Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 25 March 2015


Introduction I think pupils and students should be taught the best way as possible to be taught to deal with exams and stress. It may not relax us in every way but advice and tips would be better to give. We know we aren't alone when it comes to exams.

Studying As far as studying goes it’s very hard to know the right times to study and when to have breaks and how long for. How often do we go blank? What are we doing right and wrong?

Food Eating is a good way of helping the brain work. Are eating the wrong food? When it comes to people with disabilities and health we need the right support to shop to our budget to be able to eat healthy. Now that cuts are been made on support and care not everyone earns enough their benefits to pay for a Carer/Support worker. We all know its common sense to eat plenty fruit and vegetables but a lot of local shops don’t either sell them fresh   or and the budget of benefits isn't enough to pay for it but everyone’s’ budget and situation is different. Sometimes junk food is cheaper for us than healthy food.  

Nerves Not everyone is calm when it comes to exams and I’m certainly not. Nerves can turn into stress. People become ill with Norse bleeds, sickness, fits, headaches, dizziness and etc. It’s easy telling people not to worry but when Anxiety kicks in you feel how you feel so it’s easier said than done.  

Sleep.  We all know it’s very important get plenty of sleep but if you suffer from Anxiety you tend to think all the time. A good many of us need eight hours sleep from start to finish. Whatever time you go to bed when you suffer from Anxiety, your mind is working over time, feeling tried but wide awake whatever time you go to bed and get up. What is out there to relax us? It would be nice to be relaxed for the day of the exam. Despite of my Anxiety though there are not many exams that I have failed but then the ones that I have, I’ve passed in the end like Function Skills reading Level 1 for exam, which I passed 3rd time lucky. The Dyslexia and Anxiety has been my barrel for battle through my reading, comprehension and memory.

Why do we get ourselves in a state? Worry gets everyone in a state. Another saying is that worrying gets you in an early grave, which I believe is true because they say stress is the biggest killer of all. It may sound like an old wives tale because ‘worry gets you in an earlier grave.’
 If you do far too much worrying then it is true but easy said than done when the world gives you too many things to worry about. It’s too easy when you suffer from Anxiety to have more than 100 questions going round and round in your head. You start to ask yourself whether or not that you have done enough study for the exam. Nine times out of ten it can be the complete opposite to what you think.
If you fail you feel as if there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. For example if I would have failed my reading for the 3rd time I wouldn't have been able to take it again at Old street College. As I have passed that now make hard to say how I would have felt if I failed the 3rd time knowing I couldn't take again but then I know if anywhere else would have done that qualification. I either way I would have had to put behind me somehow but let’s not think of it because I have finely passed it! They only give you so many chances if you fail, which is fair enough. Knowing me those if it was left to me I'd keep trying till I got it. English is a strange one because there’s all kinds of subject and what we are interested in makes a difference but then doesn't if you suffer from memory problems, which can link into Dyslexia.

How are we on the day of the exam? Most people are in a right state on the day. I'm afraid to say I'm one of these people who feels I haven't sank the knowledge to a point that I am trying make sure I understand what I'm reading. When you have Dyslexia and it affect your memory, you are taking about more time to take information more so than other people. In the terms of writing when you have dyslexia, you may have problems with grammar and etc. Very often with dyslexia, you have got days and bad days for example you could spell dog correctly one day then spell as bog another. Sometimes can be cause by say if your hurry and you haven't got time to check through  and correctly, which doesn't necessary mean for example you don't know how to spell the word.  You just could write or see things the wrong way round mainly if you haven't had time to think it through. Years ago there wasn't really a word Dyslexia then then there was word blind then Dyslexia. To start off with Dyslexia people class as lazy and thick, which I was know as one of these children when I was a child. It would be nice to feel good about yourself and equal to other people. 

On the bright side without being big headed Dyslexic people are the opposite to what a lot of people see, mostly talented and even artistic.

The waiting game. Waiting for the results for the exams I think would all agree whoever and whatever are feels like waiting but forever but it's probley not as long as it seems. ( It can be a very nerve racking time.) Wondering which way your life is going to turn, whether or not you can taking again if you fail, if you can going through the study and knowing if your ever going to do it. I  can't help but say after trying the read three times, during study of the 3rd time, I thought as I couldn't do it the 2nd time, I won't do the 3rd and knowing it was my last chance I will honest to say was rather scary. Yet I am please to say without thinking about it my work helped me through the waiting, I didn't panic as much as I did the first and second waiting time. In fact the 3rd and last time I got the results I thought the post was from somewhere else, I had to stare at it for quite a while until I realised what I was reading, then the penny dropped and I was like oh I have finally passed my read, oh goodness I never have have I? From then on I wondered what all fuess was about as far as my Anxiety was certained. Never say you don't have another chance. If you don't succeed try and try again. There's always something else. It may seem hard to find but if you carry on as long as it takes you will get there in the end if you want it that much, if work on it there's always a light at end of the tunnel.

How to deal with it if you fail.  We mustn't build our hopes up but we mustn't be negative either. There's always another direction to take. Living is more important education. Living the important education.


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