Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 28 September 2019


One subject on-page.
        If you have to use more than each page with more whenever the subject is.
        Use page numbers.
        Avoid columns.
        Using photographs by asking permission off different places first.
        Photographs should be nouns people.
        Places and objects.
        Writing on the right-hand side.
        It could be different if you are writing in another language.
        Do not float text on top or across the page.
Useful tips.
        Show pictures of a clock with the right time you may want to see a person on whatever for eg; if you can.
        Some people find cartoon pictures childish.
          Explain how to find a place in words as well as pictures.
        Some people find a pretty poster on a leaf it easy to understand.
         Some may like shiny paper others may not. 
        Some people make it hard to see words and pictures.
        Some people find an A5 notepad or book easier to hold rather than following lots of sheets.

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