Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Saving the NHS.

Everyone understands that the NHS doesn't just need to be saved for the sake of vulnerable but vulnerable are likely to need more support than other people. Everyone knows not even the working a lot of the class necessary have enough money to pay for their health but even more so if you are on benefits and pensions.

People with disabilities, health problems and the elderly are more vulnerable to illnesses than other people. According to Mencap people with disabilities and health problems are more so likely to die before the age of 50 than other people. Roughy at least nine out of ten of the elderly who fall are likely to be hospital. Even during in the time the NHS has been through free of chrange a lot of people with disabilities and health problems have died. Since David Cameron came into power five years ago, a lot of people with disabilities and health problems have had their benefits cut    https://www.mencap.org.uk/news/article/health-ombudsman-urges-action-prevent-avoidable-deaths-people-learning-disability

Eight years ago I started to work for Mencap, back in 2008 we set up a project to see that people with disabilities and health problems have a health check every year but there's not enough funding to see that all surveys provide that service.

All vulnerable people understand that your life is important but so is ours. 

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