Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Reasons for Health check – ups.

To what people with disabilities and health problems face with Gps is that not everyone has the same experience. What do know is that Gps are not trained in the same way as health professions in the hospitals or other health services that matter.
Due to funding so we are told not all Gp surgeries in Britain do Annual Health check – ups.
The government needs to stop making cuts on important things. Health is the worst thing to make cuts. Over the last year at least there’s been talk about the NHS to be private. There’s even a lot of risk of people in proper full time work not able to affront to pay for their health so what chance is there for vulnerable people such as the elderly, people with disabilities, health problems and etc? A lot of people could be in risk of accessing health services in fear of not been able to affront to. It gets to point now people are wasting time trying access services because it seems every service we access has no funding to help to how many times we hear that we start to wonder what the reasons really are. Why do services bother refereeing us to another service when they more than likely have no funding either and those of us who access the services are only on so much money ourselves? Now this is a risk of cause more cases of depression a lot of people get to the point of going opposite way and that is suffering in silent to a point you there’s nothing at all for you.   
Just to let you know that quite a few years ago Mencap reported on their website that people with disabilities and health problems are in risk of dying before the age of 50 so these health check –up are very important.  The fact that there’s a risk of us only living until before we are fact, then people from the age of 40 to say 47 should be getting tested for such things as heart attacks, strokes and etc. This shouldn’t just apply to vulnerable people but everyone.
There are very few with disabilities and health problems that are lucky enough to live over 50.  A lot of causes of the risk of vulnerable lives being lost are very often down medial neglect and what are very common now are people having their benefits cut where they are in risk of hunger, for eg; flue because many are not be able to affront to put heating on in the winter and even worst risk of homelessness.
The lives of people with disabilities and health problems matter as much as everyone’s.

 It’s so wrong just because we are vulnerable that doesn’t give people the rights to think that our lives don’t matter because they do as much as yours.
 I have said in most reports it’s a feeling as if we are too much hard work for the country, we cost the country a lot of money.
 Everyone is blame for something no is completely bad but no one is perfect but no one should be blamed for how we are put on the planet. No one can be blame for what life gave us to start with or even during in our lives.
These things need to be checked because otherwise it makes a harder job for Learning Disability nurses but all the same these things can’t be neglected. Put yourself into a vulnerable person’s shoes and anyone else’s for that matter what would you if you were in these situations yourself? Every human someone’s family member, son, daughter, even friend, partner, husband, wife and etc just like you are.

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