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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 27 March 2015

Assessments and support.

Wherever you may work in the Learning Disability and Mental Health field you may have to assess people's peoples' needs to see how much support they may need. For example if someone is assessed for benefits if they can cook a fresh meal with no support they have 0 points, if they need support to cook that will give them 2 points.

 Yes in exams their strengths give them marks. Saying that if you are a tutor and you have a student enrolling on a course you will be looking for a person's strengths and weaknesses and assess what they need support, what they don't  and you may be encouraging them to gain more skills. You are not allow to support the person without their permission but still be there in case they decide they need your help after all.

There again if someone is having Dyslexia assessment you are looking at their weaknesses, what they need support and what support items may help them work more easily. http://www.peoplefirstinfo.org.uk/health-and-well-being/learning-disability/assessment-and-support-for-people-with-learning-disabilities.aspx

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