Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 13 April 2020

Interducing Autism

It's hard to say what causes Autism, there are so many different forms of Autism from mild to major. It affects people in different ways. In my case it was lack of oxygen to the brain, Mum was neglected at birth. I've heard other causes are the MMR vaccines for Measles, food allergies, chronic yeast infections, infections from meningitis and Mercury poisoning.

In my research on the Internet, apart from Autism been a disability, it affects one in a hundred people in Britain alone. Autism is mostly a hidden disability. People with Autism have Autism for life. People with Autism can learn skills in life but for life, we are mostly very slow learners. The kind of skills most people Autism find very hard to learn is motor skills because of grip with our hands and reflexes, we find it hard to cope with too many things at once. People with Autism can find it hard to say what we need and how we feel. People with Autism find it hard to meet people, make friends and relationships, social skills are hard for us. People with Autism can find it hard to understand people, people can find it hard to understand people with Autism.

When it comes to behavior problems, people tend to blame bad parenting, which is not true. Like I said in many reports on this website, in my experience anyway, it's more we feel anger when we can't cope with everyday living skills, we don't feel equal to non - disabled people. When this happens we feel useless, the odd ones out and we feel left out of society.
Not that I can have children anyway but just out of interest, my family thought Autism isn't genetic but I have learned of the Internet that it is but it's hard to say. Without been nasty, if what I am reading is true, it's just as well I can't have children, I'd hated to see my children going through the same me, even though I'd understand them through my own experience.
The things I have just explained is what you need to except for people with Autism.

As I have written in past reports on this site, most people with Autism are creative but I don't want to bore you with what I have already said if I remember but sometimes I get carried away studying things. Sorry about that.
Some people with Autism manage to learn by watching others. Most people with Autism can only work on one thing at a time very slowly like me. Therefore, a lot of us need support in schools, colleges, work placements, etc.
Many disabilities are linked to Autism for eg, dyslexia. Never think Autism affects all people the same, we are all different like yourselves, like I've said before it would be boring otherwise.

Different types of Autism.

Autism Spectrum isn’t all that different from Asperger syndrome apart from people with Asperger Syndrome don’t appear to have a learning disability, but they do. It can take a long time for people to know that with Asperger Syndrome has a disability because it’s very hidden or can be. People with Autism Spectrum in most people has a major speech problem whereas people with Asperger Syndrome have more a mild speech problem. These are possibly the problems of all forms of Autism.

·       Finding it hard to communication with others.
·       Social interaction
·       Social imagination

By a guess, I have Asperger Syndrome. I have problems with Motor skills and gripping, which could be Dyspraxia, bad coronation,  you won’t really understand I guess unless you spend a lot of time with someone who faces it because it being a hidden physical learning difficulty but Asperger Syndrome I think affects a person mentally. Without sounding big-headed, it can make Asperger Syndrome can make people highly intelligent in other ways but slow in another.


Sight, sound, touch, taste, smell yet again I guess we aren't all the same. Some Of us may be affected by all five senses, others could be affected by only so many, well there's only five them. Strange because I've learned five senses in Creative writing, which is common sense because we have to explain the feelings of our characters. Perhaps that's why most people with Autism can write, joking that's not always necessarily so. When it comes to sight, people with Autism could be affected colour or and lights. For eg, even bright color lights affect me, mainly when I'm having fits. I am jumpily when dogs jump, run fast towards and bark at me. I'm also affected by flapping birds, I don't like them standing my shoulder, I get very nervous. I don't dislike any animals; in fact, I love them. If I live with them, I get used to them, but I don't have the time on hands to have animals. Sometimes touch affects me other times it doesn't, it depends how I'm touched, I guess that's the same for anyone really. The taste I like all food really. The smell is no different from anyone really. That's enough about me but If you have Autism or you know anyone who does really as long, they know you're telling me, I'd be interested in what 5 senses affect the people you know with Autism. If You have Autism which five senses affect you? one or a few or all.  Sarajgorman@gmail.com on Facebook if you want to and can email me. A bit of extra support for people with Autism, families, and carers. The National Autistic Society http://www.autism.org.uk/ autismhelplinenas.org.uk
As I was researching, I have found out that Asperger Syndrome and I think ADHD Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, which is two common types of Autism.
A lot of people don't realize that there are a lot of people who disabilities who are famous. Like I have said in one of my reports on my website, that there were a lot of people with disabilities who didn't become famous until they died. People like Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Vincent Van Gogh, Andy Warhol, Beethoven, Bela Bartok, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Richard Strauss, W.B Yeats, George Orwell, Charles Dickens Lewis Carroll, Thomas Jefferson and many more who had Autism according to the Internet. There are and were famous people with many other disabilities too. These people were writers, artists, composers, worked in science and or and in many more things. How people have known this I don't know, perhaps they have been researching their lives to create these sites on the Internet. I'd be very interested to know what you do and don't believe. It's hard to say with the people who aren't with us anymore because in those days people weren't educated to know what disabilities are. We must be careful because it's too easy to think if people didn't cope with school education, they must have had some forms of disabilities. Some people may have been bullied or problems at home, which could be another reason for not doing well at school. It's isn't just about that can be how they were at the beginning of life, for eg, slow at speaking.

I get into a route too easy and takes me a long time to get into another one, which may seem boring to others, but my life can be the same every day in some ways but not necessarily in others.

I would like to people who face the same but similar to me to travel train from my own experience.
 When you live out in the countryside it’s hard to travel train compared to a town or a city.
I lived in the countryside when I was in my teenage years and it was very hard to get about and make friends.
 My mother used to have to take me wherever and pick me up from wherever. Mind you, I never had many friends in school I was bullied a lot.

 However,’ people with Autism find it hard to cope with very busy surroundings. Most people with disabilities don’t drive, due to having disabilities, etc that prevent them from driving, such as myself.
Some towns are easier to get about than others. For example, although Wolverhampton these days is quite dull, grey, dirty in a lot of ways because it of it being small other ways it’s quite easy to get around even though I wouldn’t advice safety-wise anyone let alone vulnerable people hang around there too long, which is no more different from most other places either.
Some people need help with getting out and about, copying with money, etc, which are other problems I have faced. Many people with disabilities don’t have social lives due to awareness of hate crime etc, there’s not always enough money and support to make this possible for people. I used to go uptown every night on my own, when I was seeing my ex-boyfriend, I had friends, but some turned out to be the wrong sort of friends.  In 2012, I started drinking my local pub from when I left my ex-boyfriend been drinking ever since I drink rarely uptown now. Saying that all pubs, clubs and most other places are all closed now due to the Coronavirus so we are now in a lockdown, which could last any length of the time.

The longer most people are not following the government rules the longer it will take, which makes it unfair for those who following the rules or trying, which is to stay home, only go for food shopping, medication, and exercise.

 The government doesn’t say much either way if you support vulnerable people in their homes, shopping, etc, needs to be addressed etc, in the lines, if your carer, social worker, family member, parent, friend etc.

In my case my Mother lives aboard, my Aunty lives an hour away from me and My Aunt’s friend cleans for me once a month.

Most employers don’t understand learning disabilities. Not enough employers follow the discrimination act, they should.
Not all people with disabilities use computers, even though I can.

The government is spending too much money on the least important things. They are robbing the poor instead of the rich, may not be that is the case as much now but pretty was when I started this book in the 90s to early 2000s.

I used to be a Learning disability MP of Wolverhampton. If people with disabilities, families, carers and etc are not happy with anything or something. I don’t mind raising awareness of this. The government needs to be reading this book and my blog.

There are too many mistakes some employers make. People with disabilities etc who access services find it hard to focus on too much jargon, which is hard to understand, confusing and too much of a language barrier. People work in the learning disability etc field need to be learning about easy read, accessible information, sign language, brail, etc.

Like all people without disabilities etc, people with Autism want to live equal lives to other people. We want to make the most of life. Life lives like human beings in this society. People with Autism can find change and route hard to cope with, yet some things come easy than others, which can vary to one person to another. We still have a long way to go, let’s give those support who need it now not in twenty to thirty years’ time and let’s empower independence for now and generations to come.  Most things people need support and others they don’t, every person can vary it’s down to you to find out.  Just like other people most of us enjoy hobbies, interests, etc.  We all have different disabilities, difficulties, and abilities.

Autism is mostly a hidden disability, which most people don’t understand. It’s unknown how many people are diagnosed with Autism, which that research is down to you to find out. Most people find it hard to explain themselves, meaning they are or may be trying to tell people. This can cause a lack of communication and understanding. Through whatever the misunderstanding is or maybe it’s can leave the person whose facing, disability, Autism, etc in the dark. This very often affects people’s lives meaning different people in different ways. It can make them feel they haven’t got choices and control over their own lives.  

Society tends to say that people with disabilities are poor because of us not been able to manage money which may be the case in most of us but not all of us. In my view, this is very judgemental. For many of us, that’s but that’s due to not getting enough support and we don’t get the choice and control. We need a balance between the two.

We don’t always get the right services we need. They say that Wolverhampton has better Autistic adult services than children.

We don’t always get the right support with work, benefits, home, etc, which may well improved a bit since I started writing this blog and book.

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