Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Safety tips and advice for those on our friendship group.

Just to say that some are safety rules as well as safety tips and advice because we care about our members, your safety, and also not everyone knows everyone on the internet.

1. Do not pm and or friend request, anyone, without their permission, if you have not seen, known them, or spoke to them before, unless you added as a friend or and private messaging them already. If someone contacts you, ramdon, out the blue, unexcepted, you haven't been aware and don't want it, please feel free to report it to us but please try to provide proof to us, so we remove the people or person who has done wrong not right.

2.  Free feel reports anything nasty you may face hopefully not with proof we will be able to block and remove the correct person or people responsible, whether this is on the group or private message.

3. Do give out your contact details on the group, which is the rule in case you hear from someone you don't want to hear from and we would advise you to talk to the members on the group at 6 to 12 months of chatting to them, if you them private message advice you not to plan to meet then if you choose to till at least 6 to 12 months of the private message them. If someone contacts you don't except and you have any reason or even proof to believe someone you have given your contact details to has given to them to someone else without your permission, feel free to report it to us with proof. If someone gives you their contact details do not give it to anyone without their permission, if they report you with proof we will block and remove you from the group and any other groups of ours you may be on.

4. If you meet someone on our groups for the first time, we would advise waiting 6 to 12 months from when you started to get to know them online, we also advice make sure you meet them with someone you know face to face for at least six to twelves of meeting them. We advise to give it 18 months of meeting outside each other's homes and offline. We also advise you to keep track of the news lockdown rules as months go. We would advise you to not waste time not planning meeting someone if the government for whatever reason happens to restrict the lockdown rules again, they are been relaxed at the moment but the future is unknown.

5. Just to say our friendship groups are not a dating group but we have no right to control how you guys communicate away from the group. However' if people become more than friends it is fine as long as you have respect etc for others on the groups. Telling everyone and posting pictures is fine if anyone becomes a couple etc but keep private life private etc.

6. Just remember admins are with us to work on the group if you know all or any of our Admins it is fine etc to talk them on the group but try to keep as much as possible off the group. I know it's unlikely this is the case ever will be but if you have personal contact or and you have more than friendship with any of our Admins, please keep as private as possible, same as with members.

7. Please if there's any rules or safety advice other information I haven't written down that's important for us, which could help people to keep safe please let me know, it's not easy to think of everything.

8. The safety rules and advice is very important but the idea of the groups is to enjoy it. It's a general chat group to socialize and make friends with those who want. Okay, I set it up at the start of the lockdown because I was concerned about people lacking friendships but I would like to think the group has a future whatever happens, please feel free to treat it the same as you do everyday life in terms of chatting to people but follow safety rules, feel free to post and chat about for eg; music, film, tv, hobbies, interests, career, etc. Feel free to introduce yourself add a selfie, etc. Remember it's a private group, which means no one off the group sees what you have written people on the group can so only say what you don't mind people knowing is my advice, keep it clean, safe and no nastiness, swearing porn etc.

9. Please respect otherwise leave if it bothers you so much, do not take it out on anyone on the group. Most of the knowledge I have been running disability groups for a lot of people on FB and also I have disabilities and other problems myself. I have been running FB groups ten yrs of music and disability. However' I have had a fair few disability social groups I had and closed cause many members weren't making use of them so I wasn't going to set up another one until total excepted the coronavirus lockdown kicked. I made the group for disabilities and for people without for one the lockdown limiting socializing and for two I have found with my past disability groups that not all that many people on the FB, where many were finding were coming across the same people that were on the other social groups, which is okay but by making a group for people for all walks of life may give people more chance of meeting more people as well. However' if you don't agree with how this is and it's for you and you can't accept it, then leave do not take it out on people on the group meaning everyone as a whole member and admins.

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