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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 27 March 2015

Dementia in people with disabilities and health problems.

Dementia in people with disabilities and health problems.
There isn't a lot of difference with Dementia in people with disabilities and health problems compared to people without. This is rather surprising despite a lot of people with disabilities and health problems suffer from lack of communication and understanding. It seems common sense that the Dementia in people with disabilities and health problems are worse because of communication and memory problems compared to people without disabilities and health problems. Please search online to find out whether or not Dementia affect people with disabilities and health problems worse compared to other people. I would be more than grateful if you email me to give me the answer on sarajgorman@gmail.com

How people with Dementia, learning disabilities and other health problems can be misunderstood.
People can misunderstand people as loopy, crazy, Senile, cook coo, dotty, past it, loony, not all there, in another world, even useless and hopeless. When you have had disabilities and health problems all your life you get use to being misunderstood different things, it shouldn't have to be that way. You are as insane and together as everyone else underneath.

Dementia is an illness to the brain; it can appear in anyone not just in people with disabilities and health problems.

Memory loss.  You may find it hard to take in information, therefore you may forget what you read, what you watched, what you listened to or and what someone has said to you. People with Dementia can forget how to do things and what they were doing. They could remember things from 50 years ago for example but forget things from as little as a second ago.
In childhood I was on very strong tablets for Epilepsy, they blocked my awareness of getting around safety unless I was supported, my memory was a lot worse than it is now which got me into trouble with a lot of adult and it caused children to bullying me and they affected my ability to learn in school. It was only over two years after I was taken off the tablets I slowly started to get better. Learn better, start to get around outside on my own and my memory slowly got better. Search Dementia, Learning Disability and Health problems to see if a person with these problems can go back to where they were as a child. sarajgorman@gmail.com

I looked up to see if people with Epilepsy are likely to face Lewy Body Dementia but Health professions don't seem to know yet.  My Epilepsy has come and gone throughout my life from birth to 12 years old then not again till I was 31 till I was 43. Somewhere this website I wrote about Epilepsy and Anxiety because seizures and panic attack can get confused if you suffer from Epilepsy and Anxiety which I have done. The closest to Epilepsy and Anxiety in my research of Lewy Body Dementia is Essential Tremor.      

I know someone with a Speech problems, if he’s in risk Dementia, what kind of Dementia is he in risk of? sarajgorman@gmail.com

The risks are higher in people with learning disability than other people. People with Down’s syndrome have the highest risk because round about 30 years ago and before they would only live roughly a 30 years. Now their Dementia is in risk of kicking in when they are roughly 30 to 40 years of age. Like not everyone gets Dementia not everyone with Down’s syndrome gets it. Not everyone with other disabilities and health problems gets Dementia.

It can be hard for people with Dementia to get the right help and support. Without the right care and support Dementia can be more scary than cancer.
Vascular Dementia is when someone suffers from a Stroke but that doesn't necessary mean the person is or isn't going to get Dementia.
Lewy Body Dementia is in someone who has Parkinson’s Disease but again doesn't necessary mean they will get Dementia.
The law says that it should be easy for people with disabilities and health problems to get the support from services but that’s not always the case.
If you have Dementia you might be in risk of hurting yourself.
If you have Dementia you may lose your awareness of getting around.
If you have Dementia you may not understand others.
If you have Dementia you may replete what you have already said time and time again, memory could go in no time.
If you have Dementia you could think you are still what you were fifty years ago for example.
Some people with Dementia feel confused and upset when they look in the mirror to find out they are not what they used to look like.
Professions who may support you are not allowed to support you with your permission for eg; when you get about and cross the road.
 If they are curtained about your safety they should contact local councils if you haven’t given them permission to support you.
The local councils should contact them in 21 days.

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