Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 8 November 2015

My up to date work profile 2015

My name is Sara Jane Gorman; I was a Learning Disability Awareness trainer, Self - Advocacy worker and Group Supporter. I speak up for the rights of learning disability. I used to be in a Self - Advocacy group called Our Shout supported by Royal Wolverhampton Mencap. I have delivered presentations locally and regionally with the support of Royal Wolverhampton Mencap from 2007 to 2011.

From 2012 to 2015, I worked for One Voice Advocacy service Wolverhampton as an Advocate and I also started work with the Success group as a Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness trainer. Now I am a Visiting Lecture of Learning Disability and Mental Health 2015 to present for the University Of Wolverhampton.

 Now I am running four groups on Face book the Disabled Advocacy group, Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness, this group I run with my partner Tim Hate Crime Towards Disabled People and I run one called Reader's and Writer's group for writers or and reader. People are more than welcome to join either one, two three or all groups if they want. Thank you.

Top of Form

I have delivered learning disability awareness training to.
·       Health care students at the University Of Wolverhampton.
·       The School of Nursing at the University Of Wolverhampton.
·       Healthcare Professionals at New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton.

I have firsthand experience with facing having learning disabilities. I was born in Wolverhampton.
 I shared a very small business with another person with learning disabilities supported by Royal Wolverhampton Mencap and Employment Pathways back in December 2009. It was called Access All Areas Now! It became unsuccessful due to the lack of Mencap's and Employment Pathway's funding back in January 2011. Now Employment Pathways has changed its name to Senator. Our aims were to see that people with learning disabilities get better help than what we did.
 I will always make sure that learning disability is always on the agenda. I have supported members of Our Shout to chair and take the minutes of the meeting on topics of their choice.
 I am a keen writer; in 2008 I wrote and Co-produced a play to highlight the difficulties faced by people with learning disabilities in accessing employment. Not long after writing the play I did a Script and Screen course to try and better my writing.
I have been writing my website since 2007, it's called Sara Revealed sararevealed.blogspot.com/ my email address is sarajgorman@gmail.com
I once helped Mencap set up a Disabled Writer’s group. I’m unsure whether or not the Writer’s group is going or not because I haven’t had any work with Mencap for over twelve mouths.

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