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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 27 December 2020

Awareness of learning disability, mental health and other issuses.

Awareness has always been important in all issues but in but since March 2020 as everyone knows the world has been facing the coronavirus lockdown, which as much as lives changing one way another for everyone social distance are health and safety health and safety reason but affects and changes our lives to how we used to live our lives.

When it comes to learning disability and mental health people who face disability, mental health and other problems need more support than other people but the health and safety of those who support these people matter as well as the people who need the support. I am writing this report to say I am not saying there is no awareness and no support but more needs to be done. All this can vary some people are getting awareness support, others are not and others are not. 

I feel there needs to be more awareness on the tv as well as the internet. As way back as far in my childhood, I can remember I have been a fan of Coronation Street, say from the age of 5 and I am now 51. My family members have watched it on and off throughout their lives as well since it started in 1960. 

This December, it's Coronation street's 60th birthday, which I have been watching on youtube before, during, and guess I will go on watching after Xmas. The point of this report is I have noticed over the years that Coronation street has done many awareness scenes such as Sarah Lou's teenage pregnancy, mental health emotional stress scene after Calum had put Sarah through mental-emotional stress. Tina O, Brain has done an amazing job of acting in these scenes, Jack Shepard as David Platt has done a great job of acting in Epilepsy and a rape scene, Sally and her breast cancer awareness which was also amazing work, etc.  These awareness scenes are aimed at letting people know that these situations can happen to anyone at any time, which makes me think awareness of these issues needs to keep getting raised in different ways, whether it's in talks, power points, role plays, tv, etc.  

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