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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 17 May 2015

The government needs to make up their minds.

Iain Duncan Smith has been getting people with disabilities and learning Difficulties into Factory work. Factory work bosses fear not able to find and employ other employees. Staff could be made redundant, there seventy -five job losses so staff are angry.http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/iain-duncan-smith-insults-disabled-5437646

In David Cameron's report says people who cannot bath independently will no longer quality without a carer. Employed people with disabilities will be force to be unemployed because PIP will not be able to facilitate their role in the workplace.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2094805/Why-does-David-Cameron-insist-disability-cuts-sickened-party.html

May be you understand those report better than I do but it seems to me as if Iain Duncan Smith says one thing and David Cameron says another.

If I have understood it correctly I worry how this change could affect people with disabilities and health problems.

 For people with disabilities and health problems to not any work or and college at all for many people their Anxiety and Depression will increase. I will be honest say that I can other speak for myself to how it will affect but some will be affected the same and others may not. There could be other ways most people will be affected but others may not be affected at all.

The opposite will be a health and safety risk to themselves and others without support depending on the job they are doing. If it is a job they can manage, a job they have a big interest in and a job they are good at less support or may no support they will need. Whereas the compliant opposite more support they will need.

It's also a huge certain about lots of people been without support in the home. People who cannot manage their personal care such as bathing need more care and support than anyone because they can be in risk of slipping and falling. Next result is making sure that their homes are accessible their needs mainly if they are going to lose their carers, which cost money again. So what costs the most having a career or having accessible home?

Someone with Dyspraxia like myself with not a very strong grip in the hands benefit from a microwave and frozen ready dinners because we are in risk of burning and cutting ourselves when it comes to carry a heavy meat out the oven and chopping vegetables even though that way is more healthy.  I know there are certain disabled aids but then which is cheaper having disabled aids or having a support worker?    

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