt I wasn't going to get through every day, drinking, smoking heavy etc and I felt like I didn't want to be alive anymore.

However' I'm not sure how but somehow I was still going to my work experience and college but it wasn't easy to focrus etc. However' I lost a fair few work placements for it but I still managed to get through the qualifications I was studying at college so thinking about it I was stronger than I thought was at the time. One I was walking along the college library looking at books etc, I was study English at the time and I'd written some unsuccessful short stories beforehand. I suddenly picked up a John Keats poetry book without thinking about and not really knowing what the book was, who John Keats was etc before I never focus much on books etc due to my dyslexia etc. When read John Keat poems what he had written seemed to connected what I was going through at the time, I then started to realize I wasn't alone and one of his words inspired me to write similar to him. From there, things seemed to become clearer to me and I was starting slowly improve and be more positive in myself. I understand that being creative etc doesn't work for everyone and not everyone get through etc some do. I know at the time of going through emotional stress it's not easy to think it will ever end so I can well understand it works for some not others. It's too easy for someone to say someone you will get through just because they did, but then when I was going through it whatever anyone did or said as much I knew they were trying help I didn't see any way forward. Although I came through I understand it doesn't work for everyone. All we can do there is let them know if they need us we are here but not force help on them. There needs to be more support for those who are facing emotional stress,  Mental break downs etc, some find it harder than others but there least we can do is let them know we are here for them if they want us. What concerns me is that less and less is going into counseling etc for those who wish to go for it. It's not a nice feeling to feel your worthless and you shouldn't be alive like I used to feel, no one should have to feel that way no matter what.