Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Mental health, emotional stress, depression, mental abuse and mental health awareness.

Sorry, there is no easy way for me to write without making myself misunderstood without making any sense to my work and one does not know if readers are finding one’s work interesting or not. Please bear with me as I am dyslexic. I will be honest to say I would like to be a writer but I try not to chase it, I just seem to write what’s going on in my mind, I don’t find it easy to know what interesting what isn’t but I will do my best to do so.

I have just seen a report on the internet about Ted Hughes and Sylver Plate the poets, their daughter Freida Hudge is not happy that her father was blamed for her Mother’s death back in 1963, which I can’t say I blame her.
 Although I faced a similar situation and me admit I thought the opposite now to what I did at the time but now I am glad it was not to be. Of course, when you love someone it’s most heartbreaking if they don’t feel the same but we can’t have things the way we want all the time even though it’s easy said than done when you want someone or and something so much, I haven’t forgotten that feeling.
 I can’t say that I don’t understand how Syler must have felt, I had my times thinking at the time I was going to give up and felt I was going to but somehow I pulled and I’m sorry that most people don’t but I never judge them to say, oh they could have tried harder because I know it’s not easy. Most people who have lived through the depression and emotional stress will say the same, it is so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. A lot of us who pulled through did it without realizing we were going.

This is not an easy topic to talk to about because for some of us things do get better but that’s not easy for those whose lives have not improved and also there are plenty of others out there who are facing it and only just facing, even for those have faced themselves it hard for us to say to those facing because it’s unknown whether or they are going to pull through it or not, all we can do is be there for them the best we can be.
If there’s anything I have learned from my experience is, that you can’t change a person to what and who you want them to be just because you're in love with, as hard as it sounds if they are going to leave the relationship or and go off with someone else they will. I can understand anyone who going through this feeling angry with what I said just, it is hard to believe and understand and you may not believe I have faced what I faced now but yes I did, I just had to learn to accept that he didn’t love me anymore, which was hard and hard for me to believe now because I feel nothing for him now, but then to be he was my word even though I knew he was treating me like dirt but somehow I thought the world him, which is hard to understand why did now but this could be an example many things not just someone you fell in love with then he/ she has left you.
Despite the fact of the state of mind I was in, without planning to I wrote poetry as well as getting counseling which didn’t agree to that at first because I feared that people thought I was round the twist, bend, out of my mind, etc, which I wasn’t and neither is anyone else whose facing emotional stressed, you are just broken hearted over how life is treating you. As much as it’s wrong for a person to break your heart, this is hard to say yes it’s understanding how can feel like giving up and ending it all, it hurts them as hurt just not having anything done with them anymore most so than considering it as a jail sentence because it’s more so a choice someone makes compare to literacy robbing some, murdering someone etc. However’ yes I agree emotional stress can be even hard to come to terms with even when you have walked away from it can take years, saying that no one’s length of time to move on is the same and even when you have it’s still haunting you maybe not as often as it was but still is, this can vary for everyone though and no one will ever know why.

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