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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Introducing Learning disability Anti-bullying and hate crime.

Mencap is worried about people with disability disabilities all ages etc facing bullying and hate crime. Support goes out from Mencap to families, carers, etc. This can happen to people who have not got a learning disability too, but it seems to happen to people with disabilities, etc mostly without us being a center of attention, we are as human as everyone. For everyone bullying and hate crime has a huge effect on lives, such as the body and mind, nightmares, etc. Everyone goes through good and bad in life, but no one deserves to go through bullying and hate crime.

I faced bullying all my school life and only went to one mainstream school, all the rest special school and one boarding school, Kingwood Special Boarding school, Saint Luke’s Infants Mainstream school, Hales bury special day school, and Penn Fields special day school. When you are a child, you do not understand right from wrong and it is hard to understand how others feel. I think many of the children in our school picked each other’s disabilities. Children without disabilities etc need learning disability awareness to understand people with including children. When I was in school, many children with special needs bullied children with because of their disabilities even though they had disabilities themselves, which is odd where you would there be understanding there.
The most common reason why most children to bullying are race, beliefs, disbeliefs, disability, color, religion, nationally, sexually, etc, which has always happened and even today. People are human beings and they have feelings. Why can’t we respect one another or keep away from one another? People with disabilities etc and other raises should be allowed to educate those who need educating on why bullying, hate crime, and war is wrong more so on the raise. We do agree there’s no perfect world, some people are okay, and others are not. Although I do believe that the UK is an overpopulated country, we can’t affront to feed, house, etc the whole world and the UK is only a small country but that doesn’t necessarily mean everyone is against people from other counties, like us some are okay and some are not.
Those of you who have been bullied or and faced hate crime like I have are more than welcome to tell me your story if you wish on sarajgorman@gmail.com also, how can you help others who may be facing the same thing now, if you wish to? How can you raise awareness of disability bullying and hate crime if you wish to?

Some people may bully because they face bullying themselves, but others understand what it feels like so much they would not dream of it. Some people bully because they can be jealous of you if you have something they have not, which is hard for one to understand. For example, if you come from a well off or rich family or they are not but strangely it can happen the other way round too were, for example, someone well dressed can take offense of someone say who has a hole in their a shoe for example.

As strange as it sounds either in a good or bad way where there is something good about you, they feel that they wish they had or something makes them angry but most likely it’s not anything that should make anyone angry. Some people just, not sure why to have some very strange ways of thinking where they feel ashamed to say why which is very often naturally unknown. I am not sure, but I guess this may be wrong as to why most people commit hate crime too, which for all is no excuse though. Some people tend to have nothing better to do, which is why they have it into others, another reason tends to be if they not having a positive time in life themselves, no excuse and on the whole, they are never sorry.

Like I said I had been to one mainstream school and three special schools and I faced bullying in all. All adults could say really school days are the best years of your life, not when you are getting bullied, they are not, which was why it played on my mind for a long time, which can be another cause of suicide risks. This is where I think counseling and therapy is important, which I know it does not help everyone but most people where mental and emotional stress can affect though who suffer from it physically and mentally.

A lot of people think that bullying and hate crime just happens in schools, which is not always the case. Even though I have not faced bullying in colleges, workplaces, etc that does not mean it does not or has not happened elsewhere. Although I have faced hate crime on the streets and I guess it could happen in pubs etc.
Learning from the past I think the future needs to be where we need to teach mainstream people around learning disability and mental health awareness, bully and hate crime is one of them where we need to be asking why people with disabilities and mental health face hate crime and bullying.
This is where people who commit a crime on these, people whether they are children, teenagers, adults and even the elderly is because we are classed as vulnerable, we are less likely to report it or if we do we are less likely to believed and understood in the way the police can understand us.
I’m no professional but by a guess, those who commit a hate crime and even bullying know the minds of people with disabilities, therefore choose places where are no CCT cameras and where they are less likely to be seen, knowing that the victim is going to find it hard to explain to people they know and the police.  Therefore, they know it is a very slim chance someone the victim knows is likely to see what happens.
This is concerning because the victim is not intentionally telling anyone but worried, they may be disbelieved and misunderstood.
This could lead the victim to face emotional stress, nightmares, thoughts of suicide, etc or and taking their own lives, which I have faced myself in childhood was back in those days there wasn’t counseling etc, mainly crimes such as rape and sexual the abuse wasn’t an easy one mostly for children because it was the  sort of world them children wasn’t supposed to know about these things yet it happened to most of them.
Also, it’s like, despite of how strict adults were with children back them, it was never thought back then that children would murder, which therefore it was very rare but it did happen such as Mary Bell in the 60s, then  about 25 years on the murder of James Budger, which happened by two teenager boys, then I think child murder started to slowly sadly increase from there, well more so we were more aware then.
I feel it’s important that adults now talk and listen to the child more so than ever before, voices need to be heard more, mainly children and young people, even adults really to those who face disabilities and other problems as well.

 When a person is not been listened or and disbelieved, the people who have faced them with hate crime may commit thousands of  crimes to other people, which for whatever the reason the victims may find hard to report for not necessarily the same but maybe similar reasons, which hugely concerning how many unknown crimes etc may have happened. Don’t get me wrong, this may not be necessary the case where some just may have the ability to report them, which these things are unknown but I may even vary, depending on the people who commit the crime and the type victims they chose, I guess.

One subject we hate talking about is abuse, rape, etc but if we do not say anything too many people getaway it, which makes no difference if you disbelieved and misunderstood. There are a feeling times some people think you're saying what you're saying to seek the attention of others, which I admit no one is perfect but less likely the victim is not lying if they have been trying to say most of their lives and not been understood or even believed.  
People with disabilities and other problems seem to be looked upon as a weak member of society which may be true in some ways and not in others but each and every one of us is likely to be different from one another. We need to be seen, heard, understood, and believed more. We know these days there are cameras in most places, but they are not everywhere. Most people are scared to report crimes etc in fear nothing will be done through being disbelieved etc, which is something people without disabilities and other problems face as well with. However’ we not saying no one lies and we are not saying that there aren’t people who lie to try and get attention etc, which makes sense to why there are people who have faced crime, haven’t had their crime sorted, all the same, there must be ways that things should be looked into more carefully.  However’ even though in most cases by the time crimes are believed and understood if they are, years may have gone by those responsible, etc may have died or anything, which I understand looking to these things isn’t an easy job for the police or anyone.https://www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support/bullying/mate-and-hate-crime

Learning Disability Hate Crime Awareness.
On Monday 20th February 2012, at 8.20pm, I faced Learning Disability Hate Crime by home area in Bradmore. I was just going into town for a drink to meet friends.

As I was going out to lock my door at 8.15pm, I saw an Indian guy with pale blue sweater with a hood, he had black curly hair, mid-brown skin and he was roughly about just over 5 foot 5 in height.
He was on the opposite side of the road to me, he headed off faster than me. I didn't think anything of him because I don't know him.

I walked along the road, stood to wait for my bus.
The same guy came behind me as he grabbed my bag out my hand, ran across the road, go into a blue car while it was driving.
Whoever was driving was driving so fast he or she would have been done for speeding if the police would have seen them.
At speed it was going I couldn't catch the reg number.
I am not very good with numbers anyway.

For 5 minutes I walked around in shock and Sheree panic.
I knew my phone and keys were in my bag so I ran across the pub, the staff were very good as they rang the police and I had a free pint.
The police came down, took my details and then drove me to my sister's home.
Luckily my sister had a spare set of my keys.
My sister and her boyfriend were very good, they drove me to my home to get my computer and laptop to take to their home.
My sister stopped my calls on my phone, rang Centro to sort me out a new Disabled bus pass and stop my bank because my card was taken out of my bus pass, which was also in my bag.

The next morning the police came to my sister's house to take a statement of me.
I hadn't slept very well there that night, everything was all going round and round inside my head.
By the time I did a statement with police I had a bad job remembering anything other than this Indian guy with a blue sweater and the blue the car he jumped into.

From there my sister and her boyfriend drove me up to my home to change my locks and put my computer and laptop back where it was before the crime.

On Thursday of that week, the police came down to my home Luckily for me to bring back my bag.
My bank card was taken out of my Disabled bus pass, but my A disabled bus pass card was taken out it's a wallet.
My bank card had gone.
The police did fingerprints on an Iceland shopping card, my library card and my Disabled bus pass card but nothing was found.

Not long after the police left that day Victim support rang me to ask how I was feeling. I told them I was in shock but the police, my sister and her boyfriend have been a great support.
In a couple days, Victim support sent me an attack alarm.
At the end of last week, someone from Victim rang me up to make an appointment for me to have some counseling on Tuesday this week at 1.00pm

Someone had handed my bag into the police station.
I think he took what he wanted and left the bag just anywhere, which is good for me but he's made himself found out without him knowing about it.
Then isn't good, he shouldn't have taken my bag at all.

Last Thursday me and my sister went down to the Police station so I could look at some pictures but none of them looked like him.
Saying that I drew a picture of him, which I gave the police.

Lucky for me even though I couldn't ring anyone or get into my home the night of the crime because my keys and phone were in my bag.

I am lucky I live near a local pub, I would have panic more.
It can be very hard to trust anyone today.
I would be scared of knocking on people’s doors mainly if I don't know them because I could be anyone to them, even though I am not that kind of person but they don't know that. I guess I may have found help but it would have taken longer than it did if I hadn't have lived near the pub.
I only panic for about 5 minutes wondering what to do because I was in complete shock.
There are some people with disabilities and health problems worse than me.
They may have been wandering around all night having families, carers and etc worrying about them.
Lucky for me my communication skills aren't that bad so I was a bit understood by the police compared to how I was years ago, this is why nothing has been done about the crimes I have faced in the past.
This can make a lot of crimes disbelieved because of a lot of people with disabilities and health problems find it hard to make ourselves understood.
Like I said in one of my reports last year, there are not cct cameras everywhere.

All disabilities and health problems are different some get better as people get older but others don't.

People who commit crimes always pick a quiet moment where no one is about to be seen.
Normally outside my local pub, mostly there are people smoking outside but for some strange reason, it was very quiet that night of the crime.
When I walked into the pub after the crime there was only two members of bar staff and one customer who was gone in no time.

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