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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Mental health support contacts UK for our disability group

 Here are some Mental health contacts in the Uk, we know that isn't going to help to everyone so feel free to write a message on the group asking Admin to pm you, as I have said many times before if it's not the admin who replies to you PMS you, it will be another admin or me. We will look online to find other contact details for you to try. Remember our groups are awareness, support, Advocacy, mentoring even coaching groups. Well, Dis Ability Mental Health and support talk group is anyway.  Advocacy means empowerment, which means we try to help you help yourself to help us help you. This means when us giving you information, contact details, etc we empower you to try things for yourself but let us know if something isn't helpful to you, which means when give you whatever it is to try, we give you a few days, week, month, etc however long you think you need to try and do whatever maybe. By all means, ask us to pm you again if something not helpful but you still can if something is if you want to. 

Just to say our groups are for adults all ages 18 plus but if there is anyone say 16 to 18, they must be on with an adult they know, not necessarily on the same profile.

Before putting the contact details on, just a bit advise if any reason you can't get in contact with wherever, say maybe it's on the answerphone if like me you find whoever is speaking it is too fast, saying press this for that and that for this maybe google what they are for example Mind and information may come up to say other ways you could contact if don't find anything, by all means, write a message on the group your on asking one of us to pm you and we will look online ourselves, try and see what we can do. However, most of these charities cover different areas places in the Uk, etc for example if you try the NHS Great Manchester and say you live in London it could make a difference. I will list for example NHS Great Manchester but maybe try if you live in London say NHS London. 

These are websites with contact details on. 

Free listening services

These services offer confidential support from trained volunteers. You can talk about anything that's troubling you, no matter how difficult:

If you're under 19, you can also call 0800 1111 to talk to Childline. The number will not appear on your phone bill.













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