Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

About Sara revealed.

I am a keen and committed individual who is experienced in working with Advocacy groups.  I am confident in my approach to this work and also have experience in presenting information. Currently I am looking for opportunities to work with people with a learning disability in Advocacy work.

Work History
·       Mencap. March 2007 to May 2011.
·       Self Advocacy and Learning Disability Awareness, both paid and voluntary work.
·       Written and co –produced a play highlighting difficulties people with disabilities face to get work.

Key Skills and Additional Activities
·        Self motivated in approach to work
·        Committed to help improve outcomes for individuals with a learning disability
·        Confident in presenting information
·        Assisted in chairing meetings, minute taking and supporting people with disabilities to chair meetings on their own topic.
·        I used to be a Learning Disability MP supported by a Self – Advocacy group called Changing Our Lives.
·        Helped Mencap set up a Disabled Writer’s group.

Apr 2013-Pres
One Voice, Wolverhampton
Advocacy Information Advisor
·        Advising clients to make own informed decisions on debt, welfare and rights
·        Liaise with people of all backgrounds, with/without learning difficulties & disabilities
·        Awareness of current legislation and policies
·        Completing application forms and paperwork with clients

December 2009 - December 2010
Learning Disability Awareness trainer
Self employed
·        Began self employment supported by Mencap and Employment Pathways.
·        Role as awareness trainer involved training a library team to understand learning disabilities including providing information in accessible information.
·        I have raised awareness around learning disability to Health professions by doing drama plays and presentations.

 J       Job change Employment Scheme: Penn Hall School
Work Placement.
·        Provided support for children with disabilities in the classroom.
·        Help them to build their confidence and self esteem.

1997 – 2007                Employment Team Scheme work placement:
·        Employment placement, paid unpaid, included:
·         The Maltons Day centre, Wolverhampton
·         Making drinks for residents

1997 – 2002                Warstones Library:  Voluntary librarian assistant
·          Assisted with the issuing and availability of books
·          Tidied the library including shelving books
·          Dealing with general public of all ages.

Employment Team Office:
·          Involved answering phones, typing and photocopying.

1995 -1997                  Multi-starts and Training for Work:
Employment placements included:-

Compton Hospice
·          Involved working in the charity shop.
·          Dealing with the general public.

Beacon Centre for the Blind
·          Undertook general office duties. I was on a scheme called training for work.

1992 – 1993                Adult training: Fairholme Care Home, Oswestry
·          Chatting to residents, helping at meal times.

Education and Training
2013                            Wolverhampton Adult Education
·       Functional Skills Entry Level 3

2013                            City of Wolverhampton College
·       Level 1 Certificate for IT Users (ITQ) 5 modules.
·       Level 1 Improving productivity using IT 1 (3 credits)
·       Level 1 Security for users 1(1 credits)
·       Level 1 IT software 1 (3 credits)
·       Level 1 Presentation software 1 (3 credits)
·       Level 1 Processing Software 1 (3 credits)

2014     Introduction To Advocacy Skills GATACS (Generic Advocacy Training and Consultancy Services)

·       Introduction to Advocacy Skills Level One 3 Credits

·       Advocacy Skills Level Two 3 Credits.

·       Level 1 Certificate for IT Users

EOS Employment service.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults 26.1.2015 – 25.1.2018

Old Hall Street College

·       80%

Level 1 Function skills English pass mark 18/18
·       Speaking and Listening 6/6 July 2014
·       Writing 6/6 July 2014
·       Reading 6/6 February 2015

1994-2012    City of Wolverhampton College
·       OCR R.S.A Communication in reading and writing Level 3
·       Basic Literacy Entry 3
·       OCN Creative Communication 2 credits
·       City and Guilds Communication Skills Word power Foundation Level
·       OCR R.S.A communication in writing and reading
·       Level 2 Next Steps Learn direct Word Skills check
·       Entry Level Award for IT User - (ITQ) (Entry 3)
·       Introduction to Mentoring Skills

2008                            Access 2 Business
·       EDCC Word Processing Beginner and Intermediate
·       Spreadsheet beginner

2006 – 2007                Dudley College
OCR Speaking and Listening Entry Level 3

Jul 2005 – Feb 2006 Job Change, Wolverhampton
·       Learn direct: A Way with Words Entry 3
·       Learn direct: A Way with Words Level 1
·       Learn direct: A Way with Words Level 2
·       Learn direct: Number Skills Check
·       Learn direct: Preparing for Testing Level 1

2004-2005                     Old Hall Street College
·       OCN 6 Credits at Entry 3 Learning for Life Literacy/Numeracy/ICT

1991                            Education and Qualifications. Newtown College:
·       City and Guilds Practical Caring skills certificate

Hobbies and Interests
I am a keen writer and have had a poem published. In March 2009, I went on a Script and Screen course to improve my writing. I also enjoy many other activities including drawing, painting, reading, swimming and darts.

This website isn't only about me but it’s about everything and everybody. I am sorry that I didn't write this introduction back in 2007 when I started writing, which as many of you may I started writing this website when I started my career in Learning Disability and Mental Health as a person who has disabilities and health problems.
This website isn't just to educate and train Student Learning Disability nurses, it also to education anybody that works and is going to work the learning disability and mental health field at all issues and levels. Most of all the website is written for everyone who wants to read for work reasons, study reasons or and if they want to read it. 

 This website is also open for people with disabilities and health problems to read, also families and carers.
Before I became an Advocacy worker and a Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness trainer, I will be honest to say I was too wrapped in my own world with my own disabilities and problems to aware of the problems other people have got. It’s only been the past eight years while I have been in this career that I have turned to be the complete opposite. In fact I will honest to say now that I am a completely moody person now if there’s no work there for me to help out with others the same or not much different to me.
This work couldn't have started for me at a better if not worse time when I lost Grandmother and when my last relationship broken up the second and last time after 13 and half years. During eight years I must have had six loads of counselling and my work has been my great rock so is my new partner Tim Hodge who I met online just over two years ago. No disrespect to Tim but I have not known him eight years but without my work, I believed I would not have got over my last relationship like I have, it has been a long road that I never thought was going end and thanks for my poetry as well. I believe helping others the same and not much different to me has helped me a lot.

I know over the past five years times have been pretty with the cuts. I lost my work with Mencap 2011 after having started that in 2007. Not having any work at all from May to December seemed like a life time getting of bed and not having anything to wake up, I was amount climbing the walls which was another bit of counselling I found find myself having in order to cope with that, until I moved onto 1 Voice in 2012, started as an admin then went to be an Private Advocate in 2013 till just February to March 2015 now a Visiting Literature Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness trainer at the University of Wolverhampton, City and Walsall Campus.     

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