Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Up date of my CV 2015

I am a keen and committed individual who has firsthand experience learning disabilities and mental health problems. I am confident in my approach to this work and also have experience in presenting information.  Currently I am interested in raising awareness of learning disability and mental health to professions.

Work History
·        Mencap.  October 2007 to May 2011.
·        Self Advocacy and Learning Disability Awareness, paid and voluntary.
·        Written and Co – produced highlighting difficulties people with disabilities face to get work.
·        Time as part of success group University and interviewing 2012 to present.
·        Teaching Learning disability awareness to the student Learning Disability nurses as a Visiting Lecture January 2015 to present.

Key Skills and Additional Activities
·        Self motivated in approach to work.
·        Committed to help improve outcome for individuals with a learning disability.
·        Assisted in char meetings, minute taking and support people with disabilities to chair meetings to their own choice of topic.
·        I used to be a learning Disability MP supported by a Self – Advocacy group called Changing Our Lives.
·        Helped Mencap set up a Disabled Writer’s group.
April 2013 - January 2015 One Voice Advocacy Service Wolverhampton
·        Suggest information to clients with different issues.
·        Liaise with people of all backgrounds with/without learning disabilities & disability Awareness of current legislation and policies.
·        Completing partnership forms, meeting report and outcome paperwork to clients.
December 2009 – December 2010 Learning Awareness trainer.
·         Began Self – employment support by Mencap and Employment Pathways.
·        Role as awareness trainer involved training a library team to understand learning disabilities including providing information in accessible information.
·        I have raised awareness around learning disability to Health professions by doing drama plays and presentations.

November 2005 – January 2006 Job Change Employment Scheme: Penn Hall School.
·        Provide support for children with disabilities in the class room.
·        Help build their confidences and self esteem.

1997 – 2007 Employment Team Scheme work placement.
·        Employment placements paid and unpaid, included.
·        The Maltons Day Center Wolverhampton.
·        Work role making hot and cold drinks.

1997 – 2002 Warstones library; voluntary librarian assistant.
·        Assisted with the issuing and availability of books
·        Tidied the library including shelving books
·        Dealing with the public of all ages

Employment Team Office:
·        Involved answering phones, typing and photocopying.
1995 – 1997 Multi – starts and Training for Work.
·        Employment placements included-

1992 -1993 Adult training; Fair Holmes Care home, Oswesty:

·        Chatting to residents, helping at meal times.

Education, Qualifications and Training.
·        City and Guilds Practical Caring Skills

 Wolverhampton Adult Education College:

·        OCN 6 Credits Entry 3 Learning for Life Literacy/Numeracy/ICT
·        Function Skills English Entry Level 3 June 2013
·        Function Skills Level 1 Qualification in English at Level 1  Pass Mark 6/6 February 2015

City of Wolverhampton College from 1994 – 2013

·        Introduction to Mentoring Skills 17th September 2012
·        Entry Level Award for IT User – ( ITQ) ( Entry 3) 4 modules 1st May 2012
·        Level 1 Certificate for (ITQ) 5 modules 31sy May 2013
·        Level 2 Next Steps Learn Direct Word Skills Check 24th April 2003.

University Of Wolverhampton.
·        Partners in Health and Social Care and Education 10 week module from the 5th February to the 23rd April 2013
One Voice Service Wolverhampton.
·        Introduction to Advocacy Skills GATACS (Generic Advocacy Training and Consultancy Services) Introduction to Advocacy Skills Level One 3 Credits Advocacy Skills Level Two 3 Credits 27th March 2014
·        Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults 26.1.2015 – 25.1.2018
Access 2 Business 2008. 
·        EDCC Word Processing beginner.

Dudley college  2006 – 2007.
·        OCR Speaking and Listening Entry Level 3

December  2005 – February 2006 Job Change.
·        Learn Direct A Way With Words Entry 3
·        Learn Direct A Way With Words Level 1
·        Learn Direct A Way With Words Level 2
·        Learn Direct Number Skills
·        Learn Direct Preparing for Testing Level 1

Hobbies and Interests.
I am a keen writer and have had a poem each published in eleven books. In March 2009, I went on a Script and Screen to try and improve my writing. I enjoy reading, writing, drawing and swimming.
Available on request.

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