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Friday, 17 September 2021

Types of Anxiety and Depression other mental illnesses

 Clinical depression.

 Like other problems etc, just a reminder a person doesn't need to face all these signs to face clinical depression, even some of these signs doesn't rule out what they may be facing and or feeling. 

Feeling low and unhappy a lot, feeling hopeless and helpless, low -self - esteem,  tearful, feeling guilty even when there's no need to, feeling down, taking things out on others, lack of motivation and interest in things, lack of concentration whether there's something normal in the person's interest or not,  find it hard to decide things, make choices, etc, finding hard to enjoy life, feeling stressed and anxious, worried, etc, sudiual thoughts, self-harm, etc. https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/clinical-depression/symptoms/

The causes of clinical depression are very often emotional situations, relationships, marriage break ups,  career loss changes, job, business loss, deaths of who people know,  maybe very rarely someone may even be affected by for example  failed course, etc, not being successful in something they may have really wanted to achieve, death of someone they know, etc.https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/clinical-depression/causes/ https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/clinical-depression/

Bipolar can be very serious where someone can feel very depressed and low in themselves to feeling high mania over action. This could mean facing mood swings, which may last up to a fair few weeks or more. 

They may face Clinical Depression and more https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/bipolar-disorder/overview/


Season Affective  disorder ( SAD)

They ( SAD) is known as winter depression but this is not completely certain but most people may face this at any time. 

Feeling very low in mood,  lack of interest in things, feeling guilty and worthless even if no need to, lack of engry and sleep, struggling to wake up in the morning, gaining weight.  https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/seasonal-affective-disorder-sad/overview/


Borderline personally can get people misunderstood by others because it is a mood disorder affecting how the person feels and thinks, which could be emotional.  https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/borderline-personality-disorder/overview/

Eating disorders can be very serious but I am putting the website on because are so many. https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/feelings-symptoms-behaviours/behaviours/eating-disorders/overview/

General Anxiety

we can all feel anxious, worried, fearful, stressed nervous, etc one time or another, which is natural. It may be over example driving lesson, test, job interview, etc. However, if it gets to stage you feel this way in most things you face in life where you struggle to think, worry, etc less you may be facing Anxiety. No one can force anyone to do what they feel they want or and cannot. However' the help is out there, not try and receiving it could increase your stress levels, etc.


In Anxiety, it is common to face panic disorder, phobia, claustrophobia,  post-traumatic stress disorder,  Social Anxiety, and Phobia.  https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/generalised-anxiety-disorder/

Post-traumatic stress disorder knows as ( PTSD) is a form of anxiety where a person can struggle to not think about negative events that have happened in their lives such as abuse, bullying, etc, that they may be struggling to think about less or stop years later. However' those events don't go away forever but even if over the years start to think about them less doesn't mean they have gone out their head completely. The mind cannot stop thinking when it comes to important matters that need sorting such as things to do with benefits, money problems, owing money, things to be done for a certain time, date, etc, mainly they need support to sort whatever and finding support, etc can make them worry till they help and the issues are sorted, etc, which disbert their sleep, etc before the issues sorted. 

This could be caused by serious road accidents, car crashes, getting run over, etc. 

In such crimes the person may have a face like assault, abuse, being mugged, robbed, etc. 

Anyone who has faced a brain injury whether it's during birth or after. 

Serious health problems

Childbirth experiences. https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd/overview/

Schizophrenia is a long-term mental health condition where people can hear or and see things the great of us cannot see or and hear. https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/psychosis/

Lack of interest in things. 

Personal hygiene issues.

Avoid people, friends, etc.


Schizoaffective is a mood disorder a bit like well similar I guess Bipolar and Schiopheria where the person could be negative one minute positive the next, which be confusing for those who don't understand.

They may struggle to look after themselves at times, which I guess would be hard to support as it is such a hidden condition. The only giveaway can be the behavior but most people won't know and understand that without being said but even then maybe not even fully understand even most people not even by the person's family etc. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/schizoaffective-disorder/about-schizoaffective-disorder/



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