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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 17 September 2021

What is Anxiety and Depression?

What is Depression?  

First of all, like many things, just someone may not face all signs of something does and doesn't mean they are facing whatever, same with Anxiety and Depression.  

Depression isn't just feeling low, sad, not having good days, etc, it can be a lot worse than that, where it can be a long length of time, on and off, etc. 

Like most Mental illnesses you are either doing too much of something or not enough, it can affect motivation, where you have no get up and go, things are never the right amount something or very rarely. For eg; the amount of sleep you may get. Eating too much, not eating enough, etc. 

From not having the motivation to do anything to doing too much whatever that may be or it could swap around from one to the other, which is different in different people. 

Not wanting to do or and feeling like doing things, lack of concentration, lack of interest in things, etc. 

Struggling to see a way forward to live in positive ways. 

Feeling ashamed, guilty, worthless, etc. 

Feeling suicidal, hurting yourself, self-harm, etc.

The cause is unknown, for eg; common causes could be emotional situations such as relationships, marriage break-up, divorce, deaths of people we know, even no reason at all. https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/depression-and-anxiety

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety as I have already said in think maybe my last post or last post but etc, Anxiety is really none stop worry, panic, stress, and fear more so than those who don't worry and fear so much, etc, which depend on the person and even the situation they face. Similar to Depression, in most ways, it's too easy to have too much of something or nothing at all or both in the case may be but more in sense of worry and fear, mainly when some needs to be done, sorted, etc in a certain length of time for eg; a benefit form to be filled in and put in the post. If you need support that may take time to find and the time you are given may not necessarily be enough, which is no fault of services etc because are under time limits and they have to hurry you. https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/depression-and-anxiety

This may sound crazy to those who don't know about Anxiety or even another Mental illness. Don't get me wrong when I say this like other Mental illnesses, it's very likely not every person who helps isn't facing things very seriously but it can be serious. As much as someone facing Depression alone to a point of suicidal risk, again don't be wrong when I say this because it is not the same in everyone who faces Anxiety like not everyone faces Depression is likely to take their own life. However' in Anxiety in some if not most cases if a person worries, fears, panics, stresses enough, etc there could be risks of health attacks, suicide even death if they worrying things, etc long enough. 

For most people if not all if something or certain things are on the mind, they may struggle to clear the mind, mainly if it's something important like worrying about affording to pay off debts for example. 

Even though this section is about Anxiety I am trying to research, the difference, the same, what is similar, and the relationship between Anxiety and Depression. As I have already said Anxiety is a sense of worry, fear, panic, feeling anxious, and stress whereas Depression is sadness and unhappiness. Another emotion that can get confused is with Anxiety is anger because they are so similar in meaning but then seem the same where the person may face a situation the may fear, become anxious, or even angerly, which is a reaction to the situation. This is where their behavior and reaction can be misunderstood for the person behaving anxious, which may seem like anger to others, which may well worry, fear, etc mainly if something is out the blue or and excepted, also if they haven't been informed about something beforehand.  

Like I said I guess a few posts away Mental illness in so many words can make us into people we are not or and don't want to intend to be. I don't believe in Sigma, discrimination, etc. However'  the world is a big place, people go through negative things whether it's themselves, their families, friends, etc, which no one deservices. Mental illness is a hard subject and a very important awareness. People have feelings etc and lives matter but mainly when people face crimes etc, but it can be hard to know what is purpose behaviors or what is due to Mental illness, which is where treatment and support are important but not that Mental illness isn't an excuse for everything like disability, etc isn't. Mental illness can be unawareness of your own actions, not everyone is faced by that, which could depend on the Mental illness we face, whether it's major or minor. This can be one of the reasons why it can understand that most people may fear trying to get help in case of sigma, discrimination, etc. The difficulty is concerned if your Mental illness increases you can never be sure how it will affect you and others even.

I will admit when I had my mental breakdown 24 yrs ago, I was worried about trusting myself and how I would behave towards others as well as myself because Anxiety and Depression levels were very high oddly I didn't realize at the time why, where I was in fear I have being a danger to others and myself. https://www.ageuk.org.uk/information-advice/health-wellbeing/conditions-illnesses/depression-anxiety/

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