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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Dyslexia Awareness plan.

What is Dyslexia?
·       Dyslexia can slow peoples’ ability down!
·       Dyslexic people can face problems with basic skills like reading, writing, spelling and maths.
·        Different people can face different problems in different ways.
·       Dyslexia doesn’t make people unable to learn or do anything.
·       People with dyslexia just need the right support.
·       There are a lot of creative and famous people who are Dyslexic.

Affects of Dyslexia.
·       Too much to think about all at once can cause either information be missed out or too much done.
·       Things can be the wrong way round but the right information.
·       A lot to be done such little time can be too much.
·       Is there anyone who has Dyslexia who would like to talk about it?

Dyslexia Aids.
·       Coloured layouts
·       Highlight pens
·       Fober castell grip 2011 propelling pencils.
·       WWW.thedyslexiashop.co.uk stationary for Dyslexic people.
·       WWW.handyhandouts.com
·       WWW.superduperinc.com
·       Easy read information.

Has anyone got any questions?

 What causes Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that causes problems with learning
Language-based skills. It is a neurological condition that affects
Around 10% of the population to some degree…
To read more about the symptoms and causes of dyslexia visit
Download our fact sheet.
You’re Results
When severe the symptoms that you describe are commonly
Associated with a diagnosis of dyslexia. This condition is one of a
Family of learning difficulties that affect 1 in 6 people in the UK.
Others include difficulties with:
• Co-ordination – as associated with dyspraxia
• Concentration – associated with the conditions including ADD
• Social skills – associated with Asperger’s syndrome
No one exhibits exactly the same symptoms and the widely held
Perception of these symptoms is that they are something which
Can only be managed and coped with rather than overcome. What
Sara Gorman's Personalized Report Tuesday 26 June 2012
Reference Number 03983339-bf78-11e1-940a-0024e8535953 5
Is important is that the symptoms you have described are
Frustrating and are holding you back from achieving your full
To read more about causes, symptoms and treatment for dyslexia
And other learning difficulties visit the Website.

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