Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

About disabilities and health problems.

 Introducing My work.
About me and my work.  My name is Sara Jane Gorman. I used to be a Learning Disability Awareness trainer Self - Advocacy worker for   Our Shout supported by Royal Wolverhampton Mencap. I have disabilities and health problems myself.
I used to work at One Voice Advocacy Service Wolverhampton as a Private Advocacy worker for people with disabilities and health problems.
 I have experienced Consultant in the field of Learning Disability and I have given presentations to professionals locally and regionally.

 Now I am a Visiting Literature of Learning Disability and Mental health for the University Of Wolverhampton at Walsall Campus.  

I have trained to the Health students at the University of Wolverhampton, School of Nursing and The Health Care Professions at New Cross hospital Wolverhampton.

What causes Autism?
 Leo Kenner discovered Autism in 1943. The causes of Autism are unknown.
The cause Autism is still unknown 

The cause of autism is not known, but it's likely that genes play a role.
These genes may disrupt normal brain development.
There is no cure for autism. But for many children, autism symptoms improve with treatment and with age.
 Some children with autism grow up to lead normal or near-normal lives. Living options for adults with ASD include:
Like all people with and without disabilities people with Autism want to lives to the full.
 Like all people, we want to make the most of our lives.
Listen to us, we have rights too!
We want to be treated like human beings not like objects.
A lot of people with Autism like our routine,
Change is a hard thing for us to deal with.
We all have different disabilities and different difficulties.
We all have different disabilities and different difficulties.
We all have different disabilities and different difficulties.
 Most people do not understand, there are many hidden disabilities that are misunderstood when people's' disabilities don't show.
  My disabilities have not been diagnosed; they knew very little when I was born.

There could be least one form of Autism that links with Dyspraxia.
May be you can search on any references how many forms of Autism link up with Dyspraxia and which ones are they.
Dyspraxia is a hidden yet physical disability,
 Which is odd because physical disabilities shown on the whole.
Mentally Disabled
Physically disabled
I was born with lack of oxygen to the brain, 
Autism can happen, before during and after birth.
After which is a mild damage on the left hand side of my brain, which made me a bit slow.
I was born with Epilepsy; I had fits until I was 12, and then came back when I was 31.
Autism can affect people's' communication and development.
There are different forms of Autism, may be my form is a Mild form called AS, which has never been diagnosed but my family have learned over the years that I may some kind of mild Autism.
When people first see me, they think I can learn as quickly as them because I can walk and talk.
Some people may never see me again so they will never know my disabilities.
Mild Autism and Dyspraxia could be linked together; even Dyspraxia is a hidden physical disability.
  Even though I can walk and talk,
 I do have co - oration problems mostly with my hands, even though my disabilities in my hands are not shown.
Autism is more of a Mental disability than Physical or and both.
If I do have mild Autism I may be Asperger.
Asperger's and Dyspraxia are hidden disabilities.
  When it comes using my hands my problems are for eg; opening jars.
 I haven’t got a very strong grip.
Motor skills problems can stop you from.
I can stop riding a bike and driving a car.
My Aunty thinks I may have Dyspraxia.

People with disabilities can find it hard to explain ourselves, give us time for us to do and say what we are going to.

Dyslexic is not a gripping problem yet Dyslexia and Dyspraxia are reading, writing, maths and spelling problems.
Please do not misunderstand the problems in learning disability,
Understand the talents.
 It doesn't mean that people with disabilities cannot do these skills,
 Information may be put down on paper the wrong way round for eg;
    For eg; some might write 82 meaning to write 28.
A lot of people with Dyslexia are very talented.
As a writer, when I get ideas I write as I think, can be too fast to notice my mistakes. 
 I need someone help me proof read my work because
Some mistakes I notice others I don't.
This is why I help to see that there are no mistakes.
Due to my Dyslexia there may be spelling, grammar problems and some things.
 I may find it hard to put writing down on paper to make sense.
 This is where most people are good with numbers.
 I am not good with numbers. I am creative with words; it can be so easy to get misunderstood. This can cause a lack of communication, through misunderstanding.
There are three forms of Autism Spectrum, and ADHD (Attention Deflect Hyperactive Disorder.)
 This can leave peoples’ lives controlled without any choice.
People with disabilities know when our lives are been controlled and when we have no choice.
We may have problems that affect our lives but still have brains; we are just a bit slow.
We are not thick or stub!
We just need a bit more help with some things than other people.
Society says that most people with disabilities are poor with coping with money yet, which is true.
Not all of us get enough help to take care of our money.
Not all people with Autism get the right services.
There is more children's service, than adult services.
There should be services for all people.
 There’s very little help.
A lot of people need help with benefits, work, home and etc.
These forms are not Accessible for all people with disabilities to read, write and understand.
Some people can't write or even sign their name.
The help should be there from all services if and when people with disabilities need it and want it.
Not everyone who should have help always gets help or enough.
 People with disabilities need more people around in case they need help with important things.
Some things have to be done for a certain date.
 For eg; benefit forms when they have to be in for certain dates.
Not all people with disabilities can read or even understand the forms.
The same people can't be around for people with disabilities 24 hrs a day.
For eg; families and other people need breaks.
Some people have not anyone to help them.

There's never enough help out there!
There is not much difference between Dyslexia and Dyspraxia.

       Help mostly seems to come in when it's not needed, not all people with disabilities can get things done fast enough.
The worry is unless the disabilities are shown, people with disabilities are misunderstood, and we don't get the help we really need.
 This is why being diagnosed is important because our needs are misunderstood.
Like I have said not long ago in this report, the money is spending on the wrong things.

Different kinds of Autism.

  There is not that much differences between Autism Spectrum and Asperger Syndrome. Asperger Syndrome is a hidden disability.
 It can take a long time for strangers to be aware people with Asperger Syndrome.
People with Asperger can be misunderstood so easy.
People with Autism Spectrum can have major speech problems, which people can notice.

Possible Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children.
People with Asperger as mild speech,
 if any speech problems at not a lot of notice is taken. Does not babble, point, or make meaningful gestures by 1 year of age.
Does not speak one word by 16 months
Does not combine two words by 2 years
Does not respond to name
Loses language or social skills
It can be hard for people with Autism to communicate with society.
Most people with Autism find social interaction hard.
Some people with Autism find social imagination hard.   Doesn't seem to know how to play with toys.
 Is attached to one particular toy or object. Excessively lines up toys or other objects
Repetitive behaviors or interests, which cause children with Autism to not have any interest or learning ability in the world around them.
ASD is defined by a certain set of behaviors that can range from the very mild to the severe.
Some Other Signs
Poor eye contact
Doesn't smile
At times seems to be hearing impaired.

What is Autism? Autism is a life time disability.
Autism can happen at birth or not long after.
Autism can affect people's communication and development.
There are people with Autism who find it hard to make sense of the world.
There are three forms of Autism Spectrum, Asperger, and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder).
There are major and mild forms of Autism but none of them show.
Autism is more a mental disability than a Physical disability.
Yet there may be at least one of Autism form of Autism that links to Dyspraxia,
 This is also a physical disability as well mental disability.
Dyspraxia is a hidden disability yet physical disability,

 This is odd because Physical disabilities are shown on the whole.

I enjoy writing.
I started writing when I stopped at my house in Wolverhampton 1993.
I was recovering at Grandmother’s house from Cancer of the throat at the age of 23.
 I was watching Trevor Macdonald telling the news at 10.00pm
I suddenly heard a flash of the council care homes closing down,  which worried me.
I started thinking about Charles Dickens writing about orphans and people worse off than myself.
I started writing my life story and short stories.
I have had a few reports published in odd newsletters.
By the time I was 27, I was writing poetry.
I had a poem published in each of 11 books, this not one of them this is off my website.
I have been on many creative writing courses over the years.
In March 2009, I went on a Script and Screen course in B'ham to Better writing.
December 2009, I helped set up a Disabled Women's Writer's group.
December 2009, I helped Royal Wolverhampton Mencap set up a Disabled Writer's group.
  March 2009, I was on a Script and Screen course to better my writing.

December 2010, I was working on an Art project.
 I with other disabled artists helped Penn Hall Special school children create their own Superhero.

Introducing Learning Disability and Health Problems.

                    I have written this report on my website to introduce the work I do.

This report is to introduce Learning Disability and Mental Health. Autism is one of all disabilities that can be linked with other disabilities and health problems.

Autism mostly makes people appear to be selfish, which is not the case. It may seem to other people that they don’t matter to people with Autism but people do. Most People with Autism find it hard to show compassion toward and cope with their own lives at the same time.
Autism is an unawareness of the big wide world.
This report is written for people with learning disabilities and people who know us, people who want to get to know about us, learn about and from us, train us, teach us, work with us and help us.

You never know!
  Every day is unknown,
You could be right as rain one day not the next.
The future seems very bright for you.
That day alone you feel fitter, quicker and brighter than ever.
You can cope with everything and anything, there's no stop in you.
Overnight something bad happens to you, affects the rest of your life.
Now you feel worse than you have ever felt.
Suddenly everything and anything is out of you.
It's all gone for life.

You are a changed person.
You have lost everything about you in your body and mind.
You can't do the things you used yet you have the rest your life to live with it.
You have always been successful in everything you do now you will be always unsuccessful.
The chance of bringing back the person you were is very small.
My word you'd be very lucky if you get back to who and what you were.
Make the best of who and what you are, there may be no tomorrow.
Everyone has a good and bad life as I write.
Birth, college work, school work, nursery, friendships, relationship or and some kind of stress.
We understand that the world is tough for all people, people with disabilities and health problems find it twice as hard.
We get stressed, upset and ill very easily.
Most people with disabilities and health problems die younger compared to other people.

The main cause is stress.
Some things for people with disabilities are not possible without support.
People with disabilities feel the odd ones out and alone compared with the rest of society.
Over the years I have learned no one is alone with learning disabilities,
 There’s more than one person with disabilities, even if we feel alone.
I hope I have written this book to help people to know what to expect out of Autism and learning disability.
I hope this will help people with disabilities and health problems,
 Families, carers, professions,
People who look out for people with disabilities and health problems.

Autism world is strange.

Autism is a feeling the world over crowding you.
When you're feeling as if you're in prison but you're not.
When you're free you're not free.
The world and its people seem bigger, smaller and better than you.
Everyone seems to have better chances, choices and control better than you.
Everyone has an education, job, family, lover, child, home, social life but not you.
Even if and when you have those things you always feel useless as if you’re spoiling someone Else's life because you need their support.
The world blind to see what depending on the rest of the world feels like.
The world is telling us what to do because we support, as adults we still feel like children.
As an adult you feel more useless when people are saying what you can and can't do.
Ok Autism affects our lives but with right support we will get through.
The world is lonely even when it's full, we must keep travelling in hopes loneliness and an overcrowded world is no more.
We can only hope but life goes on.
We mustn't think badly of life all the time.
Even when out seeing millions of people it's still a lonely world in a lonely room.
When people are there they may as well not be but even lovelier without them whether they are strange or not.
They are living in a different world to the Autism world.
We never stop believing in ourselves, despite the world overcrowding and closing us in. 19.2.2011


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