Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Suicide awareness

 We all understand that Suicide is not an easy subject to talk about and those of us who felt that way, myself included we all know it is the worse feeling in the world. Most people think only people who face a lot of negative in their lives face it that's not always the case. A smile hidden with sadness is not a lie. Suicide and Suicide feelings and thoughts are no lie or joke. Many famous people who make us laugh and even other things they are famous for face mental health and even, thoughts, feelings even deaths, survivors, etc many past and present such people as Tony Hancock.  

 Many people don't say how they feel and why, in some people is no reason at all, mental health has a way of making you feel sad, angry, etc at any time it comes any time it goes. Other reasons could be because they are afraid of being judged, sigma, etc, making people feel this way is more than concerning because negative thoughts, feelings, etc can increase for a long time even years in their minds. Although to be happy is a good thing, it is never a lie and no one should misjudge that but people should be able to feel free to talk without being judged, sigma, etc.  Just a matter of time and one wonders how long can one hold on but doesn't necessarily mean everyone gives up either. 

 Most people may fear tell others anything because they may be afraid of the reactions of others, shouldn't be fun, it shouldn't be anything to feel guilty be ashamed about, etc, it shouldn't be a crime. 

No one should judge someone or cause them sigma, people should be able to talk about it without any fear of shame, guilt, or rejection. Most people tend to think just because some if not most have lived, they tend to think they have not faced such feeling, thought, or attempt. 

If someone talks about suicide never say, if you were going to do it, you wouldn't talk about it. 

Really is a feeling you cannot take anymore whether is for a reason or not and you see no way forward but really you want to end your pain, not your life. However' when you feel this way it feels as if death is the only answer. Please do judge or cause someone sigma who feels this way. If you are not sure what you doing try to find help in concerns of the person's safety. More information is on this website etc to try and help them to prevent suicide. There are also links, contact details,  https://www.supportline.org.uk/problems/suicide/Helpline: 01708 765200











Tips and advice for those of you on our disability groups try and make friends with members successfully and safely, those who may want to.

 Hopefully, these tips and advice won't just help you to make and keep you safe and maybe make friends successfully, which know whatever we do and don't we cannot promise that we would be lying if we did and lying is something we don't do. Here we want to provide ways so you don't get blocked by someone and what may stop you from blocking someone. It is not telling you what to do, this is just advice and tips, don't need to take notice but they may help you if you do.

Like we said before we are not forcing people to be friends or not make friends but for those who may want to and all of you we don't want to you feel frightened of trying to make friends because our rules, our are there to try and make everyone feel safe. For example, asking those you don't know if you can private message or and friend request them, which means if they ask you they need to respect your answer, and also if you like you need to answer at all. They need to request your wishes what you say or not, if you ask them they need to accept your reaction to. 

sorry for the long-winded rules as 3 Admins have been hacked including myself and 2 of us have been mentally abused on private messages trying to help 3 members, who we blocked. Plus in past friendship groups, we have had members reporting members for contacting them when most hadn't even spoken to one another before. We don't want the same to happen to you.
What is on private message is between you and the person you are chatting to but safety-wise we are here for you.
We have no intentions of running your lives but as we all know not everyone knows one another on Facebook, 3 of us have been hacked, abused by 3 members we blocked on private messages while we were helping, we do not want the same or similar happening to you as it has to us if that happens hopefully not feel free to report to us if it is from anyone on this group people or person. This is why we make the rule no pming or and friends requests unless asking permission and someone says yes unless you know someone as friends, family, someone you went to school, work college or elsewhere any other reason.
This means the same with another contact too, phone, video chat, profile, etc.
Ask people you don't know and if you don't know you first if you can contact them first, don't just contact them or say you going to ask them if you can. I know people and you know for sure they will be fine for you to contact them, that's okay as long as they are okay.
Sorry if this is over the top as we had a disabled friendship in the past where members were reporting other members, contacting them many had not even spoken to each other before and some were hearing off people they didn't want to hear off.
However' despite the rules, this is a chat and social group to share chat about, post your hobbies, interests, careers, etc anything you enjoy, more information is further down this post, description, and website link, please have fun but respect everyone on the group to how they feel, think, etc as well as yourself. Chat, post about what you want but nothing rude, nasty, negative, etc towards anyone or anything. Feel free to report any problems you may face, more information on this post, description, and our website links.
Just letting know that this is not a dating group, which doesn't matchmake people together we cannot stop what happens outside the group but we offer emotional support if you ask for it.
Remember members and Admins have their say, meaning if you want if you wish to pm an Admin it must not be socially as Admins are here to work on the group unless you know us unless we give you permission to do so.

Tips and advice on how to be glad for life friendship, which doesn't necessarily mean we are always right, you don't to go along with us but it may help you if you do, don't know everything.

Respect one another

Be kind to one another

Never force anyone into anything they don't want.

Never ask someone about their past, if it's said let it be said by them.

No matter what your money situation is never ask someone for money. 

Never give personal contact details unless, until, etc you get to know one another for a long time if meet up we advice do not go to each other's houses, meet somewhere out and about like cath, pub, etc, try to find safe places, feel free to ask us for travel information, etc if needs be. 

Always take no for answer even if you think it's unfair if you feel it is necessary to find out more from the person make the situation as less stressful as possible, do not row with the person or and don't focus on things out on them, etc. 

If your chat starts to get stressful try to bring on a positive subject. 

If they do choose to give you their contact details do not give them to another person unless they give permission to do, even then only give them to those the person says you can.

Do try to be helpful to the person. If they don't wish to tell you anything don't force it out of them but let them know you are here for them if they want to chat. Lots of people face mental health and mental services get very busy these days so does our Admin team therefore if you make good friendships your not only helping yourselves one another you helping us, your friend in crisis and mental health services. To be a good friend is to be a good listener, don't force them to talk about the problem it may be something it may be noting some can feel sad, angry, etc without and without a reason. Let them know you are here if they wish to talk. Always respect their privacy never tell anyone what they do without their permission, if they say you tell anyone only say whoever they say you. However, if you have any concerns for their safety let them know you will need to contact or advice them to mental health service or write a message on our group asking me or and one of our Admin team to private message them if neither of us cannot deal with their situation we will give them information online, websites, etc, even contacts crisis team, etc if we feel to what they say, we concern that they may be in risk. If we are aware you and the person are friends we will advise them if they can if we know your private message each other to private message you for them to let you know how they are. 

Do not bully, abuse, or be nasty to the person in any way.

Try to bring on positive subjects such as hobbies, interests, careers, famous people you both may like, your careers, study, works, etc. 

It might be also what you like doing socially etc, going to the pub, pictures, etc.

Favorite film, music, etc. 

However, if you have tried everything can and your help isn't making any difference to the person, they may not be trying to help themselves, they may be abusive, nasty to you, etc, they may not be talking for an answer, they may be forcing you into things you don't want, etc, please feel free to report it to us, provide proof, let us know the group you're facing a problem don't say who and what on the group. Ask for an Admin, don't put the proof on the group, if whoever replies to your message, whichever admin I mean they don't wish to pm you they will say but they will let know they will try to get another Admin or and myself. please be patient as we are all on and offline at different times, if you don't feel safe in the group if we are not around by all means you don't necessarily need to leave unless you wish to but it's fine for you to not go on the group if you wish till one of us can pm you. which may not depend on, what happens when we do pm you in your view. Proof of the problem will be the most helpful to us to see whose problem to you and then there's no reason for us to block and remove people who haven't done anything wrong. 

Just a reminder if you face a problem from anyone in the group, on your private message, profile, or on our groups, feel free to report that to us, whichever one of us and when we pm you have the proof ready to put the proof of the problem, person on and people on to the Admin's private message who PMs you we advise for your own safety please do not put the proof on the group, even though it's proof of the truth the person or people you may have caused your problem may cause more problem but we will block and remove them from the groups, our PMS, our profiles if we are added as a friend to them, etc and we advise you to block them from your pm and profile if you added to them but wait until we are able to see the proof first. If don't feel safe to go on the groups while waiting for us, keep a look ever so often for our pm, then don't on the groups till we have PMed you, also if the person or and carry pming you while you waiting for us, we advise not to reply to their messages because the more problems they try to cause the more reasons we will have to block them. Also, if they see you're not replying, at some point as time goes on they may get fed up of carrying on anyway. Once we have seen your proof and you can block them so can we. 

including contact details of services, charities, etc who are more trained than we such as counseling, etc on our group description on the right-hand side.
Mind Infoline is open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. We're closed outside of those hours. But there are people you can talk to any time: call Samaritans on 116 123 (UK-wide)
http://www.stophateuk.org/ 0800 138 1625
WWW.crimestoppers-uk.org 0800 555 111
Learning Disability Hate Crime Stop Crime Helpline 0800 802 1155
http://www.mind.org.uk/ 0300 123 3393 email info@mind.org.uk
Samaritans WWW.sameritans.org 08457 90 90 90
Elder Abuse WWW. ageuk.org.uk 0808 808 81141
Victim Support WWW,victimsupport.org.uk 08045 3030 900
NHS medical help non-emergency 111 WWW.nhs. the UK
NSPCC Helpline WWW.nspcc.org.uk 0808 800 5000
Citizens Advice 0844 111 444 from landline 0300 330 06550 from mobile and WWW.adviceguide.org.uk
Community legal advice 0845 345 4345 WWW.justice.org.uk
Emergency 999

Free listening services

These services offer confidential support from trained volunteers. You can talk about anything that's troubling you, no matter how difficult:

If you're under 19, you can also call 0800 1111 to talk to Childline. The number will not appear on your phone bill.














Monday, 28 March 2022

Famous People, TV, Flims, Books, Music And More

 Our Admin team

creator and head admin Sara Gorman

 Head Admin Harry Cawood


Alistair Wilkinson 

Barry Matthews 

Jennifer Gibert 

Question when requesting to this group.

Do you like music? Do you want to join the group for other reasons besides music, such as tv, other famous people acters, etc, items from the past to today, etc? 

Will you read and follow the purpose and rules of the group?

Make sure you don't request on any more than 2 profiles, whether it's one profile or 2 make sure you have a picture of you in the place where the profile picture is so it's seen when you post etc.

Hi, all welcome to Famous People, TV, Flims, Books, Music And More   We hope you enjoy the group.

Never thought I would create a group again but the reason was that after being hacked Facebook wouldn't let me be Admin on one of my other music groups, I only have two music groups besides this one now.

However it is no more different from other music really please feel free to post famous music, bands, singers, songs, actors, writers, etc; books, Tv, famous people even films, soundtracks, themes, programs, and more from YouTube, please do not post none - famous performances. 

Items, music, film, books, TV Soundtracks, themes are allowed from the past and today in all decades, years generations, etc from old record players tape, recorders to computers, mobile phones, etc but please do not try to buy and sell anything at all. These could be things that are still made and things that are not made anymore.

Safety rules will be on my website, which is our Facebook website as well.

Also,  if you face disabilities, mental health or, and other problems

or if you are involved in those people's lives as for example support, family, parent, etc we have that sort of group as 3 of us Admins are disabled ourselves, Dis Ability Mental Health Support And Talk Group and Disabled Mental Health friends, hobbies, all good Social/Support

Just to let you all know please do on request on more than 2 profiles, if you invite people you know please let them know that thank you.

We want everyone to feel safe in the group, we are not stopping people from contacting people. It is not a social group, it is a music group but if you feel you need to pm someone who you don't know for any reason ask their permission first whether they are Admin or member.
If it is an Admin it is about the group of people, the person on this group writes a message to the group.
If you need to speak to an Admin, you don't need to say who and what the problem is on the group but just ask for an Admin.
If whoever the Admin is who sees the message they feel they cannot, they will ask another Admin or me.
Please provide proof of problem, people or and person so we do we deal with or and block people in the wrong, not those who haven't done anything wrong.
Thank you from Sara creator
Important message However' if people are struggling to get rid of their old profile, they could come on groups and the profiles they are using after being hacked, you face this please let us know for your safety and everyone in the group's safety. Write a message on the group to let everyone know your hacked profile may appear and warn people to not, respond, like, etc to anything that comes through that hacked profile and messager as the FB doesn't help us a lot in a time if we get hacked.
We want everyone to feel safe in the group, we are not stopping people from contacting people. It is not a social group, it is a music group but if you feel you need to pm someone who you don't know for any reason ask their permission first whether they are Admin or member.
If it is an Admin it is about the group of people, the person on this group writes a message to the group.
If you need to speak to an Admin, you don't need to say who and what the problem is on the group but just ask for an Admin.https://l.facebook.com/l.php...
If whoever the Admin is who sees the message they feel they cannot, they will ask another Admin or me.
Please provide proof of problem, people or and person so we do we deal with or and block people in the wrong, not those who haven't done anything wrong.
However, we understand that a lot of people in music groups are on a lot of music groups. If any of you know people who may be interested to join this group please feel free to ask them, invite them, etc, your support we are grateful for if you can.

Thank you from Sara creator

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Safety guarding and advise for Dis Ability Mental Health support and talk group and Disabled Mental Health friends, hobbies, all good, social/support

 No one is forced to socialize or not to socialize. How you live your life is up to you but we do look for your safety, it is up to you if you take on what we say or not, and that doesn't mean we are always right. However, there are three of us on the team with disabilities, etc who have lived our own lives in different ways.  Just remember we ofter do ofter emotional support those of you who may ask for it, I am no professional but I do have a few qualifications Advocacy levels 1 and 2, mentoring level 1 and 2, mental health awareness level 1, and counseling level 1.

Just to let everyone knows this group is created these disability groups to for members to have the chance to try and make friends with other members, not with Admins. We are here to give help and support if we can. Like we say for your own safety and privacy we advise you not to write the problem you facing, on the group but let us know you are facing problems and you will like to speak to an Admin on the group. Either the admin who replies will private message you, another Admin, or me. If we don't know you we will ask you on the group if it's okay for us to private message if your answer is yes we will.
Just say what we can do may not always be helpful to you but will try.
We will take your privacy into consideration, nothing be said to anyone but we may need to speak to one another if another Admin knows more than the one that's trying to help you for example or and we have concerns for your safety for whatever reason, other than that nothing will go any further you, than the Admin whose private messaging you or and maybe our Admin team.
Other things we may look at if none of us can help are information, websites online, etc, but we can't always promise perfect help only what we are trained for.
It is also down to you to try and help yourself first by trying to contact people from places that we may give you from online, then you can private message us in a few days, a month, etc if you get no luck and we try and look again or and talk to each other and let you know we have suggested.
It will be helpful to us if you can provide proof of your problem, your safety matters so do ours.
We are not judging everyone will do this but one person I was helping was abusive he had no intentions of helping himself, giving me his phone number, trying to force me to call him, and the services I suggested him to try. I told him private message only but he wouldn't take no for answer so I blocked therefore if you behave this way or similar you will face the same as he did. Since then we think he has created two profiles to try and get back on our groups, think he's tried today and I blocked. This is why we are so tight on the rules.
Admins are here to help on the group, which is mostly safety guarding, adding new members, approval posts, possibly private messaging to support you with your problems if they choose to or and if they are trained to deal with what you are asking help for. This doesn't mean no one we will not try to help you, either Admin or I will try to help.
If your friend with any admin on this group already please respect they are here to help on the group, please take the friendship outside the group.
We cannot always be able to help you with things you ask for help for but we may be able to find information, website,s, etc online from places by you. You will just need to tell us where you are from for example London we do not need your personal details such as your home address, email address, phone number, etc.

Just to say Admins do not choose your friends.
It's down to you to try that by writing a brief message on the group about who you are where you are from, what you like doing meaning your hobbies, interests, careers, etc for example, in hopes others will reply, good luck.
Do not force others to reply as time goes on others will be in the group.
Be patient no one is online and in the groups at the same time.
Just remember only private messages and friend requests if you ask someone's permission and they say yes, don't if they say no or don't reply to you.
If you know each other already, added as a friend to one, private messaging one another already, etc you don't need to ask each other's permission but if you don't already do those things or any of these things for safety please ask one, the other, or each other first.

As I said to you how you live your lives is up to you, but we do want complaints off members complaining about members who they don't know and never spoke to contacting them without making them aware or without asking them first, which is why we make the rules we make. 

such as requesting one another and us.


Do not give people you're getting to know your contact details until you have got to know one another, which can take a long time. 

If someone does give you their contact details do not pass them on to anyone else unless they say you can and even they do then only to who they say you can give them to.

Our advice is to allow someone to pass on your contact details to others unless you have known them a long time or and you can trust, but be careful they aren't passing them onto people who you don't want them to, but that is up to you. 

So sorry for the harsh rules as 3 Admins have been hacked on our team in the last month and your safety matters as well as ours.

In respect of your privacy, if you let us know you're facing a problem guys, our advice does not to write the problem on the group.
Let us know the group if you're facing a problem with anything, don't say what it is until one of us private messages you. Up to you, but on the group there are others who see what you have written even though it is a private group, which means people in the group are likely to see but not people are not in the group. If the problem is within a person or people in the group, please let us know on private message and we are always grateful for proof so
we don't block and remove people from the groups who haven't done anything wrong by mistake.
Just say all if we receive private messages on the group from people we don't know etc we won't reply so please ask on the group first, an Admin like a member has a say whether they allow you or not but they will ask another admin or and myself if you are facing a problem say you are and provide proof on private message.
If you are friends, family, etc with one of us, some us or all of us, etc, social chats, etc should be out of the groups, private message elsewhere, etc as Admins are here to be on the group. 
 1. If you're facing a problem with anything, don't say what it is until one of us private messages you.

No one is forced to do what they don't want to do in our groups, but options are here to use for those who want to. I know as a disabled person myself making friends and being safe is not an easy one. This is why I am trying to work hard to create an option that is safe and friendly to everyone. Even now I am in my fifties I can share how hard it is for a disabled person to make friends, date, fall in love, etc. More things I have achieved in life but it has taken a lot of years out of my life to get them. It's well understandable mainly on social media with people not knowing everyone why those who don't socialize just don't and no one should make them if they don't want to or and wavy to do so. However' let's not think no one does or no one wants to try. At the same time, life is just luck, I would be lying to say there are no risks when there are. I also understand we are all different it would be a boring world if we weren't. Just because I am going to write these safety tips, advice, etc doesn't mean I expect a lot of you to socialize but this site is there for those who may.

Again sorry if this maybe sounds a bit hasty but just looking out for everyone's safety.

Just to Admins are here to work on groups, but Admins have a say just like members have a say.

Not that we are businesses we are Admins on groups but all the same business and pleaser are two different things so please respect how Admins want things. The group isn't just about friendships it is a disability, mental health, and all problems group that covers all topics positive and negative. Respect Admins as just Admins, unless either one of us, some or all are friends with you already, you know either one us, some of us or all, or and any of us, one of us all choose to be friends with you meaning more than the Admin role. Otherwise, unless any of you are friends with either some, one, or all of us already, we are just here to help in the Admin role. 

Sorry, everyone's reason for these rules is that not everyone knows everyone on Facebook, it may sound as if we are being harsh but our intention is to keep us all safe as possible.
Please the rules, everyone, on the description, pinned post our website https://sararevealed.blogspot.com/2022/03/dis-ability-mental-health-support-and.html

No private messages to anyone unless you know them or if you ask their permission on this group or and you very well they won't mind you private messaging them. This means everyone on the group Admins as well as members.
One reason for this rule is safety and another is because we had a disabled group in the past, lots of members were private messaging other members unexcepted meaning many had not even spoken to one another before and we had a lot of complaints. Also, most people were been messaged by people they didn't want to be contacted by.
However, if you face a problem the group asks for an Admin, they will either private you themselves, ask another Admin, or and me.
Don't say what the problem is on the group but say you're facing one, wait until one of us private messages you.
Also if you face a problem with a person or people in the group tell us on a private message, not on the group.
Provide proof of the person, people, or problem, so we can see to do our job right and not block and remove people who haven't done wrong on the group.
Unless you know someone or and it's people know, had permission, you're added as a friend to them, you know for sure they won't mind you private messaging them if you need or want to private message someone on the group Admin member you need to ask on the group first so they are aware they have a say on the matter.
With Admins, you could be reporting a person or and problem on the group, or it could be to do with Mental health or other reasons, whichever all you need to say on the group is I am facing a problem I need to speak to an Admin.
Please provide poof a problems etc so we do our job right.
Do not put the proof on the group, wait on the private message of whoever on our team private messages you.
Whichever one of us will either private you ourselves, ask another Admin to do so, or and me to private message you.
Thank you from Sara head admin and creator.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/2812735512360982/ Dis Ability Mental Health Support And Talk Group 

Tips for introducing yourself to the group. Here is an example; My name is Fred Bloggs I am from London. I like drawing and painting.

Remember there's no knowing whether you're going to communicate with someone for life or a certain amount of time. 

If you face anything bad with anyone whether it's on the group or private message and it is someone in our group, write a message to the group letting us know you want one of us to private message you. Again you face that, sorry to write the first line of this paragraph in a confusing way I didn't mean to but like other reasons you may want or need to speak to an Admin. Do not say what happened and who is the problem in the group tell whichever one of us private messages you. However, if you are added as a friend to one of us, or and know us already feel free to ask for us if you know whoever this is won't mind but if you don't any of us, if you don't have permission from any of us, ask for an Admin, either whoever replies may you, they may ask another Admin or and ask me. 

Please provide proof of the person and problem by copying and pasting off their private to whichever of us private messages you so we can see who is responsible and they will be blocked and removed off the group. 

Then when you have shown us the proof blocked them off messager and your Facebook if you were added to them on there. 

Remember private message only unless we know one another, we have each other permission contacts, etc already

Until you get to know someone.

No personal contact details mean no home addresses, no phone numbers, no email address, etc, unless one day you decide to start meeting face to face but take time to get to know one another private message before beforehand. Our Advice is if the person doesn't accept you just private messaging you block them off private message and Facebook if you are added to them, which means they are abusive and they won't take no for an Answer but feel free if you like to provide proof to us on private message if so that will be helpful so we are the awareness that this person is dangerous on the group and we need to block them off our group so they don't do the same to other people on our group. 

Tips on how to get rid of someone who may be abusive.

1. Write a message on the group just asking to speak to an Admin.

2. Do not say the person and problem on the group.

3. When one of us replies, as soon as one of us private messages you, which may be the Admin, who replies to another Admin or me, copy and paste the problem on our private message.

4. Make sure the person in the wrong is on there so we know who to block off the group.

5. Soon as you have copied and pasted the proof to us, block them off your private message and Facebook if they are added to you on there. 

Also, if someone on our group you don't know contacts you out of the blue, without your permission, etc feel free to report that to us. Sorry to make this hard but proof is most helpful so we can see what the problem is and who is causing it so we do not block people off the group who have not done anything wrong. I have faith that many of you won't do this but for your safety, I will say it anyway. This is a rule tip and advice do not put your own personal details on the group, which may encourage people you don't know or don't want to hear from to contact you. 

Safety tips. 

If someone gives you permission to private message you or and you give them permission, my advice do not to give each other your contact details for a long time, till you get to know one another, see how you get on and give it a long time to see if one doesn't block one another or one or the other, report to us the other, etc.

See how long the friendship etc is between you first meaning do not do anything to encourage them to take advantage of you for eg not giving your contact details.

Only if you are going to meet one another face to face, my advice if you do make sure you bring someone you know with you.

If they are meeting you do not invite them to your house unless someone you know is with you.

Don't go to their house unless someone you know is with you. 

Make sure you are busy with plenty of people hopefully not if something happens it can be seen but make sure you can go with someone who knows you until you get to know the person. 

Even if or and when you get to know someone, make sure you have contact details of people you know, then they could pick up take you home, etc if needs be. 

Try to find safe places. 

Don't give each other's address to start with but naturally find out where the each other are from, then maybe meet in a pub, cafe, etc. 

Traveling is not easy and it costs a lot but some of us will do it some of us won't.

Always check out the distance how far you live from one another if you travel, don't go to each other's house, unless one any reason one person cannot get out, but whoever is traveling make sure you have someone with you until you get to know the person face to Facebook.

However if for any reason you can't get out to meet the person and they have to come to visit you, make sure someone you know is with you. 

If you do ever if you have been wherever before we advise for safety to travel with someone you know, which take time till they can do so but wait until they can, you need to be careful meeting people you don't know face to face even if you have been communicating with them for a long time on social media. 

Just to say we will look for travel information, places, etc if you ask us. 

This site isn't just about safety and enjoyment but feeling someone is there if you need them as in someone to talk to and private message but remember we don't all know one another on Facebook so please write a message on our group, letting know and asking us first, Admins have to say in whether they want you to contact them or not, unless they give you or and they know you already. On the last result, I should take responsibility as I am the Creator of the group as long as there is a reason, you may be reporting a problem on the group or and a person or and it may be with you personally just with yourself, a person on the group, friends, family, etc. Like I said on the purpose and rules, I am a volunteer Befriender, achieved levels 1 and 2 in counseling, mentoring, mental health awareness, and Advocacy, which does not make me a professional but I do have some knowledge, on the purpose and rules site to this group, is a list of contact details where Mental health professional work if you need them. 

Whereas I am here for a private chat on private message if you need to talk to me, please do not pm me without asking me first. let me know if you face any problems in the group or and anything else you may want to get off your chest if you want to. do not say the problem on the group, or who is responsible if anyone is. Just to say as well please let us know on the group if you want or need to speak to Admin, do not private message us randomly, unless you know one of us, of us, or all of us.

Otherwise, we will not reply to private messages unless you have asked us on the group first if you can do so first if we are not aware of it unless we know you, or and we have given you permission to do so, even or and we have added as a friend to you already, etc, which isn't only for our safety but for yours as well.

A private message is confidence what is said is private between you and Admin if an Admin pm's you but if an Admin or myself is concerned about your safety it will raise to the Admin team only, or if you what your talking about the Admin taking to you may not be trained to deal with, etc so they may get another Admin to talk to you if needs be or and look for information, online, websites, etc. 

 Just say you need to speak to Admin, which will be one of my Admins or me if whoever PMS if they are not trained to deal what you are talking about them, will either look online or and ask another or and me. Just say everything private between you and whoever is private messaging you but if they are not trained to deal with your situation or and they are concerned about your safety or theirs, then they will make me or and my Admins team aware. 

What happens there will depend on whether it's safety or finding somewhere more trained than us etc but we will never tell others on Facebook or anywhere. 

However' we may have professionals etc on our group, we may be able to private message who may be trained, etc to deal with your situation but we would never go ahead and speak to them about your situation without your permission. 

Issues could be problems with people on this group you make have socialized, on other groups, on your profile, other social media or and even outside the internet, friends, family, partners, etc, deaths of people, family, money, crises for eg; Covid, the Russian, Unikane war, etc or and other emotional situations, etc. 

1. If you're facing a problem with anything, don't say what it is until one of us private messages you.
2. It is up to you, but just to make you aware, in the group, there are others who see what you have written even though it is a private group, which means people in the group are likely to see but not people are not in the group.

3. If the problem is within a person or people in the group, please let us know on private message and we are always grateful for proof so
we don't block and remove people from the groups who haven't done anything wrong by mistake.

4. Just say all if we receive private messages on the group from people we don't know etc we won't reply unless you have asked us on the group first. 
5. However'  admins have a say just like members do, which means whoever replies either they will private messages you themselves, asks another Admin or me.
 Just the same with members you don't know.
1. However, if you are wishing to try and get to know people meaning members of the group you. Feel free to write a brief introduction of yourself.
2. Everyone who joins because they want to make new friends, talk about, post their hobbies and interests, etc or both reasons.
3. Never force people to reply and admins have no control over who does and doesn't reply to you.
4. Be patent with people as people are on and offline at different times etc.
5. Feel free if you want to ask us for disability socializing, dating, etc information online websites, etc and there are also other Facebook groups as well.
 With people you don't know feel free to give them permission to private message, friends request you if you like.
Do not private message or and friends request them unless you ask their permission and they say yes. 
 Do please ask first if you don't know them, you are added as a friend to them, you are a friend theirs, you have been private messaging each other already, etc, this means member and admin. Just remember admins are here to do admin but if you know each other etc outside the group is both your business.
If you are friends, family, etc with one of us, some of us or all of us, etc, social chats, etc should be out of the groups, private message elsewhere, etc as Admins are here to be on the In respect of your privacy, if you let us know you're facing a problem guys, our advice does not to write the problem on the group.

The idea of the group is for members wanting to make friends with other members but we try to safety guard as not everyone knows one another on Facebook even though the idea of a friendship group is to try to get to know people but we try to safeguard and give safety advice, which is.
Feel free to write a brief message on the group about you saying who you are and where you are from for example London but do not write your address, phone, etc, no personal details, which is rules and advice.
Feel free to say what you enjoy doing for example it may be drawing and painting. We have no control over whether people reply or not but be patient as people are on and offline the group etc at different times. Never force anyone to reply, if no one does, by all means, feel free to ask us for information, websites, etc that may help to meet and get to know people if you want and also their other Facebook groups.
However' please consider some people maybe just on the group for hobbies etc, whereas others may want to just make friends and others may be on for both reasons.
Those who wish to try and make friends please feel to add a picture with a brief message about yourself if you wish.

No friend friends requests, private messages without people's permission meaning members and admins unless know them, unless you are already added as a friend to them, unless you have been private messaging you already, unless you friends already, etc. If you like feel free to say what disabilities you face etc.

As a whole Admins are here to work, if you know or and friends, added as a friend to one of us, some of us or all try to understand on the group are there to work, else what takes place out of the group.
However' feel free to report problems but let us know on the group first so we except you need our help.
Don't say the problem, person, people on the group, ask for an admin.
This could be either the admin who replied to your message on the group, another admin, or myself who could pm you.
Provide proof of the problem, people, person, etc so we are not blocking and removing people who haven't done anything wrong.
Do not put the proof on the group, put on the private message to whichever one of us private messages you.
We can not always promise if a friendship etc is going to last etc, how long, how short but we can safety guard and advice, for example, if you face problems with people or a person on our group or private message, feel free to provide the proof and report it to us, on to the private message of whichever one of us private messages you not on the group its self.
Just to say private messages won't be answered if you haven't asked us on the group first.
However' if we know you and recognized your name etc, we will either reply ourselves r report it to our team.
All are private on private message but if either we are concerned about your safety or we are not trained etc to deal with what you talking about the team may talk to each other but what you say will go no further than you and the admin you talking to or and our team. In some situations we may not need to do this, it may be in some cases just finding your websites, information, etc.
Pretty much what our other disabled group is the same rules and purpose applies.
The only difference is that this group is only a disabled friendship, hobbies, interests and other positive things group, the purpose is in the title. whereas our other disabled group has all topics onhttps://sararevealed.blogspot.com/2022/02/disability-mental-health-and-all.html

Three questions on the group now in case you want to invite people you know who may benefit from this group.
However' if they know you, know us, they are on our groups or other disabled groups they do not need to answer the questions but people who do not know anyone else on the group, people not on a disabled group our other groups, who have not been on our groups before who we don't recognize, will need to answer the questions.
Before safety reasons, it will be helpful if people do answer the questions though.
Here are questions if you need them for any reason.
Do you face disabilities, mental health, other problems if so what?
What is the reason for joining this group, making friends, chatting sharing, hobbies interests, good thins or both reasons?

Will you follow the purpose and safety rules of the group?
If you invite people to the group by the FB please find out if the people you invite will give you the answers to our questions, if not give them our group link if they wish to join to request and answer the questions themselves. find out from them first before you invite them, we do not want people complaining about being put on the group without being asked.
Make sure you only request and make others aware you may invite, do not request on more than 2 profiles.
Just to say no buying, selling, asking people for money, no advertising, spam, etc.
However, ' donations are fine to charity but do not force people to donate, leave their choice whether they donate or not.
Posting disability, mental health, and other problems events are fine but only post them say once a week, do not post them none stop say, thank you.

This is not a dating group but outside the group, we don't control that but we do safeguard. All the same, we are here for safety tips, ofter emotional support, etc for those on the group if you ask.
Those who wish to try and make friends please feel to add a picture with a brief message about yourself if you wish. 
This is not a dating group but we do not control what happens outside the group, but we are here to help and safeguard if the communication is between you and someone or people in our group. All the same, we are here for safety tips, ofter emotional support, etc for those on the group if you ask.
1. If you're facing a problem with anything, don't say what it is until one of us private messages you.
2. It is up to you, but just to make you aware, in the group, there are others who see what you have written even though it is a private group, which means people in the group are likely to see but not people are not in the group.

3. If the problem is within a person or people in the group, please let us know by private message and we are always grateful for proof so
we don't block and remove people from the groups who haven't done anything wrong by mistake.

4. Just say all if we receive private messages on the group from people we don't know etc we won't reply unless you have asked us on the group first. 
5. However'  admins have a say just like members do, which means whoever replies either they will private messages you themselves, asks another Admin or me.
 Just the same with members you don't know.
1. However, if you are wishing to try and get to know people meaning members of the group you. Feel free to write a brief introduction of yourself.
2. Everyone who joins because they want to make new friends, talk about, post their hobbies and interests, etc or both reasons.
3. Never force people to reply and admins have no control over who does and doesn't reply to you.
4. Be patent with people as people are on and offline at different times etc.
5. Feel free if you want to ask us for disability socializing, dating, etc information on online websites, etc and there are also other Facebook groups as well.
 With people you don't know feel free to give them permission to private message, friends request you if you like.
Do not private message or and friends request them unless you ask their permission and they say yes. 
 Do please ask first if you don't know them, you are added as a friend to them, you are a friend theirs, you have been private messaging each other already, etc, this means member and admin. Just remember admins are here to do admin but if you know each other etc outside the group is both your business.
If you are friends, family, etc with one of us, some of us or all of us, etc, social chats, etc should be out of the groups, private messages elsewhere, etc as Admins are here to be on the In respect of your privacy, if you let us know you're facing a problem guys, our advice does not to write the problem on the group.

Advice tip that may help you make friends safely.
Write a very short introduction about yourself for example my name is Fred Blogs I am from London. I enjoy drawing and painting.
See you get any replies if you do that may or may not depend on who replies to you, whether you wish or not to give them your permission to a private message or and friend request you that is your choice.
Also, remember there will be others who will be joining this group and if you ask us we offer, websites, information online disability and mental health socializing, plus there other disabled, etc social groups on Facebook if you look.
Just to say if you face problems we advise for your privacy as well as safety you do not write the problem on the group but say you are facing a problem and you like an Admin to private message, which will either be the one replies, another Admin or myself.
Do not Private message any Admin until an Admin replies to you on the group, they will tell you they going to private you, try and get another Admin to or and me.
Please give us proof of the problem, person, or and people, do not put the proof on the group, put it on the private message of whichever 1 of us private messages you.
If you have faced abuse on the private message of the group or anything similar, a proof will be helpful enough to see who is causing you the problem then we will block and remove them from the group. We advise do not to block them until u have passed the proof to us, which could be on a private message, the group, or even your profile, the group then block them on a private message or and your profile if you are added to them.
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