Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Awareness of the Reader’s and Writer’s group for readers and writers.

The purpose of the Reader’s and Writer’s group for readers and writers is that I setting this group for those people with and without disabilities  and health problems who want to share their thoughts and feelings about life in writing.

Anyone is welcome to join who is interested in reading, writing, family, friends, services and etc, people with disabilities and health who want support with their writing others are welcome to help them if they are willing to do so.

 I am very sorry to tell the group I have made a few changes to the group but I hope they aren't bad changes. I hope I have made it grow bit more. Anyone and everyone are welcome to join all ages, there's no discrimination in this group, and we are all human beings. People with and without disabilities are welcome as long you read or and writer. This your chance to share your work and or even share stories of anything you may be reading with others in the group. I am still willing to look for publisher, creative writing courses, even books and etc for people if they ask. I will say more on my website sararevealed.blogspot.com/ I will start from the beginning if all what I have said doesn't go in here.

Just to let you know sorry I'm not here often as I have joined other groups. I'm also busy as a Learning disability and Mental Awareness trainer and I used to be a private Advocacy worker and a Group Advocacy supporter of public Disability Advocacy Our Shout funded by Royal Wolverhampton Mencap until the government cut the funding back in 2011.
From my experience of been a public and private Disability Advocacy worker and a Learning Disability and Mental Health awareness trainer I am now running Advocacy group and Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness group on Face book so you are more than welcome to join if either you have disabilities and health problems yourself, you are a family member, parent, parents to a person or people with disabilities and health problems; if you work for service that are to do with disabilities and health, if you are a profession to anything to do with learning disability and mental health, you work in the field of learning disability and mental health you are more than welcome to join the Advocacy group and Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness group.

Now the Reader’s and Writer’s group has been going five years now, I will be making some changes to the purpose of the group and I may even make changes to the safety rules.

1.   Don’t ask someone to the group unless they, myself, Tim or and Jen are aware. (Please let us know.)
2.   No bullying or hate crime, if you face any of this off anyone in this group please report to me, Tim or Jen, then they will be removed.
3.   Nothing sexual in post, videos or writing, you can raise awareness of learning disabilities, health problems and sexual health through.
4.   No advertising product.
5.   No talk of drugs unless it’s certain awareness of disabilities and health problems.
6.   No poin pictures to the group any member’s profile, if member of this group does anything on your profile we give rights to report it to us then we will remove them.
7.   If by any chance to you have very strong dislike towards someone and they are bugging you that much, please leave the group in respect of the other members, you don’t have to give a reason unless you want to.
8.    I will not accepting no falling out in groups I run, report the person to us if they are causing you any harm in any way, sharp and form.

9.     If you are aware of anyone breaking these rules please let us know thank you.

 They will only be small changes. In fact may not be even changes but to make it grow a bit more.
Making members aware what you are reading and what it is about is still allowed.
Making members aware what you may have written and what it is about is still allowed.
If anyone is stuck on writing something you are allowed to help them.
If anyone is stuck on understanding something they trying to read and understand you are allow to help them.
This can count if anyone needs any help with home work for college, University or for any other reason.
You allowed to give people references advice such as books, websites and etc.
This is can be allowed to any purpose from if someone is writing a novel to if someone for example is doing a degree in any subject.
This group could be handy for say a Learning Disability nurse for example to ask someone about any books on Autism.
This group could be a way of people with disabilities and health problems to write about disabilities and health problems and those who have any connections with those with disabilities and health problems.
Other forms of Literature can be involved too such as plays, short stories, poems and novels.

Advice for Writers and reader’s websites, publishers, courses and etc. 

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