Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 1 November 2015

What is Hate Crime?

What is Hate Crime?

Hi guys there’s more to the Hate Crime Towards Disabled People group than just the purpose and Safety rules. The idea behind this group is to invite profession such as the police, Councillors, people who give emotional support to those who have been through hate crime, professions who work at the Good Samaritans, Victim Support, Health staff and etc. You are invited to this group if you are a family member, carers’ a person with disabilities and health problems, parents, parent, professions and person who work for services that work in the field of disabilities and health problems. Please make use of the Hate Crime Towards Disabled People group by raising of disabilities, health problems and hate crime to profession.

·        You can post pictures and reports as long as it’s to do with Learning Disability Hate Crime.
Just a bit of Advice for those who suffer from Anxiety, don’t be alone I suffer from Anxiety myself, if feel something or someone makes you really angry, my advice is to take some time off the groups.

  · The purpose of this group is trying to stop Hate crime happening to Disabled people, we don’t want to create Hate Crime.
·        This purpose of this group is for people to chat about anything to do with learning disability Hate Crime.
·        This is also chance for those of who are disabled to raise awareness to the police, services like Victim Support, Councillors’, other professions and etc.
·             Disabilities and health problems.
·   If something you read makes you very angrily take a bit time off Disabled Crime Towards Disabled People until you feel alright to come back on this site again.
·     This is why the group is called Hate Crime towards Disabled people.
·     Something needs to be done to stop Hate Crime.
·     We will accept no bullying and Hate Crime on this site.

·        Please help to stop Hate Crime toward Disabled people or anyone, please don’t create!
·       We will not accept any Hate crime or bullying this site.
·       The safety rules and purpose of the group are all linked together.

We had two people disagree on the hate crime group it was just a disagreement, well debate, lucky it wasn't a serious row.

·       It's impossible for people to agree all the time but if sense it could get tense between people please report it.
·       If you yourself are in that situation please change the subject you feel things starting to get tense between you or whoever.
·       I understand some of us are more sensitive that others so if you feel a need to leave any of the groups or all, please let us know.  
·       Whether or not we have a rough idea why you may leave, you don't have to give a reason to do so unless you want to.
·       However, if for any reason because we have other lives you haven't seen us on here for a while and we haven’t been around to see what’s then please message us to tell what’s happened, whether you are going to leave or stay in the group and what you want us to do about.
·       Like I said before the problem is too serious and we are offline for too long whatever reason or we may not be online as often as we are now, take time off the group you have the problem with and look out for our messages back to you.

·       It's your choice whether you want to leave or not, if we haven’t been around for a while and we weren’t online to see the problem you have and on what group, please message us to say what’s happened whether you’re going to leave and what you want us to do about it if anything at all.


If people are disciplined as children, they are less likely to cause bullying and Hate crime to others when they grow up.
Disciplined adults won’t break the law to cause hate crime on others.
Hate Crime has grown within the last near enough thirty years because the government took a lot of control off people of disciplining children because some people were taking disciple too but then now it’s turned the opposite way.

·        Due to lack of communication disabled people finds it hard to be listened to, understood and believed.
·        Please take more time to listen to Disabled people.
·        Cameras are not everywhere.

·        A lot of disabled people find it hard to stick up for ourselves.
·        People who have bullied us or caused Hate crime have got away with what they have done because of us being disabled.

·        When people with disabilities and health problems face Hate crime things on the whole we are disbelieved and misunderstood.
·        No lies about Hate crime, it plays forever on peoples’ minds. Please help Disabled people to get our Voice heard.
·        We need help to report bullying and Hate crime.
·        you will be allowed to put on videos of people with disabilities and Health problems and Hate Crime for example people with Epilepsy.
·        You will be allowed to put links on as long as it’s to do with disabilities, health problems and hate crime.

Why isn’t bullying and Hate Crime isn’t always reported?

·        If you face bullying and Hate crime from anyone on this site please report to us because we will not accept it.
·        No one should be scared of anyone.
·         No one should be scared to enter our site in fear of bullying and Hate crime.
·        What is the Disability Rights Commission?
·        Discrimination IS ALSO BULLYING AND HATE CRIME.
·        Mostly when people bully people and cause Hate crime it’s when other people are not around, which can make it hard for people to be believed.
·        The police find it hard to understand and communicate with Disabled people.
·        Disabled people face bullying and Hate Crime more than other people.
·    There could be more unknown Hate Crime Disabled people have faced.
·         A lot of Disabled people need support if a case does go to court.

No  Discrimination.

·        People shouldn’t face Hate Crime whether they have disabilities and health problems or not.
·        Learn about the Discrimination law and Disabled the Disability
·        Discrimination Act is a law that says disabled
·        People must be treated fairly.
· We don’t want Discrimination on our site!

We will accept none of this behavior on our site.
Another kind of bullying and Hate crime is abuse and discriminating, which can happen physically and mentally, we will not accept that!

What is physical bullying?
·    Hitting
·  Punching
·  Slapping
·    Kicking.


·                   texts
·                   Emails
·                  Faxes
·                   Letters
·                  Notes

Talking And Writing Bulling.

Ÿ  Name calling
Ÿ   Swearing
Ÿ   Black mailing

Ÿ   Behavior problems
Ÿ    Moods
Ÿ   Flash backs
Ÿ   Nightmares
Ÿ  Depression

To find out more information about Disability and Hate CrimeWWW.mencap.org.uk

Please be aware of any internet hacking or virus on Face Book anywhere. If you get these problems on face book please let me know then we can all report them to face book thank you.

I am asking Tim to copy this email because I have no face book on the pc at the movement. As you saw the Hate Crime group I did try to let you know as my Ipad doesn't give me a lot of access and it's near enough touch screens. 

I have added most of you guys as a friend on my old profile because I can't get to the new one now due to needing support with the security. If you are worried about my profile been unsafe I will understand if you delete me off, if you get any problems off please delete me off then I will let you know when I am sorted out with Face book again safely or tell Tim to tell you. The idea behind this was in case you wanted to private message us on face book for whatever reason but sadly it may not turn out to plan until I am sorted one way or the other. As my cousin is a very busy IT man, it's unknown how long it will take. 

If you need to chat to us about anything whether it's about reporting a problem with anything or a member you may have problems with, I shouldn't think you will and I hope not. Please report to Tim, even Jen will help if and when she has the time to do. If it gets to the stage can't I access face book at tall for any reason report things to Tim or Jen when they are free to do so. If it's bad problem and we are too busy to reply to take time off whatever groups you facing problem with. If you feel the need to leave whatever group for whatever reason make us aware but you don't have to give us a reason if you don't want. 

Bear in mind we can't always be there to reply to your messages fast but we will do when we are free to so.

I have had problems with the internet before I always make Tim aware when I do so if that happens I will ask him to make you aware and keep posted how it could be when I am back on again all depending on virgin Media.

You are more than welcome to join mine and Tim’s Hate Crime group Hate Towards disabled People you want to and or you haven’t ready done so.

1.   Don’t ask someone to the group unless they, myself, Tim or and Jen are aware. (Please let us know.)
2.   No bullying or hate crime, if you face any of this off anyone in this group please report to me, Tim or Jen, then they will be removed.
3.   Nothing sexual in post, videos or writing, you can raise awareness of learning disabilities, health problems and sexual health through.
4.   No advertising product.
5.   No talk of drugs unless it’s certain awareness of disabilities and health problems.
6.   No poin pictures to the group any member’s profile, if member of this group does anything on your profile we give rights to report it to us then we will remove them.
7.   If by any chance to you have very strong dislike towards someone and they are bugging you that much, please leave the group in respect of the other members, you don’t have to give a reason unless you want to.
8.    I will not accepting no falling out in groups I run, report the person to us if they are causing you any harm in any way, sharp and form.

9.     If you are aware of anyone breaking these rules please let us know thank you.
Thank you.

Tim Hodge and Sara Jane Gorman

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