Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 18 April 2020

supporting disabilities and all problem.

Accessible information easy read.

Everyone sees accessible information in different ways when accessible is really in my view where you just do not miss what your reading and it is staring you right in the face, it is so clear. My advice is to save yourself as much hard work as possible, whether writing for people with disabilities and other problems or other people, if you know who your writing for is to ask them first. It’s not always the case but in some situations, if the information is not clear enough for people could be the answer to why there are no replies, why people may not turn up for appointments or may reasons people don’t get the response they may except depending on the situation.
With IT, the internet,  the icons on word etc, whatever the right word is to choose,  there are so many different ways you can choose how to make your information, which at one time wasn’t there other than say a paper, pen and an old fashioned typewriter, which was still just about there when I was a child, Computer wasn’t around as far as I’m aware. This is where there are different types of fonts, styles, sizes of writing etc. Such as bold, italics, underline, size 18, comic san, Ariel, or FS Mencap etc.
Most people feel as if they have been shouted at someone when people do a lot of writing in blocked capital letters when it is not people’s intentions.
Most people tend to like titles in bold and subheadings underlined, instructions, directions etc very often in bullet points, 123, ABC etc, which tends to break the information down and make it bitesize for most people.
No jargon and information are written in small print to a point words are jumping off the page, most people find that eye-straining and even blinding.
This could mean different coloured paper for example, some people purple writing on pink paper. Most people do not get on with green. Some people like codes and colours. Words in white (reversed out text) on the coloured paper background can be harder to read. Remember everyone manages with colour different ways so I would ask people you are before you go through the trouble of guessing if I were you first. Try to use your full stops at the end of every sentence, which also can help to break your information down for your reader.
Try not to use other punctuation if your reader likes it that way. Do not use abbreviations like don’t for example.
One subject on – one page, if this is not possible making you put some type of guide mark on to show your reader what is what if your reader likes it that way.
Also, use page numbers if you are doing pages of writing.
Avoid columns
It’s easy for some people to read across the page.
Make sure there’s plenty of space for people to write when creating forms.
If using and taking photographs, if the building etc you may be taking a picture of etc, if it doesn’t belong to you, do not take the picture without the owner’s permission. If the answer is no please accept that and explain to the reader why the picture isn’t answered if they have answered or while planning the information let the reader know depending what the owner says you may or may not be allowed to add the picture.
Some people may like you to write on the right – hand side of the page.
Do not float the text on top or across the page unless the reader wants it that way.
Useful tips.
Show pictures of clocks or even watches etc to show when your the appointment is with the person and a picture of where your meeting if you have your boss’s permission a picture of the building of the office you may work or somewhere outside, town, library, cafĂ© etc but always check the permission of the owner in case they have policy rules etc and let the person know whether your allowed to take pictures or not. If there are certain pictures you can’t access, and this makes it’s hard for the person to access the information to make double sure that the information is in large print. If this still makes it hard for the person to follow like say they are finding it hard to get to a certain place then direct them and keep in touch on the phone, if you can’t plan transport for them etc.
This could be you are writing your information step by step, bullet points, 123, ABC, however, the person likes, so they know what to do first, second and so on. For example, turn left, turn so on.
Most people find cartoon pictures childish.

Another tip could be that some people may find PowerPoint more accessible that information on word, even word is like PowerPoint. For example, picture of a clock or watch that shows the time they need to be seeing you for slide one say, then slide where if you have the owner’s permission, and maybe letting know if you are wanting them to bring anything etc.
Some people might find a pretty power on a leaflet may be more accessible.
Some may not like shiny paper.
Some may find it hard to see words and pictures if they are not clear.
Some may find A5 notepad or book may be easier rather than carrying loads of loose sheets of paper.
Maybe for some CD or and DVD.
Make information easy for the person to find.
Maybe if needs are using a buddy system where they can go through the information and ask questions if they wish.
Some people may need plenty of notice before their appointment or meeting, therefore I understand it’s not always easy your so busy but they to set up their information at least a before their appointment so they understand what’s all going and what’s all excepted from them.
Effects of Dyslexia.

Try not to give them too much information at one time.
They may overthink or go blank so make sure you and them have a copy of whatever they are supposed to be doing or saying, for example, if they are doing any public speaking, meeting etc.
You may have to step because they may mistakenly miss information out without meaning or even, they may struggle reading certain words etc.
They do things not wrong but in the wrong order for example, if something is on the 21st June, they may say or write the 12th June, another example might be mixing bs and ds mistaking say dog for bog.
Dyslexia aids maybe say coloured overlays, highlight pens, forber castell grip 2011 propelling pencils.https://www.w3.org/WAI/fundamentals/accessibility-intro/

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