Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 12 December 2020

Creating accessible power points.

 The purpose of power points is mostly about doing a talk about all topics whether it's about you, another person, items, businesses, subjects, animals, teaching,  studies, work, etc in front of people who are interested in the same if not similar interest to you.

There is no right or wrong way of doing a PowerPoint, there are many power points on youtube, etc from the point of view of others but not in everyone is everyone's' pupils, students, teachers, etc.

The most important thing is to know what you want to or going to do your work on whether it's for you, someone, or somewhere. 

Plan your PowerPoint before you create it. 

The art of PowerPoint is making it accessible for others, which is hard to do because everyone is different sees things differently. 

It's understandable no has time and no one wants to sit and watch a PowerPoint all day no matter how someone creates it so it's best to make it as short and sweet as possible.

It's very likely you are not going to please everyone with your work because what stands out for some people doesn't for others. 

For that reason, it may be best to make sure your sound in talking, etc is as clear as possible so people can catch as much of the PowerPoint as possible.

Mainly you do powerpoints a lot maybe create a website for handouts in case you don't time to cover everything or and in case people take everything mainly if you any reason you may not create anything like or similar to it again.

Having a website may save you time and money on printing, paper, etc, that way you could put your website address on your power or and send it to the people who are seeing the PowerPoint by email. 

Try to talk as loud as you can but do not shout.

Create videos if can etc. 

Get to know your zoom you can fit as much of your work as you possibly can onto your slide. 

Go to Design, slide size, custom slide size to discover width and height.

Not forgetting, clear writing, pictures, icons, shapes, colors, etc; eg 20 to 36 title, 20 to 32 subheadings, normal writing 20 to 28 as far the writing will go to make it clear as possible, bullet points, 123, ABC, smart art, etc. 

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