Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

My email to the NHS.

Dear Sir/Madam

It seems as time is getting closer to voting David Cameron is causing more and more damage to this country mainly when it comes to the NHS.
Due to peoples’ health the NHS is a huge certain. Wolverhampton City council have reported 135 nursing jobs in Wolverhampton have been asked plus 50 jobs have been axed at Walsall manner hospital. This link will explain better me http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2015/04/06/135-wolverhampton-nursing-jobs-axed-in-3-9m-cuts/
I understand that everyone has to pay their way and this is going be just as hard for the full time working class. All the same how is this going to work for disabled unwell people on benefits that have to access Healthcare service more so than other people? This is also a huge certain for the elderly who need to access NHS services more so than other people.
We have already lost so many people with disabilities and health problems over the last six years since the cuts first came in through the benefit cuts. On top of that this has happened I think was just before the cuts started. https://www.mencap.org.uk/sites/default/files/documents/74%20Deaths%20and%20counting%20Easy%20Read%20summary.pdf  
Thank you for reading my email again.
                                                      Yours Faithfully

                                                       Sara Jane Gorman

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