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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 23 November 2015

Learning disability, health problems and sexual health.

 I guess you are wondering what Queen is to do with learning disability awareness. Lately believe it or not a lot of things link this with the new groups I have set plus 24 25 years tomorrow sadly the great Talent of Freddie Mercury. As most of you are aware I have set a socializing and talent group but as I said there's more to those groups than just their titles. Sorry, to get to the point even though Freddie Mercury didn't have disabilities and health problem, he very sadly died of Aids. Now people with disabilities and health problems are just as vulnerable as other people in getting these sexual diseases as anyone, other reasons is to raise sexual health awareness for the disabilities, health problems and socializing group and to raise awareness of disabilities, health problems, learning, training and careers as well. The health of people with disabilities and health problems should matter as much as everyone else.

1 comment:

JM Crafts said...

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