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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 14 September 2015

Balancing independence and support.

·       I think we need to be working a lot around accessible information on this topic like many others, such as a lot easy words and pictures.

·       When I was a child I was on very strong tablets as child which made me unaware of what was going on around me.

·        There’s been very little understanding from Health professions back in those days going back 30 to 40 years ago even up to 10 to 20 years ago, it’s now got better but we still have long way to go.

·       I would have thought pictures would be easier to understand in the terms of a Health profession telling a child what is going to happen to them step by step. 
·         They maybe lot of medication they can find it hard to take in information.
·       Lots of medications can affect a person’s memory.
·       There may have problems taking in what they have read if they can read or what someone has said to them.

·       It is natural if a person’s awareness is affected by medication by too much medication or a very strong dose.
·       The person may need someone there to speak on their behalf but otherwise they should be able to have the capacity to speak for them as much as possible.

·         Health Professions should listen to the person more than someone else who may be sitting in the room.

·       it’s possible that the person or whoever is in the room may have different view on whatever, which could make the Health profession’s job very hard but that could be depending on the person’s situation, abilities, needs and support.

·       It shows how there’s a lack of communication between health professions and even whoever is with the person in the room.

·        The person with disabilities and health problems should be there for the person for support not have full control.
·       There should be a certain age where children should have their control to be able to talk to Health profession but have someone for support if needed.

·       This should depend on the child’s health and abilities.

·       No one should be spoken about as if they are not there.

·       Adults should let them do as much as what they can for themselves that includes Health professions, parents, Support workers, carers and etc.

·       I think also we need to be working a lot with the PCP Person Centred Planning.

·       More independence should be encouraged as possible for these people and only supporting them if and when they need it.

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