Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 8 January 2008


I would like to study animals and humans beings worse off than myself, which I hope will give me ideas for stories in the future. My aims are to raise money and awareness for children and animals whose need are worse off than what I am.

A lot of people have said to me, how can I be a writer if I'm dyslexic? Being a dyslexic doesn't mean, you don't thoughts in your mind. Ok we may well have a memory problem but we don't forget everything. For eg: we remember some parts of our childhood at least I do anyway. We also know what we would like for the future whether get or not, such as dreams, aims and etc. I know I want to be a writer and improve the the live of peopl with disabilities. I know also that I want a partner in my life.

Some people say that dyslexic is if you can't read and write, others say that you just have a few problems along the way. For: eg seeing things the wrong way, forgetting that you have already written something down. As for spelling words you may know that those letters are in these words but may be written down. With essay you may find it hard to write things down in a short way, that's my big problem, I think I have almost ended up writing a novel. Don't laugh, I know I want to be a writer but let's just say writing a novel when I don't want to. This is why I need someone to check my work. It can be a memory problem. Some mistakes I notice others I don't this is why, I have to get someone to check my work through. If you know what dyslexic really is. Please send me an email on sarajgorman@googlemail.com or sarajgorman@gmail.com . If I don't have dyslexic why can't make my work easy to understand? Maybe this could help others as well as me if anyone knows the true answer. My Auntie thinks I'm not dyslexic but when I was at college they assessed me on the computer, it classed me as dyslexic. I have been assessed at two colleges, one says I have been that I what you call borderline dyslexia.

When I write I can miss words out of sentences. I can problems with sound, sometimes words aren't what they sounds. Like said in some words I know what letters are in there but there not always written in the right order. It's hit or miss whether I notice these mistakes or someone else. I couldn't take my GCSE English because I would need a dictionary but I got through my mocks. I can proof read my work but I can't always see everything that needs to be put right. They say Dyslexia is word blindness so may be I am.

Because I have dyslexia I can only read so much at a time, I have also found by reading the shortest of information can still help me with the ideas of a story, one idea just gives me a little kick start, which then I end up writing a story. I keep promising myself that I'd read fifteen to twenty minutes a day but I don't seem to have the time. When I read it's hard because I can only read for so long and everything seems to be hazy, it depends on the size of the print. Really small black print on white paper, I find it hard to read for long. Yet my reading has always been very good but I always used to have a big problem taking in information, I still have problems with that now a bit but not as much. Sometimes I have problems reading some word. It can be strange, they can be long or words, mainly if they are new to me. When someone talks, knocks the door or whatever when I'm read although I used book maker, I forget whether I was on page one or two for eg. I am still trying to learn what coloured paper and writing is more easier for me to read.

At Our Shout we do do easy words, pictures, easy read, clear texts, etc and no jargon. We have a meeting about it once a month to talk about difference ways of writing information more clear for people. It's very hard to make it easy for everyone because every one's needs are difference. We all have difference communication problems. Some people can't read and write so we do pictures on the computer, take photographs. You can only do pictures out of nouns, people, places and objects. For eg you can't do a picture of could because could isn't an object, person or place. of the so we have to support people with that. For eg; a cat sat on a mat.

When I learned to write as a child my rs used to be an o with two sticks and ks used to be one stick used to be at the top of the stick and the other stick used to be at the bottom, if you understand what I mean. Sometimes I get numbers the wrong way round for eg 23 could be 32. I used to get confused with left and right but not as much had now. I can't cope with big map, directions have to be written step by step with bullet point numbers what to do first, second, and so on, 123 or abc.

As a child I used to get confused with bs and ds but not as much now. I also used to get confused with ps and qs. Most of the time I find it proof reading hard as you may guess with me writing my website, I spend a lot of editing which every writer does but even more so when someone has dyslexia. They used to say dyslexia is a word blindness, I know we don't like it said way but It could take me ever to make sure everything is proof read in a text. Still used the word dyslexia, it not only a because it's shorter to say than word blindness. Every now and then I will ask my Mum to proof read my website. I had get someone at work to proof my work when I wrote the Employment play.

When I was in school, no one really knew about dyslexia, I used to get told off for my dyslexia errors I have told you about.

If you have dyslexia or you know anyone that does, you are welcome to send me an email if you want on sarajgorman@googlemail.com or sarajgorman@gmail.com If you would like any dyslexic websites or anything like that would or could help you, I would be more than happy to help. I would also be interested if you have your story about experience of dyslexia, if you would like to tell me. May be I can find out if Mencap know anything about dyslexia support websites or anything if you want.

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