Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Dear Poets and writers.

Dear Keats                                                                                                           24.12.2013
       The world may well think I have gone mad writing to you but who cares what anyone thinks. If I am mad I am mad.
Since the age of twenty - seven John, you have inspired me since I was twenty - seven years of age, now I am forty - four years of age.
What I thought about to say while I was having a smoke, my thoughts have gone.
I must take life as it comes  however long or short I live for.
As much as the government is making life hard today I bet it was no different in your time.
They will never stop people taking drugs, drinking and smoke because these things are there.
Fair to the one who don't touch either of these things.
It becomes a hard habit to break but then it's luck of the draw whether I live or died.
I guess not much different to what happened to you, I guess I will never get published in my life time but may be never at all.
I enjoy writing and words but I don't except a lot or anything for my work but the fact that I may not be published doesn't stop me doing what I enjoy.
One may see it as wasting my time but as I enjoy it why not carry on, otherwise why was I born?
                                                                 Love From
                                                                  Sara Jane Gorman

Dear Keats                                                                                                      24.12.2013

Many people find poetry boring may be that's because in some peoples' cases not other, that we poets tell the truth in our words which hurts and bors a lot of readers. This may well explain why we poets find it hard to get published but we can't help the talent we have got.
 We can't help the thoughts we think and the feelings we have got. It's hard to work out why and how we think what we think really. How life makes us happy, sad, angry and even mad. Yet life is so short who knows what are ones thoughts?
Who am I to say otherwise? Without you I may not have had the talent I have got. May be it's not poetry or talent may be it's just words that I have got but to me you have talent.
May be I am not what I thought I was but I will carry on writing to be just myself till the day I died. I am who and what I am, I can't be anything or anyone else.
I need to write all the same not build my hopes up or and chase fame.
                                            Love from
                                            Sara Jane Gorman
Dear Keats                                                                                                         24.12.2013
      People may think I am mad writing to you because you have long left the world. I guess this is because I will never know what your views would have been to what I have said to you in these letters. At the end of the day you were a poet and in the mind of your fans such as I you still are. Not only I like your work but you were the first poet to inspire me to write poetry.
Yes I would be honest to say that I wonder what you would have said but then one can't have their own way on everything. I am yet to think about who I will write to next properly Shelly.
I think it's wise to be ones self but who knows if I am right or wrong?
I could never be talented in the eyes of society I just write words but all the same I will carry on whatever happens. Without you been aware of it you started me off with poetry back 1997, now I have started I won't stop.
Christmas eve is upon us today with the wind and the storm. When I drafted this letter to you last night I'd just come back from my local pub the Gunmakers Arms a little bit on the tipsy side as i drank a can of Fosters when  I got home, that's nothing new from most of us poets is it? I accept you can't answer that or anything.  I drank and smoked but enjoyed it too much but I wasn't too drunk, I know it does me no good. It's unhealthy  to have a enjoyable : life without these pleasures would be boring.  The fact these projects are there makes hard not to buy: if everyone stopped buying them what would happen then? The government excepts you to stop drinking, smoking etc but then what would they do if you stopped buying them? Britain is full of greed wanting things both ways, which isn't possible.
Not that I have any interest in the government but it's there in front of your face the country is in a  state of mess. May be Charles Dickens a writer I will to next because the country was in a mess his time and it's slowly going back to that now. There's no perfect world I know it would be boring if it was: this government is hard to understand. Let them carry on being hard as nails! I guess both you and Dickens are rolling in your graves if you knew the state of this world not just this country. If they realize there mistake, they have only got themselves to blame.
                                                    Sara Jane Gorman

Dear Charles Dickens                                                                     28.12.2013
       I am writing to tell you that I wrote to the poet John Keats telling him what this world is coming to. There's a lot funding cut on a lot of services and charities in Britain, a lot of shops, jobs, clubs, pubs and etc, are either closing or already closed down. The government now is very greedy and we are spending money what we can't afford. This government is making the cuts on things that are needed even the banks have been in debt. My worry is now in the things go back to where there were in your time. They are taking the money off the people who need most like people who have problems with their, disabilities, babies children, old people and etc.
Also work is very limited but then they are expecting to be in work when there's handy much work about. The good news is that  they are trying to get disabled people into work but the bad news is that they are making a lot of cuts on the disabled people need which is the same with Mental health too.
People with disabilities and mental health problems are still made to be nobody when we are just as human as everybody. We shouldn't be talked about as if we weren't planned. We are people  and we are useful for something : we shouldn't be treat as if we are nothing or nobody at all.  We shouldn't be treated as if life isn't worth living. These are the things that are very often said to us.
The rest of the world seems to be a normal place. people living in a perfect world and living normal lives, which is not the case. There's no such thing as perfect and normal otherwise the world would be a boring place.
I started my life in school as a child who found learning hard and I was very slow. I found it hard to pay attention on what was going on around me. I was told I would never get anything in life but I managed to caught up in college years. I even decided I wanted to be a writer when I was twenty-three years old. I was most inspired with the work you did in your time with you writing about living conditions and how society was in your day.
As a child I used to find it hard to learn my times tables as Mr Edward hit me on the fingers with a ruler every time I got a sum wrong. I still see his brown brief case with the black detention book inside. He used to say to me.
" Is anyone in there"
Since then times have moved on but the children are harmful to adults now there's no balance in-between, even though I know you were trying to put a stop to children been over hit but not it's caused to be harmful towards adults. Many teachers have been stabbed by children.
                                                                   Sara Jane Gorman

Dear Charles Dickens                                                                             31.12.2013
        I think the world is coming to a big depression. Many people seem to think that people with unhealthy life styles shouldn't be to be treated by the NHS. This is a hard thing to know because no one can judge anyone because no one can say who disservices to be judged and who isn't for sure. We should never judge people: we should take it that people are as they appear to be either.  We should never take it that everyone causes their health problems, which is hardy surprising healthy things are out there like drinks, drugs and etc because governments make money out of them. Unhealthy food seems to be more cheaper than healthy food.
We must face facts that we are never going to have a healthy society, people don't exercise as much as we did in your day, we are aware of too much crime and too much traffic on the road.
The world is greedy all we live for is money, which my worry is that greed has caused the cuts in the world. Despite of what's good and bad for people they will buy because it's there ; then the good get judged and misunderstood for the bad.
I believe many governments are greedy for money no matter how much is spent. Money get's taken off those who need it most.
A lot of people smoke, drink or and even take drugs because it's out there.
There are far too many fast food places to eat, the odd healthy places are far too costly for the poor.  The ways things are going people will have to pay for their health or die just like it was back in your day. This is one big worry but like you society and living conditions is my research for my writing.                                                    From
                                                                 Sara Jane Gorman

Dear Charles Dickens                                     31,12,2013         
I am curtained of the state of the world. services, clubs, pubs, shops and etc are going one by one. Such people like the elderly, disabled, mental health problems and etc are getting less and less help.
This isn't all about health but the way people are having to live day by day.
If only you knew what really is going on you would be rolling in your grave. This isn't only happening to Britain but other counties in the world because Britain having to let a lot of foreigners live here but really we haven't the money or the room but nothing against the people themselves.     
This writing may be boring; it's the truth of what's going on in the world. We are spending more money than we can manage. the banks are in debt and all sorts.
There's also very little employment.
To be honest I find it hard to see a positive future.
On the bright side I only wish I could make a difference to the world trying bring times forwards rather than backwards but what seems to be happening in the world, which worries me very much just like many of you.
                                                        Sara Jane Gorman                                              

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