My Sara Jane Gorman I'm a visiting Literature for the University Of
Wolverhampton Walsall Campus. Back in February I raised awareness of the
benefit cuts to the first year students, I have updated the powerpoint ready
to raise awareness of the benefit cuts for last year’s 3rd year students
when I go back to work after the summer holiday on September 3rd 2015 at the
University of Wolverhampton Walsall campus. It’s
down to me to raise this awareness so the students know as Learning Disability
nurses what their patience’s could be going through.
Here are the
handouts to the Benefit cut awareness power point on this website.
I am aware that
nurses are not responsible with what happens in their patient’s life but a lot
of things can cause a lot of stress their health such as to do with the benefit
I understand a lot of services in Britain are
under stress with cuts this, that and the other so you will only be able to do
what you can do. I also understand that you have to go along with rules of
management and laws; I understand there could be things I am teaching you may
not be able to put into use. All the same don’t feel my time has been wasted as
naturally I hope you don't have to find yourself dealing with patience’s in
these serious situations but just in case you are asked by management if you
know anything about the benefit cuts at least you will know. I feel all the
same it’s my job to prepare you in case what I teach is to be allowed to be
necessary. Whenever you get chance to go online just to see if things you have
learned are still in date but bear in mind with some sites they can take ages
to update them so if have time, it could be best make phones if you need to
know if some important things still apply.
of people been forced into things they can’t manage without support.
§ Many people
have been forced into situations they cannot cope with
without support due to the benefit cuts such as DWP
and Altos signing them off fit for work.
§ I’m not
saying people with disabilities and health problems can’t work but health,
safety and support needs to be taken into account.
§ For example;
you may have to write proof to reasons why a person can’t hold down a certain
job without the right support.
§ With certain
disabilities and health problems there are limits of jobs they can and can’t
do, for example someone with Epilepsy; it’s a risk to let them climb ladders.
- With the cuts the government
have been making, a lot of people haven't been getting the
support they need.
- The benefit cuts are risks of
injury and accidents at work if they are not supported.
- Risks of as I said dying
of hunger.
- Some people may be stressed
through the Anxiety and Depression of services not able to provide the
help people need.
- Gps only do so much or only
allowance to do so much, which is hard to tell because most people have
been weight for example and not been told what their weight is.
- Some people might be
underweight and others may be overweight.
- Prices in shops need to be checked
when it comes to healthy foods because people can be limited to what they
can spend if they are on benefits or and if their job doesn't pay that
- Risks of taking their own
- Risks of being in big debt.
- Risks of people been more
Although this is
an old report when we had benefit changes back in 2011, now we are facing
benefit changes again with the DLA changing to PIP, which most people could
face from this year 2015 to I think 2018.
No one gets
told when this change is happening, DWP just sends people a letter out when it
suits them.
Each time
people's’ benefits change or even get cut it gets more and more stressful for
people and the government puts the stress on people who are less likely to cope
without support.
Now they are
making it hard for people, they can’t have any family support.
I will be honest
to say I don’t know anything about whether or not the benefits pay for the
carers and or support worker so I don’t know what is what there. It may be an
idea for you to look into this because you will never know whether you need to
know or not.
People get
questions on letter then they have to ring a number up that’s written on the
Then people are
sent for an assessment which could be for most people out of their way from
where they live and most people may face transport problems.
If a friend or
carer comes with them they have to wait in the waiting room, they are not
allowed to come in the room with them.
This is something
else that can cause a lot of stress on people's’ disabilities and health
There are a lot of changes and
cuts to the benefits in Britain.
The stresses of
the changes are too much for people with disabilities and health problems.
This can make
people worry.
This can make
people ill.
This can even
cause death, if it gets far too much for people.
It is so
wrong of the government to take money off people who need it most.
No one
wishes anyone to be homeless. People with disabilities find it hard to look
after ourselves more than other people.
Back in 2011, I had got
a letter off the Benefit office about my Incapacity benefit changing to
Employment and Support Allowance.
The letter wasn't
very clear to read.
DWP should not
send out unexpected letters or give people unexpected call, the Job centre
staff make people aware of the changes face to face in the Job centre.
We could get a call or
and letter any time to tell us our benefits have changed.
Changes may happen to a lot of people in days,
months and or years.
For other people
changes could happen as soon as tomorrow.
The fact that no
one knows when it’s time for their benefits this is what cause people a lot of
stress when the unexpected happens.
Information needs to be made clearer.
As the government
is trying save as much money as possible the Job centres have to cut or and
stop people money whether there’s a reason or but then it happens to some
people not others. Nobody knows why they only cut or and stop only certain people's’ money.
What time?
It is hard to plan
our support when we don't know when they are going to call, we need plenty of
We could get
a call or and letter any time to tell us our benefits have changed.
It is hard to plan
our support when we don't know when they are going to call.
If people
are expected to work, they can't be expected to be sitting
at home waiting for the Job Centre to call.
The cuts and
changes to the benefits.
are a lot of changes and cuts to the benefits in Britain.
The stresses
of the changes are too much for people with disabilities and health problems.
This can make
people worry.
This can make
people ill.
This can even
cause death, if it gets far too much for people.
It is so
wrong of the government to take money off people who need it most.
No one
wishes anyone to be homeless. People with disabilities find it hard to look
after ourselves more than other people.
Back in 2011, I had got
a letter off the Benefit office about my Incapacity benefit changing to
Employment and Support Allowance.
The letter wasn't
very clear and easy to read.
DWP should not
send out unexpected letters or give people unexpected call, the Job centre
staff should make people aware of the changes face to face in the Job centre.
We could get
a call or and letter any time to tell us our benefits have changed.
Days, months and
years need to be made out clearer to when the Job centre wants us in to tell us
about the benefit changes.
It is hard to plan
our support when we don't know when they are going to call, we need plenty of
We could get
a call or and letter any time to tell us our benefits have changed.
It is hard to plan
our support when we don't know when they are going to call.
If people
are expected to work, they can't be expected to be sitting
at home waiting for the Job Centre to call.
Benefit Cut
awareness update.
This is a message
to the Student Learning Disability nurses and trained Learning Disability
Stress is a risk
of a killer for all people not just people with disabilities and health
As you all may be
aware since David Cameron has been in power there have been more people with
disabilities and health problems lose their benefits than ever before. This may
seem strange to hear, the stress people have been having going through has
affected peoples’ health as far Anxiety, depression, epilepsy, even such health
problems as diabetes, asthma and etc is
curtained. Most people have even died. Last year alone Britain lost 10’6000
people with disabilities and health problems. Let’s do our best to prevent this
stress for people as much as possible by signing the petition or and sharing
the link
you work for any service, company, group, organisation to do with learning
disability and mental health I would be most grateful if as many of you as
possible team up together. This could well be the same for people with
disabilities and health problems as well. Many people like me with disabilities
and health problems are also Advocates; Learning Disability and Mental
Awareness trainers may be people like us could team up together with
need to be awareness that there are people on benefits who don't have
disabilities and health problems who don't like working who should be but it's
not in everyone. People who are in that situation are making it hard for those
with disabilities and health problems
of benefit cuts.
· People with
disabilities and health problems are more sensitive to stress than other people
due to our disabilities and health problems.
· If people
have their benefits cuts they won’t have access to counselling because there
will be money to pay for it without benefits.
· People who
have their benefits cut are in risk of hunger and or debt.
· People worry
about owing money which can push them to end their lives.
· So many people have overdosed.
everyone who has their benefits cut or stopped has a negative ending. ·
appeals doesn’t necessary they are going to be better off than before they lost
their benefits?
· People may
worry that they may not have enough money back to pay what they may owe.
This is where they
are in risk of going hungry and homeless.
§ People
can’t affront to live when they have lost their benefits for example
paying bills, eating, rent, they may end up homeless and or etc.
§ People
who have their benefits stopped are in risk of going hungry or and going into
§ People
worry about owing people money.
§ Due to
peoples’ health problems Stress push them into taking their own lives if life
gets too much for them.
§ Stress
can mostly affect those who have such health problems like Anxiety,
Depression, Epilepsy, Asthma, diabetes, and etc.
§ Many
people have taken overdoses.
§ Many
have taken and lost their own lives.
of learning disabilities and Mental health awareness cuts.
• This is an
update of the Benefits cuts awareness presentation.
• Lives
of vulnerable peoples matters as much as yours.
• As you know
stress is the biggest killer of all but if you are
a vulnerable person, you can't cope with it as much as
other people.
• What
professions need to be aware of is that 10’600 people with disabilities
and health problems died last year due to the benefit cuts.
• I was
only aware the figures on Sunday 29th March 2015.
§ People are
finding it hard to affront living experiences.
§ Many people
have lost their lives through eating very little nothing at all.
How long?
Appeals could take
up to a year or two.
If you have access
online a lot please check when you can to see if anything I have made you aware
of has change, if to see if anything has been replaced whatever.
Some people have
said that the government have said they are thinking about stopping appeals, it
may or may not be true, they may have stopped them now or will be in the future
so try to keep up with what’s going on as much as you can.
Most people take
Some take longer
than others.
The wait depends
Peoples’ issues
On people’s
Disabilities and Health Problems.
The waiting time
is a big risk to people's’ health.
People with
disabilities and health problems are more sensitive than other people.
People worry about
owing to people and services money.
These worries and
stresses put people at risk of taking their own lives.
Most people have
taken overdoses.
Just to let you
know that there are some people who do pull through.
Not all GPs can
check peoples’ health while people are waiting for their appeal.
People should have
their health checks even more so while going through appeals but there’s not
always the funding and time according to the system.
People are in risk
of being more stressed hungry or and going into debt.
The food banks can
only give people so much food.
A lot of people
feel embarrassed by having to have free food.
Most people live
on their own and they have very little support even harder if their benefits
are cut or and stopped.
People are in risk
of losing their homes while their benefits are cut or stopped.
The government has
been known to cut and stop people's’ money with or without a reason just to save

Altos and DWP have
signed people off fit for work when people haven’t been fit for work and also
without support.
Just to let you
know that not all people lose their lives over this.
As strange it
sounds most people lose their lives because the stress is just far too much.
. Anxiety and Depression is more of serious
health problems than that what it looks like and the stress of everyday life is
to blame for it.
Here’s my website
address to study the handouts to today’s session or and anything else you may
find useful to learn off my website
Please tell me at
least three things you have learned to today or email me to feedback.
Please enjoy any other
session you may have today.
Please have a safe
journey home.
Bye for now.
Feedback from last year’s first year on the
benefit cuts awareness session.
I am a trainee visiting literature so I can learn
off the students what they want to learn and how they want me to teach them as
much as they learn of me.
I really emphasised with what Sara was saying. I could see that the benefit system doesn’t
seem to understand nor care about people with LD.
It was good that Sara highlighted the emotional,
physical and psychological problems facing people with LD. It is bad that the
Government, who are meant to be looking after the people, have put laws and
systems in place that leave people with LD in such distress.
People with LD can experience anxiety, depression,
suicidal thoughts, illness, lose their homes, be without money for long periods
of time, due to their benefits being stopped or assessed.
It was good that Sara highlighted the emotional,
physical and psychological problems facing people with LD. It is bad that the
Government, who are meant to be looking after the people, have put laws and
systems in place that leave people with LD in such distress.
People with LD can experience anxiety, depression,
suicidal thoughts, illness, lose their homes, be without money for long periods
of time, due to their benefits being stopped or assessed.
People with LD need as much help as possible when
it comes to benefits. And as future LD nurses, we will be aware of their plight
and in a position to help with applications, as advocates, and with calming
their fears.
At this particular moment in time it is all about
awareness, understanding, and empathy.
If a LD nurse is aware of the issues then we will be in a better
position to help people with LD who is in this situation.
Feedback from the session I did for the
students a couple of Thursdays ago.
2nd year Student's
feedback from the Benefit cuts awareness session Monday 11th May 2015
University Of Wolverhampton Walsall Campus.
Benefit cuts:
· Services cuts / already some services are closed
· Limited / no respite services for families
· Increased crime figures due to cuts?
· Lack of support in the home people are just left to
cope alone because of lack of funding
· Mental health problems increasing
· Isolation / decreased socialisation lack of
· Increased immobility = health issues
· Government plans to be aware of these so as to help
service users
· Community after hospitals closed but there is ever
decreasing support available
· Increased likelihood of not getting roles due to CV
changes or limited chances
· Job centres not always in line with work areas –
availability of posts etc
· Increase in homelessness
· Poverty
· Suitable job – not just any job
· Direct payments = effects on people
· Abuse of the vulnerable
· Increase
in protests / strikes?
· Lord Willis Raising the bar report
Feedback on the benefit cuts awareness
session from last year’s 3rd year.
I am glad you
enjoyed the presentation; my confidence and presentation content those of you
who were in my session.
I am glad you have
learned how to help people who have had their benefits cut.
Yes this topic is your
role when it comes to looking out for your patient’s health.
Sara’s feedback: I
am very happy that you’re happy with with my feedback. I have learned as much
from the students as they do from me.
Each session I do I will learn better for the
next time I do a session? I feel I remembered to explain more what a student
job role is this time than I did last time. The role of a learning disability
nurse is looking for the health of learning disabilities and health problems.
The state of the system with services going through cuts and benefit cut is a
huge risk to the health of patients.
The changes that
need to be made are that the health needs of people with disabilities and
health problems need to be take care of to save lives. People with disabilities
and health problems are human just like other people so do their lives matter
just like other peoples.
I am glad you have
learned about the insight of the benefit cuts and how they affect people with a
learning disability.
How the benefit cuts can affect all people.
Sara’s feedback
is. This question important question but
a hard question really. The amount of people on the benefit system is very
high. A lot of people are on there for different reason most reasons are not
good enough to be on benefits. For example people who don’t want to work but
they just have a lot of children for the government keep them. Even most people
are pretending they have disabilities and health problems but they haven’t so
they don’t have work. Even those can’t seem to find a job but they have tried
for a lot of years yet some have never done a hard day’s work in their lives.
The answer to this question is yes and no because people’s reasons are good
enough to be on the benefit system in the first place others are not. For
someone who can work who doesn’t want to it would be a huge affect for them
because they don’t want to work whereas most people who do want to work
possibly spend years looking for work.
I am glad you
enjoyed the discussion and benefit into people with a learning disability.
Sara’s feedback is
how could I improve my session?
Please say a bit
more on what you enjoyed my session!
Please read more
on the handouts on my website and give me some
feedback on thank you.
I am glad you
enjoyed listening to my PowerPoint.
They thought it
had an insight about the effects of benefits.
They want to learn
more about how the benefit cuts affects people with disabilities and health
Sara’s feedback:
please learn more my website feedback to me thank you.
There are many
sites you can go on that you can learn about what people go through they have
their benefits cut or stopped.
The kind of
benefits there are, how they are, how much money they pay and the rules people
have to go along when being on these benefits.
How it affects
people with disabilities and health problems face through the benefit cut
pretty like I said on the PowerPoint.
money or should I say very little money!
what’s going to happen one minute to the next let alone one day or week to the
next. (Anxiety). For example worrying about owing money.
of people taking their own lives. (Depression).
don’t like depending on food banks so they can feed themselves plus food banks
can only give so much.
risk of getting into debt even if for example they paid their bills and buy
people may not be able affront to buy healthy food depending the shops by them,
whether or not they get support to travel to shop if they only can get healthy
food further afield.
could also depend whether or not their disabilities and health problems prevent
from travelling without support.
thing I even forgot to say even on my website is, if their benefits are cut
they only get their DLA or PIP once a month which pays for shopping and bills
but doesn’t necessary last that long.
benefits may pay for a carer or and support worker others may not.
of people going hungry or in debt.
Risk of people
being from service to service with no help prevented can be a huge affects on
their health with Anxiety and Depression.
Thank you so much for your great feedback I’m
so glad you enjoyed listening to my information. I am just so sorry about the
limit of time so yes please look at my website to learn more thank so much for
taking time to be in my session and I thank you everyone as well for your
patient's in yesterday’s class.
The risk can be
with most people there doesn’t seem to be very clear information people with
disabilities and health to when they have go through when they are going
through benefit change. For example: DLA changing to PIP some people have gone
through it others haven’t. Most people worry like myself for example when am I
going to get this over and done with? Benefit letters don’t seem to be very
clear and there’s far too much information in those letters for a lot people
with disabilities and health problems to read and understand. Due to the cuts
now very few people have carers and support workers plus everyone’s family can
be different so there are worries that nothing has been done if people with
disabilities and health problems can’t support read and understand the letters,
the worry is for some people things can get left alone time before anyone sees
the letters.
Here some
communication websites
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