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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Birth to lifetime disabilities and health problems.

Dyspraxia is more of a learning difficulty than a learning disability. Dyspraxia is a learning difficulty with movement. Dyspraxia is much a hidden learning difficulty where the person can walk and talk just like other people but they could have a very mild speech problem.
 It can be cause from a very mild brain damage at the birth but there could be other causes to Dyspraxia too. It depends which side of the brain is mildly damage the left or right, it will make a person’s one side of the body weaker than the other.
 I can only speak for myself but I have no idea whether or not would be possible for Dyspraxia affect both side of the body but if both sides of the both are affected I guess it is possible. For me my right arm and hand is stronger than my left but I have found medications have made me weaker and shaky.
Dyspraxia can be linked to other disabilities such as Autism Spectrum, Dyslexia, ADHD and Dyscalculia.
There’s not much difference between Dyspraxia and Dyslexia. Dyslexia is classed as a mental learning disability whereas Dyspraxia is classed as physical and mental. People with Dyspraxia can face reading, writing and maths difficulties and disabilities but that doesn't necessary mean they can do reading, writing and maths, they just see things the wrong way round even miss things out. Dyscalculia is a maths disability.  
On the physical side with Dyspraxia people can have problems with.
Dyspraxia isn't new a learning difficulty but it's it is new as far awareness is certained so please learn more online about Dyspraxia. Dyspraxia has always been misunderstood because of it been a very hidden learning difficulty  therefore such people born before 21st century wouldn't have got the support they should have had, in fact by a guess Dyspraxia awareness have been only going on about ten years.  People before about ten years ago wouldn't have been diagnosed because no one knew about Dyslexia. For example it may be possible that I may have been born with Dyspraxia nearly forty - six years ago because I have always had grip and motor skills problems but I could have had mixed of plenty of people in my life who faced the same problems but not known and the same for them with me. As child, teenager and young adult I felt useless, helpless and clumsy and never understood why I was like I was and others thought of me the same, which didn't make me feel very confident about myself. Now I know awareness is starting I am feeling less alone and more confident so let's learn more and raise more awareness so others start to feel more confident about themselves!  

Assessments for dyspraxia typically require a developmental history, detailing ages at which significant developmental milestones, such as crawling and walking, occurred. Motor skills screening includes activities designed to indicate dyspraxia, including balancing, physical sequencing, touch sensitivity, and variations on walking activities. There are six main areas of difficulty which can be profiled within dyspraxia; the four main areas are listed below:

Speech and language
• Difficulties controlling the speech organs.
• Difficulties making speech sounds
• Difficulty sequencing sounds
• Difficulty controlling breathing and phonation
• Slow language development
• Difficulty with feeding.

Fine motor control
• Problems with handwriting, which may be due to either ideational or video-motor difficulties
• Learning basic movement patterns in writing
• Establishing the correct pencil grip
• Hand aching while writing.

Whole body movement, coordination, and body image
• Issues with walking, running, climbing and jumping
• Poor timing
• Poor balance
• Difficulty combining movements into a controlled sequence.
• Difficulty remembering the next movement in a sequence.

Physical play
• Physical play
• Mistiming when catching
• Difficulty in using scissors
• Problems with dressing and feeding.

Dyslexia is not a physical disability.

Introduction of Autism.
What is Autism?
Autism is a long life disability that affects different people in different ways mainly when it comes to communication. Most people with Autism find the world an even bigger place than what it really is, mainly when there’s a lot of people and a lot of busy places; this is when Autism can link to Anxiety.
Socialising, communicating and joining in with people.
A lot of people with Autism find it hard to cope with facial expression, jokes, sarcasm like break a leg, common phases cool which may mean good to you but cold to them.
It’s possible I may have lived with Autism for nearly forty-six years since birth but not been diagnosed. Whatever my disabilities and health problems are they have made me the person I am today. A lot of these things I am going to write about I have faced and overcome, others I have never faced and hopefully never will.
The disabilities and health problems I have I face for life like it is for Autism.
I am going to write down the signs and symptoms of Autism. Just because a person may not face all of them that doesn't mean I don’t have Autism. It’s hard to know how many of these signs and symptoms you have got to have to know whether you have Autism or not, which is down to a Specialist to know.
This kind of behaviour can be misunderstood for someone not being a very nice person but then hard to tell whose behaviour is on purpose and whose not. The behaviour of people with Autism may appear odd to other people. People with Autism very are unaware of how they appear to others but then feel guilty and ashamed if and when others tell what’s happened, this also is rather embarrassing for them as well. 

·       As a baby most people may be slow at talking or they don’t say enough compared to other children.
·       They may not respond to their name.
·       They may reject cuddles.
·       They may be in their own world.
·       They may find it hard to communicate with others around.
·       Having too many people around them may be too much for them, which Anxiety could be linked as well, they may feel as since of panic but you don't have Autism to have that kind of Anxiety.
·       They may not be safe out alone until at least after leaving school age, they may have no sense of direction and unaware of others around them, traffic and etc, Anxiety could link into this as well.
·       They may not like others entering their space but they may enter the space of others, Autism is a sense self meaning they are unaware of others and things around them.
·       Not seeming to enjoy being with others but not seeming to be alone either.
·       They may find it hard to fit in what others are talking about.
·       Others may tend to leave them out of their company.
·       How people with Autism may say something might be upsetting to others but not mean to be.
·       There are certain behaviours that others can laugh at but the person Autism may feel hurt or and bullied.
·       Some people with Autism can be easily led, for eg; if someone said to them go and take a run and jump, they may will because they may feel bullied by the person who said it.
·       The way you say something very important to how you say it to people with Autism for eg; if they are in hospital and you say wait outside, they may wait outside instead of the waiting room.
·       Facial expression, they may stare at people when not needing to but not being aware they yet they may not like the way some people may look at them, which could make them nervous, scared or even shy. Due to the fact that the way they are appears odd to others but it doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t accept the way they are but then it gives the person with Autism that fear because they face it so much in their lives.
·        They may avoid eyes contact meaning if they have to look at you they find it hard to do but they may stare at you when you don’t want them to without being aware of how people see their behaviour. Very they are not aware of how they behave.
·       They may rock, flop their hands and ever flick fingers.
·       They may stick to a certain route for a long period of which they may or not change but if they do, it will in their time they will change it then the same will go again with another route, which will go on all their lives.
·       They may be fussy about toys for example, colours, texture, style, size and etc.
·       The same with food, colour, taste, texture and etc but it’s not in everyone, even people without Autism can be like that.
·       They may find it hard to share for eg; they may go off the topic others are talking about and find it hard to share things with others.
·       They may find it hard communicate in the way others do with each other.
·       They may behave in an unimaginative way but others have got a good imaginative. Most People who have Autism play on their own which imaginative some even grow to be fiction writers.
·       Many may be slow at having an interest due to comprehensive problems and memory, if they face this problem they also could have Dyslexia, Dyspraxia or both.

Introduction of Anxiety.

Anxiety is a feeling of worry and even anger whether we have a reason to feel that way or not. We all worry about something or someone one time or the other but it’s more of a worry for those of us who worry a lot. To worry about an exam, driving lesson or test and or etc is normal for everyone.
There are at least five forms of Anxiety.
·       Panic disorder
·       Phobias
·       Post- traumatic stress disorder.
·       Social Anxiety disorder (social phobia)
·       General Anxiety, which is all the Anxieties all in one

Anxiety can be mostly linked to Depression.

Is or can Anxiety and Depression be a birth to life time health problem? 


What is depression and Anxiety?

What is depression?

        Stress is the biggest killer of all, which can give us Anxiety a sense of worrying, panicking and anger.
        The purpose of this power point is to raise awareness of Anxiety, stress and Depression.
        Mental health awareness needs to be raised all year round not just once a year.
        The way the Tory government has treated people for the last six years is enough to make the most poor and most vunable depressed.
         In February we had mental Health and Depression week.
        We all know that Depression is a mental health and it needs to be understood.
        We feel sad and angrily.
        There are other Mental Health problems like Anxiety and stress.
Therefore without knowing we all could suffering from Anxiety, Depression and stress when

         Understanding Anxiety and depression.
        Depression and Anxiety is a feeling of sadness and anger whether you have a reason to feel depressed or not.
         Depression and Anxiety makes you feel alone whether you are or not.
         You are not alone if you mix with others who suffer from Anxiety and Depression but raise more understanding to those who don’t suffer from it.
         We shouldn’t make a person with Depression feel bad if they feel sad for no reason.
          No one should be made to feel bad about them.

  We can be so easily be misunderstood by others for someone we are not.

  This is because depression is a hidden mental health problem.

  Signs and symptoms of depression.
  • you can’t sleep or you sleep too much
  • you can’t concentrate or find that previously easy tasks are now difficult
  • you feel hopeless and helpless
  • you can’t control your negative thoughts, no matter how much you try
  • you have lost your appetite or you can’t stop eating
  • you are much more irritable, short-tempered, or aggressive than usual
  • you’re consuming more alcohol than normal or engaging in other reckless behaviour
  • you have thoughts that life is not worth living (seek help immediately if this is the case)
·        Verb (used with object), misunderstood, misunderstanding.
·        1.
·        To take (words, statements, etc.) in a wrong sense; understand wrongly.
·        2.
·        To fail to understand or interpret rightly the words or behavior of.
·        Origin Expand
·        1150-1200; Middle English misunderstanding. See mis-1, understand
·        Related forms Expand
·        misunderstand, noun
·        Synonyms Expand
·        1. Misconstrue, misapprehend, misinterpret.
·        Everyone in the world has faults we are all to blame for something but not everything but then having disabilities and health problems doesn’t help or excuse us for and with everything either.

·          We may not always be aware of the way we may say or and do things to how it may sound to others.
·         This can make us misunderstood.
·         Others may find it hard to understand if you are feeling down for no reason.
·         If we have depression it’s part of us whether we like it or not. Naturally those without Depression don’t understand us.
·         Most of us may find it easy to be alone so others don’t misunderstand them and don’t make them feel bad about ourselves.

How can depression be understood?
 Never Say health problems are all negative, there are famous and talented people with health problems even or and disabilities.

  When I say depression is a feeling of sadness it doesn’t mean we always showing sadness.
  A lot of comedy famous actors who make us laugh suffer from Depression as well.
·       A lot of people find it hard to understand how people who can make us laugh can feel so sad.
·       Robin Williams took his own life in 2014 last year.
·       People with Anxiety and Depression have to hide so much of everything it’s the easiest way for us to cope without being misunderstood.
·       It doesn’t mean that everyone with Anxiety and Depression despite of how hard it is there are most people who can fight it.
·       That doesn’t make people who have taken their own life as losers.
·       Society is a loser because of the way it treats and misunderstands us.

 People with Anxiety and Depression have a fight with our minds because we don’t stop thinking.
   It takes a long fight with the mind for us to be truly happy.
  For others life is too much to stay alive.

 For most of us we don’t know our strength, we are strong than we think.

 Crises like broken down relationships or the death of someone a person knows can play a big part on someone’s Anxiety and Depression.

·       These things happen to everyone but everyone deals with it in different ways.
·       I even found for years after my last relationship broke up I put the blame to all myself.
·       I wondered whether or not I did or said anything I was unaware of that seemed wrong unfair to him, even though he was just as bad.
·       In nearly eight years of our break after 13 and half years I have had at least six lots of counselling.
·       I am please to say now I had four sessions left, which I have cancelled due to my work and my new partner I don’t them.
·       Now I am all for helping other who is going through not much different to me.

  Its turns out my last counsellor said I was suffering from Mental abuse from my ex partner who made feel as if everything was my fault yet he could never make up his mind what he wanted.  

·       How does your counselling work out for you?

I must admit I have not had a bad experience with counselling but there are lots of people who have.
·       There's a big certain that one day but then may be not that the government may cut the funding on these counselling services.
·       Due to the fact GPs are not trained in mental health, counsellors, Health centres and hospitals have their work cut out.
·       People with mental health problems once something is on the mind it’s on the mind until it is sorted.
·       This is one of the reasons why we should be trying harder to save the NHS. 
·       Due to my work I hadn’t got time to attend my next four counselling sessions so they sent me a feedback form.
 I wrote to my counsellor to thank her.
·       She  made me aware that I suffered Mental abuse with my ex partner for 13 and a half years and for a fair few years after we split for good, which had played a  lot on my Anxiety and depression.

  The last counselling service I used to go had they are having changes in their funding for counselling.

  I had told my counsellor that I am a learning disability and mental health awareness trainer.
·       I wrote to my counsellor to tell her counselling is needed mainly for vunable people who have gone through rape or and abuse.
·       There are certain issues that vulnerable people find hard to overcome compared to other people. 

  I used to wish I wasn’t born.
·       My ex made me feel as if everything was my entire fault.
·        I had to stop putting all the blame on me.
·       I use to blame myself a lot.

 No one is perfect but no one can be blame for everything.
  Just because you see someone smiles doesn’t mean we are happy, this is our way of fighting our health problems.

 We don’t show sadness all the while because learn to live with our health problems.

 Most of us have good days and bad days like other people.

 It can be a long fight with the mind for someone with Anxiety and Depression to make them truly happy.

  If we all went along with long faces all the time none of us would get through our health problems.

 People who suffer from Anxiety and Depression aren’t all negative all the time.

 Every day and night is a fight with the mind for people with mental health problems.

  We do our best to be strong minded people.

·       Society is weak by not having any faith in us by trying to make us.
·       We shouldn’t have to be negative all the while to prove we have health problems.
·       Society fails to understand us.

    Inside our smiling faces we feel sad but not necessary all the while.

  Different people who have Anxiety and Depression and other health problems are affected in different ways.

  Some of us under sleep.

·       Others over sleep.
·       Some of under eat.
 Others over eat.

 The same goes for confidence and self – esteem.

 Some people can’t bear to not going to work or college where at others like to say at home.

  For a least the last six years, there’s has been a lot of job losses due to the credit crunch.
 Anxiety and Depression affects you on and off through your life, it’s more stress because it’s there for you long term.

 We mustn’t let the government beat us despite of how hard they make life for us.

Different people cope with life in different ways.

  GPs are not trained to do a lot of work but they are doing more hours than what they are trained for.

  People with disabilities and health problems have been having health checkups since 2008.

·       Not all surreys do health checkups.
·       Not all surreys that do checkups do full health checkups.

·       They say there’s not enough funding but it doesn’t make sense to why GPs are working a lot of hours.

 It's a huge certain that Gaps are not trained to treat Mental health problems this is why they referral patients to Counselling services and clinics.

  Patients who have lost their benefits can’t get counselling because benefits pay for counselling.
·       This is a huge worry because if they lose their benefits there’s more of a need for counselling.

·       Everyone who has Mental Health problems have different ways of managing our Mental Health for example many people with. 
·       http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/our-
 http://www.wcvb.com/health/14414700 https://uk.pinterest.co.uk
·       Funding needs to keep coming for Mental Health services.
·       How long is going to be until the government make cuts on the counselling services to a point even people on benefits can access counselling?
·         I find working helps me manage my Anxiety and Depression better so do many others like me.
·       You can only work a certain amount hours on top of benefits but it’s better than doing nothing all.
·       Other people may find working makes their Anxiety and Depression worse.
·       People with disabilities and health problems can be talented.
·       http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christy_Brown http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Left_Foot http://talentdevelop.com/mntlhlth.html 
·       http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/pages/mental-health-helplines.aspx http://www.carenity.co.uk/signup/epilepsy?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=pub_epilepsy&utm_campaign=all_landing
I will be honest to say the Mental Health Awareness wasn't just February but it was all of the month. Even though it's now March, all awareness is necessary to rise when it comes to people needing to be understood when they have problems that others don't understand. For example Dementia which I don't know a lot about myself but I know it can happen to all kinds of people. http://www.alzheimers.org.uk/site/scripts/documents_info.php?documentID=103

? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1603382066545036&set=gm.1557599871185769&type=1 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152779904689403&set=a.10151162503564403.462446.673079402&type=1
M/danielomichael/famous-people-with-mental-health-learning-disabili/ http://namivirginia.org/assets/pdfs/Famous%20People%20with%20Mental%20Illness%20Powerpoint%20Presentation.pdf http://gu.com/p/45qcv/fb

·       The stress of the benefit cuts are making people with disabilities and health problems unwell.
·       Many people have had suicidal thoughts and many have taken their own lives.
·       When people have had their benefits cut there's no money for counselling for those who really need it.
·       With the cuts the government has made it's surprising there are some Counselling services open but for how long for, even for those who haven't lost their benefits.

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