Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 31 August 2015



I once thought you loved me, how wrong and blind was I, thinking about it, I don't think you ever loved me at all.
You cut me up into pieces like a razor blade going through me, until you made me bleed.
You made it hard for me to love someone else but you don't stop my life anymore.
I should be used to you being unkind to me by now.
I have been there before you hurt me so bad.
I won't let you hurt me anymore.
This time Ant, I have put a brave face on.
Now it's time to get rid of that pain and anger inside me. 10.7.2009


I am nearly 40 now; I should be a stronger woman now not weak like I was at the age of 27.
I am trying to stop myself from being as bad as I was 13 yrs ago.
I shouldn't have let you get to me, how mad it was me having a breakdown just over you having gone off with another woman.
I mustn't drink heavy like I did then.
We are over for good this time, there will never ever be a next time.
When I feel bad I must write things down poetry instead of breaking down.
In my body and mind I must be strong.
I mustn't feel depressed or angry because of you. 10.7.2009


No man is driving me to drink.
No man is driving me to cry, I have ran out of tears to cry.
No man is driving me to end my life.
I will get through pain somehow and someway.
Last time you hurt me, I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel then things got better.
Now I believe things will get better again one day I will see a bright light again. 10.7.2010


I am so glad to have a great friend in you through good and bad times.
The way I am feeling at the moment, I am not myself.
It would not be fair to put my pain on to you.
I miss you so much but I am glad of the space we apart with the way I am in myself right now. I need to get myself right again, I have done before, and I will do it again.
I will spend as much time as I have writing about how I feel about you. 10.7.2009


John Keats was the first poet I came across who made me want to write poetry in 1997 at the age of 27.
I don't think I would have got over my break down with learning from John Keats' work, he taught me so much about poetry.
I thought I was alone in the world, I never thought that Keats had been through the same as me.
I read one of his words but I came out with a thousand words, at least it felt like it.
Drinking heavy is not the answer; your problems are still there the next day.
At the time I was very young but not very strong.
I opened the poetry book of John Keats; it was as if he died for me after he had broken down relationships too.
Time is a good healer and writing poetry helps too.
Not that we except every person to be affected the same to heart ache and pain, it would be boring if we were all the same. 10.7.2009


Getting older is getting wiser.
We should be strong enough to cope with life's ups and downs.
We should cope different to what we did when we were young.
It's the states of our minds. 10.7.2009


Looks are not everything in a person.
We were born to be what and who we are.
The way we think as human beings is the main thing.
We all cope with life in different ways but my way is poetry.
We all suffer angry and depression in different ways, my way is finding it hard accept pain but poetry is my way of writing it down how I feel inside without breaking down . 10.7.2009


Most people say meetings are boring just like many say poetry is boring.
Nothing is boring if you don't make it boring.
You speak in meetings like poetry is writing words.
Poetry is a way of the poets writing what goes through the poet's mind.
This works or work the way in meetings, the chance people to say goes through their minds. 
The idea of meetings is to try and make things better.
In my job it's about giving people with disabilities our rights. 10.7.2009


You’re back in town, that's alright as long as you look after your Mum more as she's not well.
I don't hate you but I don't love you anymore.
I don't I miss you; we had friendship in the end.
If I am honest I am scared that I may fall back in love with you but I don't want to.
You have dropped me down and picked me back up again so many times over the years.
Enough is enough, I can't take no more.
I don't know what I'd say to you now I have not seen you for over a mouth. 
Who would have thought that we had spent so much time together in fact too much time together, that our love has just died apart. 
I bet you never thought I would leave you like I did, did you?
I never thought I'd walk away from you but it's the best thing I ever done.
You just didn't know or understand how much I really loved you, even though I told you a thousand and one times.
Whether you know and understand now how strong I loved you, it's now far too late; I don't that way about you anymore.
It's only your own fault, you have believed and that I loved, I spend enough time with you for you to know how I felt about you.
I am not a bouncing ball you can throw around and pick up when you feel like it, I'm a human being just like all people.11.7.2009


The feeling of love is hard to control.
It's so hard to stop pain.
You can try to make things better but it doesn't always work.
Love brings you pain: pain brings happiness.
There must be a point when love runs out when you have suffered so much pain, then love very slowly turns to hate.
I think it's time for me to move on to love someone new but but pain needs to go altogether until I can love again. 11.7.2009


Let’s start again!
No more chances.
No more pain.
I won't let you hurt me again.
Let's change things this time!
No chance I have heard your broken promises before.
Let's put what went wrong right!
What am I talking about; I have tried so many times with you?
Let's stop hurting one another; we are like a pair of kids on the playground!
Why do we keep on hurting one another and going back to one another?
This has gone on for too many years now, this has got to stop!
I can't believe I fell for you again and again until I thought suddenly a change of thought; I don't love this man anymore. 11.7.2009


You used to be my man; you used to be the love of my life so I thought.
I don't think you thought I loved you as much.
If you have worked it out now, it's too late my love has run out for you now.
If only I worked out that you did not love me as much as I loved you, I wouldn't have wasted 15 yrs of my life on and off with you.
I know you told me you loved me but not as many times as I told you.
May be you didn't believe me but may be you didn't tell me the truth.
I must move on, you don't stop me from loving again but I will get to know a person first.
I need to get rid of this pain you have given me.
The worse thing was that you said in the end that you didn't know whether you loved me or not, that's why I had enough. 11.7.2009


Most men what is it about them?
They pretend to love you but they hurt you again and again.
They dirt on you, then they except you to love them again.
I can't promise myself I will never get hurt again, I have fallen for it a lot more than once again and again but at least it won't by the same man I have known for 15yrs.
I will have to tell myself no more pain off him.
If I hadn't of been a fool to be in love with you, then I would not have been hurt by you.
Once you feel love you can't live with or without it.
Sadly love and pain links together. 9.7.2009

I have been a victim of love.
I have been a victim of men.
How many women haven't been through the same as me, I would say many but men can go through pain as well as women?

you name it
I have been there.
Who has not been there?

Men have hard times with woman just like woman have hard times with men.
How much more can we go through?
I don't wish it on anyone; no one is the first or last person to go through it.
The nice part: love pain is horrible.
There again pain makes you become stronger.
We all want someone in our lives that want and love us for ourselves.
Nothing stops me from carrying on with life, I fall down and get back up again, and I have done so many times before.
Nothing stops me from loving.
I am not the best of women but I am strong.
I do what I can to make the man I am with happy.
I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me but I just want to carry on loving. 11.7.2009

Be in love with poetry, that's one love that doesn't run out.
Say what you want pen, paper, writing and words don't answer back at least not on the page; it's only your own words.
Let the readers think what they want but give them enjoyment in their reading too.
Your thoughts, feelings and fears only.
Drain any painful feelings out of yourself but also write about the good in life too.
Keep getting to know yourself by writing poetry.
Keep getting to know yourself before you get to know your readers.
Write your private thoughts down but don't have them published unless your readers enjoy your work.
Poetry keeps poets going strong through the good and bad of life.
Poet's ways of dealing with life is poetry. 12.7.2009


Too much going on in one's mind to think about whether the writing is neat or not.
Now that I have written, I can see the state of my hand writing, I must type so that my readers can read it.
Can I read my own writing? Only sometimes but I know write as fast as my mind is thinking, then most of the time I get carried away.
What a state of my writing.
What a state of my mind.
Who wants to read my hand writing it's too messy?
Who wants to read my mind, there's too much rubbish inside?
I feel guilty about the things I write about but anger inside me comes out on paper not on people, only people who have hurt me.
Sorry to my readers whose read on paper, it's what's going on in my mind on to poetry
? 12.7.2009

My mind thinks too fast for me to write or my mind is blank.
Love and pain the only things I write about, animals, home, family education, career, love and so the list goes on of the subjects that I write.
How many readers are interested in what I write?
Who knows! Sorry
Please let me know readers on your comments in an email, thank you.
You can write what you like, and then I will reply back to you.
I am a dyslexic writer; words may have the right letters but not put in the right places.
My mind can work over time or not at all. 12.7.2009


Sorry I told you, I love you, am I going too fast?
How wrong was I to think you'd tell me that you love me?
How selfish was I to think of only my own feelings?
In future I will accept what you want despite of how you feel about me. 12.7.2009


You can't help who you fall in love with.
It's just accepting it if the person doesn't love you.
No matter what feelings of love is hard to control.
No matter how much pain is given, you don't give up until the feeling of love has gone.
Love is there as long as it wants to be. 12.7.2009


What makes you think I am free to love you?
What makes you think I still love you?
What makes you think that I can go through that pain again that I let you put me through time and time again but no more?
If I hadn't have walked out like I did, you would have still been walking over me.
I would be still sitting back waiting for you to love me again, I have been a fool long enough.
Now it's too late for you, it does not stop me loving again but I don't love you.
How much more pain do you think I can take? 12.7.2009


Writing, drinking and smoking.
We love the stuff that's not good for us, as I sit with a bottle of Becks in the Moon under Water in Wolverhampton.
I Write poetry whether we feel happy, laughing, angry, sad or mad.
Today I have been feeling down enough to write about what's going on in my head. 12.7.2009


What took you so long to tell me that you love me when it's too late?
I don't think it has sunk in that I have told you that I don't love you anymore.
For years I had always been there for you, in fact a lot of people had told me you weren't right for me but I was right for you, may be they were right in telling me that.
You may love me now but you will stop loving me, like you have thousands times before, which means you have never loved me at all.
I have learned what you are like, when it comes to changing your mind about your feeling towards me, it was causing me pain and hurt.

Sorry, I can't go back to get myself hurt again, my trust is gone in you.
You should have known what you wanted in the first place.
If you love me why do you keep on finishing with me and going back to me, that's only pretending to love me when you don’t?
I must have been blind to think that you loved me. 12.7.2010


Why do you only seem to want me when you have been drinking?
When you are not drunk, you change your mind about the way you feel about me.
You change your mind as many times as you change your soaks.
Don't you understand that I am finding it hard to come to terms, I don't love you to built my hopes up , now I don't built hopes up with anyone: I never say never ever.
You have hurt me enough as it is, you shouldn't make it harder for me by you ringing me when your drunk.
It's no good saying you want me back when your drunk because you don't feel that way when you’re not drunk. 26th July 2009 


I understand you like your drink, don't a lot of us.
Now you need to cut your drinking down as you have a lot to take on at home.
Too much drink makes you do and say the wrong things.
When you drink far too much, you’re not yourself, your not you someone else.
You say you want me when your drunk but you don't.
The drink is doing the talking not you.
Yes, I know when it comes to the next day, you have thought about what you said sorry about last night, the next day you have a complete change of mind from the night before.
Just be careful other wises you could be disbelieved when you are telling the truth. 26th July 2009.


There once was a cow that had a calf.
The calf went to have a drink off his Mother.
Suddenly the calf could not taste any milk as he blew a turn walking round the field.
" Mummy Mummy, I can't taste milk but I can taste and blew music."
" Why are you making such a loud nose, son?
" I am hungry so I better have a drink off another Calf's Mother."
" OK son, whys that?"
" You have a pair of bag pipes underneath you, I better ask the farmer to call the vet, and this is not right for a cow."
" Don't bother son, I am alright, we are in Scotland, we are Scottish cows, moo moo (boo)."
Mrs Cow herself called vet on her mobile phone because she was worried her son wasn't getting any milk, she didn't think it was right him getting milk off another calf's Mother.
The tune was so loud; it was keeping the whole farm awake.
We Wish you a Merry Christmas was blowing out in the middle of July, Mother started to get even more worried about her son.
" Alright, I will come over to have a look at you Mrs Cow."
" No, Doctor Vet, please look at my son?"
" Your son is alright Mrs Cow; he just needs milk to grow that's all."
" Look at Mrs Cow, I have never seen anything like it's not good that you have a pair of bagpipes to feed the baby, you should have nipples, the baby needs to moo louder and grow some more."
" It's good him having not any milk though, Doctor Vet!"
" That's no problem, he'll have to have milk off another cow, that all Mrs Cow."
" How long does he have to blow for?"
" As long as it takes for the bagpipes to turn back to nipples, which could take until next New Year, Mr Cow."
" Oh goodness, it's only July now, its ages yet."
" Well I only said roughly Mrs Cow; sorry it's not very often we come across this kind of thing, Mrs Cow." 
Mrs Cow's bagpipes was even blowing, the bagpipe were blowing I wish you a Merry Christmas without her son blowing on them.
The tune even kept the whole Scottish farm awake all night long, which made Mrs Cow very guilty indeed.2009


It was a shock on Thursday 25th July 2009, when the world lost you Michael.
I am so lucky to have been a born from the Jackson5.
Your first song with the Jackson5 was 'I WANT YOU BACK' it came two weeks before 7th October 1969; I was born 24th October 1969.
You kept your career going for 40yrs, which was as old as I am now.
The KING OF POP shines in the disco light.
I loved your music in the Jackson5 and your solo career.
Thank you very much for the music, Michael. 12.8.2009


You were so brave to walk and sing on the stage with what you had been through with you Father behind closed doors.
The world has heard about the hard times you have had over years, we are sorry we thought you were always happy because we always saw you smiling.
You told us to smile even when things are going wrong for us.
Thank Michael for been so strong for us. 12.8.2009


Face the world with a smile.
Hold back the tears and the pain.
Don't hide behind closed doors.
Show the world you can face them, don't be scared.
Thank you for those words, Michael, we say good bye and rest in peace with love.
You don't need to worry anymore; your stress from the Media has now gone forever.
Thank Michael for all the work you had done for us, you sang all the great songs our King of Pop.
Your music will live forever; we love you in rest and peace. 12.8.2009


We are human beings.
We are born to live then to die.
We live only one life so there for we should have chooses how we live our lives.
No one should hold our chooses against us.
We should be accepted in society whether we have disabilities or not. 12.8.2009


Life is not the same knowing you have gone Michael.
Once I watched and listened to your music on YOU TUBE I can't get off the Internet.
Michael the world is empty without you.
Let's hope heaven is in a better place for you, 'EARTH' was.
We miss Michael with love. 12.8.2009


What are we doing here?
Why are we here?
Life is what we make it, when you have a choice to make it how you like.
A choice we like in life to make us happy.
There are times what has to be has to be, therefore there are times we don't have a choice, then life isn't what you make it when it's controlled by society.
If we can't make the choice on earth then we will have to make it if there's such a world as heaven.
In your memory, people know you as a person.
In your death, people need to remember the good in you. 12.8.2009


We all love you.
You must know we all love you.
That means millions of people including myself.
You have always been very special to your fans.
It's only when we don't hear you singing Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson that we remember you are both in heaven.
Now we have thought about you two in heaven, it feels like a knife going us. 2009


I like you a lot but I am not building my hopes that there will be at you and me.
I will never say never, I will just accept what is or isn't to be.
Only because I like you such a lot I don't except you to like me the same as I like you.
If you don't like me the same way as I like you, there's nothing I can do.
There's plenty more fish in sea for me you see. 9.12.2010


Despite of the feeling as if the whole world is coming to pieces on us, I don't give up on us.
May be we can't see one another as much as we would like to, the good thing is that it gives us time to sort our own lives out but I never stop thinking about you.
Having this space gives me time to get rid the pain I have still got before I met you.
I guess give you time to get rid of the pain others have you through too. 
I am sorry if I have blown it between us.
I should of thought of your feelings too not just about mine.
The time we have without one another seems like a life time.
As every hour, minute, second, day, week and even feels like year going yet have only known you just over a year; my love just grows stronger and stronger for you.
Butterflies fly through my tummy like fishes swimming in the sea.
I can't handy eat and sleep without thinking about you nonstop. 9.2.2010


For me to be with you, there's no rush, what will be, will be.
Time never runs out of love from me to you.
I know you are not far away but our time together seems so far away.
Never the less our time apart doesn't change the way I feel about you.
I understand that your feelings count too; I can't accept your feelings to match with mine because of the way I feel about you.
I will be honest; I like you more and more.
In fact I am missing you more and more.
The thing I don't want to do is to say and do anything to drive you away.
When I see you I want to show my feelings more but I respect your private reasons not to.
I don't want to spoil whatever we have got between us: I don't want to spoil a thing between us.
Respect you not disrespect you. 13.2.2010


I know I have contacted you in the past, I am so sorry about that.
I am so sorry if I have contacted you at the wrong moment.
I must learn to control how to feelings about you but most of all I miss you more and more everyday in every way.
I keep looking at my mobile phone, telling myself no but I love to hear your voice.
I like you so much; I don't want to spoil a thing.
Even when I contact you on a rare time, I feel so guilty in case I am bothering you when I shouldn't be. 13.2.2010


Valentine’s Day isn't the only day I want to be with you.
Valentine's Day isn't the only day I miss you.
Valentine's Day isn't the only day I want to kiss you.
As much as what I have said are true thoughts going on inside my head, us having time apart is making me want you more, miss you more and look forward to seeing you more if or and whenever that time comes.
Makes me want you more but these days I understand that that's not possible who knows what the future will brings?
I can wait as long as it takes unless you let me go, then I will move on. 13.2.2010


For me to you, time never seems to run out.
I will be honest, I liking you more and more I don't want to drive you away.
When I see you, I want to show my feelings more and more to you but I know that isn't possible with the hard private situations we are both going through.
I respect you not this respect you.
As time goes by my feelings get stronger and stronger for you. 13.2.2010


Love comes to those who wait.
Never look for love.
The hardest thing is not to think of love.
Until now I was never good at waiting for love, until friendship came along.
I have only started to more to life than just love.
At one time I accepted love all the time.13.2.2010


valentine's day last year, I wrote my last poem to make last lover hoping he'd love him for the lasted time, I gave on him his last chance to love me again.
He never loved me while he had the chance, his loss.
Now that I don't love him anymore he wants me again, to me it's far too late.
Sadly I wasn't strong enough to walk away from him, at the time I loved him. 

Little did I know, I'd meet a very great friend in you?
With the very little time we have spent together, my love has grown even stronger for you.
Despite of hard situations going on around both of us, I never stop thinking about you.
Little did I know I would learn to stop feeling in love with him and falling for you? 13.2.2010


I'd rather be seeing you then going to down to see him, I don't enjoy been there.
Well I am going to see his Mum, her time could be up any time but sadly he lives there.
There could be anything going on but there's not, there's nothing going on between me and him, I don't want to be anywhere nears him.
I want be with the person I like so much, which is you. 13.2.2010


You are my angel.
You keep me up when I am going down.
You keep me flying when I am about to stop. 13.2.2010


Being true to one another.
Give one another trust and freedom.
Be true friends from start to end.
Keep private information between both of us.
Helping one another out, loving one another and showing one another love to share. 13.2.2010


I want to leave him altogether; I don't want to see him ever again.
I hope one day, I will be pain free to love you.
He will live in love dream that will turn to a complete nightmare.
I will wake up in the morning; the past will seem like a very bad long nightmare of mine. 13.2.2010


If only I could show you more than just friendship.
If only I could be your Valentine on Valentine's Day.
If only we knew whether the sun is going to shine on us both or not.
I will wait for you as long as it takes unless you tell me to stop waiting for you.
May be it's to be or not to be your Valentine. 13.2.2010


You I am here for you, don't you?
You know I will always be here as long as you want me to be, I will just move on, if and when you don't want me in your life anymore.
We are very close friends; I hope we will love one another as friends until the end.
However short or long you want me I am here.
I hope we will be always being there for one another to care for one another to share.
Whenever you want me I will be there.
We are so near but times apart seem so far but never think that does us any harm. 14.2.2010

Time seems like a life time without you.
There's so many things I don't have chance to say to you, there so many things unsaid between us but what is said is private between us.
It's just easy to write poetry when I have the time.
Love comes to those who wait.
I am here as long as you want me too and to. 14/2/2010


I can't start to tell you how much I like you.
My feelings are growing very quickly the more time I have apart from you but we still need to take things slowly.
My world would not be the same without you inside my mind.
If only I could tell you how I feel about you without thinking I would drive you away from me. 14.2.2010


There's no rush, I am here as long as you want me too and to.
As long you want me, there's no one else for me.
The more I don't see you, the more I am thinking about you as my feelings get stronger towards you.
I am becoming braver than I ever used to be with anyone.
Missing you is painful but having you on my mind is giving me happiness too.14.2.2010


Not everyone can see the one they really like on Valentine's Day.
Some things are better off not said, we all have some private thoughts.
There comes a time in most people's lives that we are happy to have a someone special in our minds as well as our lives.
Friendship is a better way for us to get to know one another.
It doesn't mean it is or isn't to be.
Special someone special thoughts. 14.2.2010


A friendship doesn’t just have to mean friendships.
Love doesn't have to mean just relationships.
There can be friendship in love as well as relationships.
You learn that there's more to life than just love. 14/2/2010


I love poetry because it's a great way of saying how you feel about life.
Love poetry keeps me going with and without you.
Love poetry stops me bothering you on the phone as well as saying how I feel about you.
Love poetry me from driving you away.
My work helps in the same way too.
Love poetry makes me a stronger person for longer.
Love poetry helps me clear whatever is going through my mind.
Poetry doesn't just help me with love but other things too.
I am not just a love poet; I am a poet of all subjects. 14.2.2010


I have a very good friend in you; I hope you have a very good friend in me too.
I respect you for being a private person, I will never this respect you.
I never want to end the night when I am with you.
Time seems like forever without you but I look forward to seeing you again however long it takes.
Never the less I think about you all the time; I will never give up on you unless you give up on me, no matter how often I see you. 14.2.2010


Knowing that I can't see you on Valentine's Day of all days makes me sad but I
am not mad with you.
Days, hours, weeks, minutes and even years are painful enough.
Happiness knows that I am thinking about you and hoping you are thinking about me too.
Never the less I am missing you. 14.2.2010


I thought I knew what love was before I met you but I don't think I did.
I think I thought I knew it all.
I have never had to cope with missing anyone like I am missing you.
I don't think I had found myself feeling love for anyone like I am feeling love for you.
Never the less I can cope.
My feelings are far too strong to give up on you. 14.2.2010


A private world is a special world with private and special thoughts.
We have a very special friendship.
It's very hard to know what the future will bring for both of us.
Let's not hope for a joy of spring: let's not hope for really bad things.
Let's shut the black past away, we have both had long nightmares.
Let's get rid of the bad people out of our heads and keep the good people in our heads! 14.2.2010

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