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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 19 September 2015

There needs to be less talk more action.

There needs to be less talk and more action on what is happening with vulnerable people today such as people with disabilities and health problems. Vulnerable people have had enough of this country walking over us.
Today the benefit system is far high and there are far many people who don’t need to be on it as well as the people who do. Nine times out of ten the people who are on it for a very good reason don’t want to be on the benefit system and we want to work but there are many who are on the benefit system who don’t to work and they tell the benefit system they have reasons not to work when they don’t.

A lot of services and benefits are been cut. Everyone knows that the government is wanting save money but it’s all been taken out on the wrong people nine times out of ten. A lot people with disabilities and health problems are suffering for this not those people who have nothing wrong with them.

With a lot of services not able to help people through the cuts, many people with disabilities and health problems have been trying to access help for a long time for their needs, to a point many are suffering in silent because there’s no pointing asking anymore.
Now the NHS is in risk of going private, which I am aware is a worry to a lot of people but also vulnerable people, which is another risk for people to stop using services altogether and suffer in silent. I am more than curtained it seems that Anxiety and Depression is just as common in other people as well as the vulnerable caused by the tough times of today.

Surely vulnerable people’s lives matter as much as everyone’s. It’s so wrong to put vulnerable people in a position of blame of being hard work to society and costing too much. It feels as if we have been blame for being the way we are on purpose which we haven’t and we are not to blame for having been born in the first place. It’s most unfair to leave us to spend all our lives proving ourselves to other for the way we are and why.

People are getting very little support or none at all. The sad thing is as Learning Disability nurses you may come across with very few or no patients of all who have been through the benefit cuts. The reason why I sad is because many people are suffering silent because of the lack of help through the cuts. If you do face patient who have been through the benefit cuts in different ways so you know how much work you need to do, you need to be checking how much help they have been getting from elsewhere. For them to see you, if they have been going through the benefit cuts, it’s likely to be very little help or none at all that they have accessed from other places which could even include the gps and other health services.
All the same though check with your manager first if you can do these jobs but all the same these people's’ health matters.
·       Help and treatment the patient has had from their GP.
·       If you feel the GPs haven’t done enough then sorry to say it’s your job if the person’s life is likely to be at serious risk which I can handy see the person seeing you in the first place if not.
·       How much help has the patient had from other disabilities and health services.
·       Are there places that have done their job wrongly and put the person’s life at risk?
·       Has this person any kind of support such as a carer, support worker or family member?
·       Most people may face stress at the Jobcentre, which could affect their mental health such as Anxiety and Depression.
·       It’s likely to be the same if they have been wrongly signed off fit to work by such companies as DWP.
·       You may have to write up notes of proof if you are really curtained to how your patient has been treated by other places one way or the other for eg; if they are in a job they can’t manage without support or anywhere either else that may put their life, health and safety at risk.
·       You may need to put something in writing to somewhere if certain help is completely necessary but ask your manager first if you’re not sure whether or you can do that job.
·       If they are waiting for an appeal the chances are they are finding it hard to access food because food banks can only access so much, you may need to keep on their weight but tell them if you have certain, what they need to do and what you do.
·       For eg; if there’s an underweight problem and they haven’t been able to eat properly ask them if they have been facing dizzy spells or and feeling sick.
·       Write things down in front of them and show them what you have put down.
·       Many health professions have written down the opposite to what they have said to patients and others have waited to write things up after patient has gone.
·       When they worry about not being able to affront to feed themselves pay bills and etc, that’s where the Anxiety and Depression kicks in which is even worse if they suffer from Anxiety and Depression anyway.
·       You may even need to put something in writing to somewhere if certain help for person is necessary within that person’s needs, which could mean referral but all the same depending if the management of the place you work allows it, speak your manager if you think it’s really necessary.
·       If the patient brings any prove of anything serious they have gone through take time and effort to read, if you are seriously curtained tell the patient your manager need to be told mainly you’re not sure what to do about whatever.
·       It’s important to keep things private that have anything to do with the patient but if something is necessary and serious enough it is your duty to tell the patient that you need to tell your manager or even put something in writing to them and reasons why.

·       The reason for this if whatever gets worse and your patient contacts where you work and speaks to either your manager or another member of staff you could well be at risk of losing your job.

What cases are likely to be necessary?
Such Mental health problems as Anxiety and Depression make you sensitive to even the briefest situations but for example if a person’s benefit has been cut to a put they can’t affront eat and keep their home well that’s major crisis to anyone isn’t it. It causes them to not think straight at the time of crisis and for the lack of help due the cuts, and then it’s hard for a lot of people to think positive. What would you see as a serious matter? What do you think mental health problems can do to people? Never think that you are always going face a patient doing this but never think you won’t face it sometime or ever so often. You need to report you certain about your patient if for example.
·       If your patient tries to take an overdose.

·       If your patient has a nervous breakdown in front of you.  

People with disabilities and health problems tend to have negative experiences under the health care systems as much as the elderly through lack of communication, understanding and neglect. It’s about time vulnerable peoples’ lives mattered as much as everyone's’.

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