Introduction to Arthritis.
Arthritis is inflammation in one or more joints.
The joints swell, are painful and stiff, which can
make people become disabled.
With an acute Arthritis the joints become hot and
swollen, which causes the person to be intense pain and difficulty with
Chronic Arthritis is painful, there’s
associated stiffness and change in appearance of the joint. The most common
type of Arthritis is osteoarthritis, is a degenerative condition that’s likely
to happen mostly to older people but it can happen to young people.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a generalized
condition Arthritis links other conditions such as gout, Psoriasis, Viral
illness, Bacterial infections, Allergic reactions and a lot of other disorders.
May be you could study online and or references to find out if anything else is
linked to Arthritis.
Find out what support aids there are
for people with Arthritis.
is Dyslexia?
A lot of people think people with Dyslexia can’t
read and write at all, which is not true.
· Dyslexia
is a reading and writing disability that people will see things the wrong way
round, 32 that’s meant to be 23.
· Spell
things words the wrong way round, they could write for example, miss things
out, miss words out of sentences.
· They
can find it hard to say and write things in a short way.
· Find
it hard to take in information. (Memory problems).
· They
may not have any sense of direction when it comes to left, right and straight
· They
may need large print to read.
· Different
coloured writing on different coloured paper, very small print on white paper
is likely to jump off the page for them.
Here’s more about Dyslexia
in these links.
I took a test of the
Dore programme this is what it showed
Sara Jane Gorman's
results when severe, the symptoms that you describe are commonly associated
with a diagnosis of dyspraxia. It is part of a family of terms used to describe
learning difficulties that affect 1 in 6 people in the UK. Others include
difficulties with: • Literacy (reading and writing) – associated with dyslexia
– associated with ADHD • Social skills – associated with Asperger’s syndrome these conditions (dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, Asperger’s), that are used to label
people with a range of symptoms are too narrow. From our extensive experience
of helping thousands of people, we have realised that no one exhibits exactly
the same symptoms. Many people who join the Dore Programme come to us for help
with one particular condition, because they noticed difficulties there, but
after they have gone through the Programme they notice improvements in many
different areas as well. This is because unlike many other programmes, which
only help you manage and cope with your problems, Dore tackles the root cause,
helping you to overcome these problems and liberate your true potential. To
read more about causes, symptoms and treatment for dyspraxia and other learning
difficulties visit the Website the Dore Programme the Dore method is a
drug-free, proven programme of practical activities. It has, over the years;
helped thousands of people across the world liberate their true potential and
transform their lives. The Dore Programme is designed to kick-start the part of
the brain that helps with learning and trains the brain to speed up and
automate the flow of information. This dramatically improves the ability to
learn and retain skills. It might sound simple, but there is of course a huge
amount of research behind the Programme and how it helps people who struggle
with balance and coordination. Because everyone is different, the Dore
Programme is individually tailored to each participant’s personal needs. Our
specially trained team conducts regular consultations and assesses your
development throughout the Programme to help you achieve your goals and
liberate your potential.
Sara Jane Gorman's ADHD Symptom Report 23 July 2015
Thank you for taking the time to complete the Dore ADHD Symptom Assessment.
From your answers we have calculated that: You show a high probability of
having attention problems. You show a moderate probability of having
hyperactivity / impulsivity problems. This is not a formal diagnosis of ADHD,
but a quick assessment. It has been developed from our extensive experience of
working with thousands of people with similar symptoms. The good news is that
you can do something about these symptoms whether you have already been
diagnosed or not. At Dore we do not require any formal diagnosis, because we
don’t just treat the condition or ‘label’ like ADHD, but help people overcome
the root cause of their difficulties. Overlapping symptoms Poor attention,
impulsivity and hyperactivity are commonly seen in people who are affected by
ADHD, but can also be associated with other learning difficulties. Dore has
developed a unique personalised exercise Programme that tackles the root cause
of these learning difficulties in a way that treats the individual’s symptoms
not just the label. Read what our clients say how can the Dore Programme
support me?
Your Symptom Indicator This report shows where your
specific difficulties are and how the Dore Programme can help in these areas.
We have looked at your results and these shows: You show difficulty with
attention. Paying attention is something that many of us take for granted. But
for people with attention problems, staying ‘switched on’ in any given
situation can prove difficult, particularly if the situation demands that a lot
of information is taken on board (or the subject is not that interesting).
Participants on the Dore Programme have seen significant improvements in
associated symptoms such as sustaining attention to tasks, following
instructions or organisation skills. You show difficulty with hyperactivity /
impulsivity being able to sit still and remain relaxed is something that most
people have no issues with. However those with hyperactivity difficulties often
feel restless or agitated and have to get up and move around in situations
where it might be inappropriate. Likewise people with impulsivity issues may be
unable to curb their immediate reactions or think before they act. These people
are often unfairly labelled as being disruptive or naughty. Dore participants
have reported improvements in the symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity
during the course of the Programme what causes ADHD? A single specific cause of
ADHD has not been found. A number of factors may contribute to ADHD including
genetics, environmental, diet and social. Twin studies indicate that the
disorder can be inherited and genetics are a factor in about 75% of ADHD cases.
Your Results When severe the symptoms we asked you about are commonly
associated with a diagnosis of ADHD. It is part of a family of earning
difficulties that affect 1 in 6 people in the UK. Others include difficulties
with: • Co-ordination – as associated with dyspraxia • Social skills –
associated with Asperger’s syndrome • Literacy (reading and writing) - associated with dyslexia No one individual exhibits exactly the same symptoms
and further the widely held perception of these symptoms is that they are
something which can only be managed and coped with rather than overcome. What
is important is that the symptoms you have described are frustrating and are
holding you back from achieving your full potential. To read more about causes,
symptoms and treatment for ADHD and other learning difficulties visit the
Website the Dore Programme. The Dore method is a drug-free, proven Programme of
practical activities. It has over the years helped thousands of people, across
the world, liberate their true potential and transform their lives. The Dore
Programme does not require any formal diagnosis of dyslexia and focuses on
overcoming the symptoms rather than coping with them. The Dore Programme is
designed to kick-start the part of the brain that helps with learning, and
train the brain to speed up and automate the information flow. This
dramatically improves the ability to learn and retain skills.
It might
sound simple, but there is of course a huge amount of research behind the
Programme and how it helps people who struggle with reading and writing.
Because everyone is different, the Dore Programme is individually tailored to
each participant’s personal needs. Our specially trained team conducts regular
consultations and assesses your development throughout the Programme to help
you achieve your goals and liberate your potential.
What next? We hope this report has explained how
your symptoms are linked to your ability to learn. By improving the ability to
learn you can help overcome a range of learning difficulties including the
symptoms associated with ADHD.
to Down Syndrome.
What do you know about Down Syndrome?
to life for disabilities and health problems than just disabilities and health
Dyslexia support and talent.
Learning awareness in learning disability and mental health. I am one of many who didn't learn anything in school and left school with nothing. Due to the strong tablets doctors put me on for Epilepsy, I found it hard to learn and get around safely without support. All the same I have managed to catch up on my education and work during adulthood for the last twenty years, which some I have achieved and others I haven't. School knocked my confidence when it shouldn't of. No school is built for any child to put up with bullying and abuse. Schools are built to help children learn education. Never tell a person with a learning disability that they are thick because that's not true, they are just find it a bit harder to learn than what you do,they just need more support than do! You won't know what that person will achieve unless you give that person their time, chance and see it for yourself.
Last year I made my tutor aware I need Dyslexia support for my Level 1 English at Old Hall Street college. It took quite a while to sort. It was decided that I need 25 % extra time for my exam and one to one support during study before the exam. Now I have failed my reading twice but passed the writing. I was only given one chance to pass the reading hoping for 3rd time lucky so what I did was asked my tutor if I could do the exam without been nasty without any students in the room and a tutor there,which after that I finally passed my reading. This some people learn better 1 to 1 tutoring and 1 to 1 support.
Last year I made my tutor aware I need Dyslexia support for my Level 1 English at Old Hall Street college. It took quite a while to sort. It was decided that I need 25 % extra time for my exam and one to one support during study before the exam. Now I have failed my reading twice but passed the writing. I was only given one chance to pass the reading hoping for 3rd time lucky so what I did was asked my tutor if I could do the exam without been nasty without any students in the room and a tutor there,which after that I finally passed my reading. This some people learn better 1 to 1 tutoring and 1 to 1 support.
Changes in school.
In my day kids were scared of the teachers now the teachers are scared of the kids.
Kids should be learning education not murder; no kid should bring knives to school!
When I was in school, you would get the stick whether you were clever or thick.
I forgot to miss a line between the date and title handwriting once so the teacher hit the back of my leg with a ruler, was that ever the worst thing in the world I ever did wrong, my word it felt like it?
Now it doesn't seem like anything to do with it but I picked up poetry during adult life.
In school I got the stick for learning and knowing nothing at all and been thick so I wonder if my teachers would have given me stick if I would have known poetry as a child, may be not as long as I wasn't doing poetry in their lesson, which I guess is fair enough.
In my day kids were scared of the teachers now the teachers are scared of the kids.
Kids should be learning education not murder; no kid should bring knives to school!
When I was in school, you would get the stick whether you were clever or thick.
I forgot to miss a line between the date and title handwriting once so the teacher hit the back of my leg with a ruler, was that ever the worst thing in the world I ever did wrong, my word it felt like it?
Now it doesn't seem like anything to do with it but I picked up poetry during adult life.
In school I got the stick for learning and knowing nothing at all and been thick so I wonder if my teachers would have given me stick if I would have known poetry as a child, may be not as long as I wasn't doing poetry in their lesson, which I guess is fair enough.
Where was the best time then to show them my poetry?
There was no time at all.
There was no pleasing in these teachers.
If only I knew my poetry in my naughty lines I must or I must not do but them no which would have got me into worse trouble.
You don't have to hit a child to teach them right from wrong just get them to write I must do or must not do until they understand the reason why or reasons why not.
No please in the teachers whether you can learn easily or not.
Today and even yesterday very few people take and took a lot of passion in their career for most people it seems mostly about the money.
If I was a teacher I would have been pleased with myself as well as the learners to see that I have taught that people whatever it is.
There's no sense in giving a person a hard time when they have a skill or and talent to share.
There was no time at all.
There was no pleasing in these teachers.
If only I knew my poetry in my naughty lines I must or I must not do but them no which would have got me into worse trouble.
You don't have to hit a child to teach them right from wrong just get them to write I must do or must not do until they understand the reason why or reasons why not.
No please in the teachers whether you can learn easily or not.
Today and even yesterday very few people take and took a lot of passion in their career for most people it seems mostly about the money.
If I was a teacher I would have been pleased with myself as well as the learners to see that I have taught that people whatever it is.
There's no sense in giving a person a hard time when they have a skill or and talent to share.
No person disservices a hard time even if there know nothing at all, why show them up in front of the rest of the class?
There shouldn't be a big deal whether someone is very or not very bright.
I don't believe in beating or abuse but every kid should learn right from wrong.
Stop the bullying and stop the abuse, just keep away from another if you can't get on!
Stop sending nasty texts to one another in school! 30.10.2014 - 8.11.2014
Learning to believe in yourself.
Take me as I am or don't take me at all!
Love me as a person or don't love me at all!
Be what and who you want before you go there!
There are times that the truth hurts but lies hurt even more.
Learn to have love and faith in yourself before love and expect someone else to have love and trust in you!
Learning how to love and trust in you may sound big headed but there's nothing like being sure of yourself first.
If you can't have faith, love and trust in yourself then be honest with yourself not to have others in your life at all.
For those of you who have hurt people, now does the truth hurt?
Those of us who believe in ourselves learn to love and trust others and we rid of those who have let us down.
It's far too easy for us to blame ourselves when we are hurt.
We are all only human we all make mistakes.
Its takes two to tango the blame isn't all on one person.
The most blame is on the person who hurt you and let you go.
You are so much better than they are and there is someone out there for you so much better than what they were.
Don't take out on others what you have been through but then time to take care of yourself now then once you have faith, love and trust in yourself then move on!
Don't bring yourself down to the person who has hurt you for you to hurt someone else, which everyone knows is so easy to do without knowing it but in time think about it then you start blaming yourself so don't give yourself any reason to do!
I'm telling myself as well as telling you, those of us who have been hurt we need to tell ourselves we are mostly not to blame because the main blamers are losers, we are not.
We showed them love but they didn't know what love is but that's not our fault.
They led us on instead of them not been honest with us and not telling us they aren't interested, they had a relationship with us that lived a lie because they didn't love us.
It may have disappointed us that they didn't feel the same way as us at the time but at least it would have been the truth.
To learn to love you before loving yourself is the best love of all.
To have faith, love and trust in yourself then you will have the same for your partner.
There's no way of getting it right first time.
Even if feels right it not always is yet if it feels wrong it could be right.
Rightly or wrongly you can never please anyone, very often in the end you can't please yourself.
Things aren't always at the end as they are at the start.
Very few of us get it right first time but others just sail through life.
Those who are out there to look out for us but life are just a game of chance.
Yet there's no chance really life so why we here?
There are so many questions that are unknown.
The reasons are unknown to how the world around and how we all came about.
Life is known to try us to see what happens.
It's unknown unless we try yet we can't try all.
Where does it all come from?
What is life all about?
Some luck comes to others but others it doesn't.
Everyone and everything is different in different ways, how boring it would be if it was all the same. 30.10.2014 - 8.11.2014
There shouldn't be a big deal whether someone is very or not very bright.
I don't believe in beating or abuse but every kid should learn right from wrong.
Stop the bullying and stop the abuse, just keep away from another if you can't get on!
Stop sending nasty texts to one another in school! 30.10.2014 - 8.11.2014
Learning to believe in yourself.
Take me as I am or don't take me at all!
Love me as a person or don't love me at all!
Be what and who you want before you go there!
There are times that the truth hurts but lies hurt even more.
Learn to have love and faith in yourself before love and expect someone else to have love and trust in you!
Learning how to love and trust in you may sound big headed but there's nothing like being sure of yourself first.
If you can't have faith, love and trust in yourself then be honest with yourself not to have others in your life at all.
For those of you who have hurt people, now does the truth hurt?
Those of us who believe in ourselves learn to love and trust others and we rid of those who have let us down.
It's far too easy for us to blame ourselves when we are hurt.
We are all only human we all make mistakes.
Its takes two to tango the blame isn't all on one person.
The most blame is on the person who hurt you and let you go.
You are so much better than they are and there is someone out there for you so much better than what they were.
Yo You just need to stop taking too much of the blame when you are mostly not to blame.
You can't change what’s happened but you can improve what’s going to happen.
Believe yourself otherwise you will doubt yourself all the while.
Don’t take the pain out on yourself and the person who you love now!Don't take out on others what you have been through but then time to take care of yourself now then once you have faith, love and trust in yourself then move on!
Don't bring yourself down to the person who has hurt you for you to hurt someone else, which everyone knows is so easy to do without knowing it but in time think about it then you start blaming yourself so don't give yourself any reason to do!
I'm telling myself as well as telling you, those of us who have been hurt we need to tell ourselves we are mostly not to blame because the main blamers are losers, we are not.
We showed them love but they didn't know what love is but that's not our fault.
They led us on instead of them not been honest with us and not telling us they aren't interested, they had a relationship with us that lived a lie because they didn't love us.
It may have disappointed us that they didn't feel the same way as us at the time but at least it would have been the truth.
To learn to love you before loving yourself is the best love of all.
To have faith, love and trust in yourself then you will have the same for your partner.
Yo You can balance between being yourself not being headed because why beat yourself up over things that are not all your fault even though they seem like they are?
Most people like to get in your life to rip your heart apart to a point they want to blame you, don't let them!
Building faith, love and trust again is so hard to a point we can lose our self belief it's not easy I know but let's not let it!
Most people like to get in your life to rip your heart apart to a point they want to blame you, don't let them!
Building faith, love and trust again is so hard to a point we can lose our self belief it's not easy I know but let's not let it!
w When others don't believe in you in all areas of life then it's far too easy to not believe in yourself, prove it to yourself then to others.
There's no way of getting it right first time.
Even if feels right it not always is yet if it feels wrong it could be right.
Rightly or wrongly you can never please anyone, very often in the end you can't please yourself.
Things aren't always at the end as they are at the start.
Very few of us get it right first time but others just sail through life.
Those who are out there to look out for us but life are just a game of chance.
Yet there's no chance really life so why we here?
There are so many questions that are unknown.
The reasons are unknown to how the world around and how we all came about.
Life is known to try us to see what happens.
It's unknown unless we try yet we can't try all.
Where does it all come from?
What is life all about?
Some luck comes to others but others it doesn't.
Everyone and everything is different in different ways, how boring it would be if it was all the same. 30.10.2014 - 8.11.2014
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