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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 13 April 2015

Future of employment for disabilities and health problems.

We all have our strength and weaknesses whether we have disabilities and problems or not but we need to get the balance right between facing what we can, can't do, can and can't manage in our lives.  The purpose of  me writing this report is that people with disabilities and health problems want to be able to have the right to work with the right support not to be working without support, not to be in jobs we can't manage or have no interest in, not to be put in dangerous jobs and not be sitting at home all the while.

Over the past five years since David Cameron has been in power a lot of people with disabilities and health problems have had their benefit cut and many have been forced into work they can't manage without any support and many have died.

When David Cameron came into power in 2010, the year after I lost my work with Royal Wolverhampton Mencap, which I started in 2007 after my Grandmother died and after my last relationship broke up. The tory government cut Royal Wolverhampton Mencap's funding. I lost my work with Mencap from May 2011 until I started with 1 Voice Advocacy  May 2012. For twelve months I couldn't get on a course or anything, I went  into complete depression, which is why it doesn't do anyone any good to stay at home all the while mainly people with disabilities and health problems even though there are limits of what we can do, how many hours we do and how much we earn.Saying that providing the right support is there for us we can hold down a job as much as if it's within what we can manage and within our interest then less support we do need compared to if we are put a job that we can't manage, too dangerous for us and no interest for us. For example I feel as if I have done some work if I have made a difference to the lives of others.

 Before Mencap I had been on many training schemes but not many jobs were in my interest or what I could manage. Not many employers accepted me as a slow learner meaning I took longer than other people to learn the job plus not a lot of support was provided. At Mencap as you may have read this website before I was a member of an Advocacy group called Our Shout, we were Learning disability and Mental Awareness trainers we trained the Student Learning Disability nurses around Learning Disability and Mental Health like I am doing on my own with support for the University Of Wolverhampton. Back 2008 we did an Employment play for Mencap's Learning Disability Week on our experiences on trying access employment. Professions who should support people with disabilities to get employment came to see us but you would be surprised to know that no one from the Jobcentre came.


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