Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 7 January 2008


Today the hospitals would have be paying a lot out of money for families who have experienced
neglected births. I was born with lack of oxygen to
the brain. This is was what caused me to have autism, epilepsy, dyslexia and may be even dyspaxia, which most things weren't known about. I know I never been badly disabled but I could have done without with what I was born. My Family couldn't claim any more in those day or they didn't know they could. I was born at the Beeches
old Nursing home on the Tettenhall road Wolverhampton, they neglected my Mum when she was having me. It doesn't mean I would have expected any of the money. In those days you had Terry toweling nappies and you were lucky if you had a washing machine, my Mum didn't. My family could have done with the money at that time because for eg; I was having to wear nappies longer that I should have. It doesn't mean to say that all these unnecessary things have stopped today. We would like to see that families and carers of people with disabilities get more support in everything that what we did.

I know I keep saying that it's about time people with disabilities started training and educating non - disabled people mostly to learn to understand is as human beings. Non - disabled people need to learn that we try very hard to learn from our mistakes. understanding us would be a bid help to create a better future from having to learn from a very dark past now it's the 21st century.

All my family had extra hard work with me due to my disability, support was very little or not at all.

I think it took years to diagnosis my disability, now I don't think even now we are really sure whether I have autism or not. We know I have a disability of some sort for sure. Who knows if we have been told the truth or not? We know for sure that I have epilepsy because I had it in the past and it came back.

As for being hyperactive little did we know that too much sugar and may be even too much salt can caused some people be hyperactive mainly children, even now that we have been told more things, who really knows for sure?

Please drop me an email if you have any views or need any support the kind of subject I have just written about now. My email address is for all subjects to do with disabilities on this website. sarajgorman@googlemail.com

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